module m_get_mod_xyz ! Gets model dimensions in file './' ! (unless another netcdf file is submitted) and returns them. ! Added by F. Massonnet to the NERSC-ENKF routines, May 2013. ! (Presumably) Coded by C. König Beatty, in 2009 ! Goal is to quickly retrieve model dimensions without using parseblk use netcdf #if defined (QMPI) use qmpi #else use qmpi_fake #endif private handle_err contains subroutine get_mod_xyz(x, y, z, moddimfilein) implicit none ! In/out integer, intent(out) :: x, y, z character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: moddimfilein ! NetCDF vars integer :: ncid, dimID, error character(len=120) :: moddimfile logical ex if (present(moddimfilein)) then moddimfile=moddimfilein else moddimfile='./' end if ! check the netCDF file exists inquire(file=moddimfile, exist=ex) if (.not.ex) then if (master) then print *, '(get_mod_xyz): file does not exist: '//trim(moddimfile) end if call stop_mpi() end if ! open the netCDF file error = nf90_open(trim(moddimfile),nf90_NoWrite,ncid) if ( call handle_err(error, "opening") ! Find DimID of x error = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, 'x', dimID) if ( call handle_err(error, "inquiring dimID x") ! Get size of dimension error = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dimID, len = x) if ( call handle_err(error, "getting dimension x") ! Find DimID of y error = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, 'y', dimID) if ( call handle_err(error, "inquiring dimID y") ! Get size of dimension error = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dimID, len = y) if ( call handle_err(error, "getting dimension y") ! Find DimID of z error = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, 'z', dimID) if ( call handle_err(error, "inquiring dimID z") ! Get size of dimension error = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dimID, len = z) if ( call handle_err(error, "getting dimension z") ! Close file error = nf90_close(ncid) ! close netCDF dataset if ( call handle_err(error, "closing") contains subroutine handle_err(status, infomsg) integer, intent ( in) :: status character(len = *), intent ( in), optional :: infomsg if(status /= nf90_noerr) then if (present(infomsg)) then print *, 'Error while '//infomsg//' - '//trim(nf90_strerror(status)) else print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status)) endif stop " Stopped" end if end subroutine handle_err end subroutine get_mod_xyz end module m_get_mod_xyz