# 0 "" # 0 "" # 0 "" # 1 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 1 3 4 # 17 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 3 4 # 2 "" 2 # 1 "" # 10 "" ! File: m_parameters.F90 ! ! Created: 6 August 2010 ! ! Last modified: 6/8/2010 ! ! Author: Pavel Sakov ! NERSC ! ! Purpose: Provide a simpl nml list-based parameter input into EnKF. ! ! Description: Provides code for reading parameters from a specified ! parameter file. ! ! Modifications: none module m_parameters use qmpi implicit none integer, parameter, private :: STRLEN = 512 integer, parameter, private :: FID = 101 character(STRLEN), public :: PRMFNAME = "NONE" integer, public :: ENSSIZE = 0 namelist /ensemble/ ENSSIZE character(STRLEN), public :: METHODTAG = "NONE" namelist /method/ METHODTAG real, public :: LOCRAD = 0.0d0 character(STRLEN), public :: LOCFUNTAG = "GASPARI-COHN" namelist /localisation/ LOCRAD, LOCFUNTAG real, public :: INFL = 1.0d0 real, public :: RFACTOR1 = 1.0d0 real, public :: RFACTOR2 = 1.0d0 real, public :: KFACTOR = 2.0d0 namelist /moderation/ INFL, RFACTOR1, RFACTOR2, KFACTOR character(STRLEN), public :: JMAPFNAME = "NONE" character(STRLEN), public :: POINTFNAME = "NONE" character(STRLEN), public :: MEANSSHFNAME = "NONE" namelist /files/ JMAPFNAME, POINTFNAME, MEANSSHFNAME integer, parameter, private :: NPRMESTMAX = 10 integer :: nprmest = 0 character(STRLEN), dimension(NPRMESTMAX), public :: PRMESTNAME real, dimension(NPRMESTMAX), public :: PRMINFL namelist /prmest/ PRMESTNAME, PRMINFL public prm_read, prm_describe, prm_print, prm_getinfl, prm_prmestexists, ucase contains subroutine prm_read integer :: ios, i call getarg(1, PRMFNAME) if (master) then print *, 'EnKF: reading parameters from "', trim(PRMFNAME), '":' end if open(unit = FID, file = trim(PRMFNAME), form = "formatted",& status = "old", iostat = ios) if (ios /= 0) then if (master) then print *, 'ERROR: could not open "', trim(PRMFNAME), '", iostatus =', ios stop end if end if read(unit = FID, nml = method, iostat = ios) if (ios /= 0) then if (master) then print *, 'ERROR: "', trim(PRMFNAME), '": could not read namelist "method"' end if stop end if rewind(FID) read(unit = FID, nml = ensemble, iostat = ios) if (ios /= 0) then if (master) then print *, 'ERROR: "', trim(PRMFNAME), '": could not read namelist "ensemble"' end if stop end if rewind(FID) read(unit = FID, nml = localisation, iostat = ios) if (ios /= 0) then if (master) then print *, 'ERROR: "', trim(PRMFNAME), '": could not read namelist "localisation"' end if stop end if rewind(FID) read(unit = FID, nml = moderation, iostat = ios) if (ios /= 0) then if (master) then print *, 'ERROR: "', trim(PRMFNAME), '": could not read namelist "moderation"' end if stop end if rewind(FID) read(unit = FID, nml = files, iostat = ios) if (ios /= 0) then if (master) then print *, 'ERROR: "', trim(PRMFNAME), '": could not read namelist "files"' end if stop end if rewind(FID) do i = 1, NPRMESTMAX PRMESTNAME(i) = "" end do read(unit = FID, nml = prmest, iostat = ios) if (ios /= 0) then if (master) then print *, 'ERROR: "', trim(PRMFNAME), '": could not read namelist "prmest"' end if stop end if do i = 1, NPRMESTMAX if (PRMESTNAME(i) == "") then nprmest = i - 1 exit end if end do rewind(FID) close(FID) call ucase(METHODTAG) call ucase(LOCFUNTAG) end subroutine prm_read subroutine prm_describe if (.not. master) then return end if print '(a)', ' Example of EnKF parameter file:' print * print '(a)', '&method' print '(a)', ' methodtag = "DEnKF"' print '(a)', '/' print '(a)', '&ensemble' print '(a)', ' enssize = 0' print '(a)', '/' print '(a)', '&localisation' print '(a)', ' locfuntag = "Gaspari-Cohn"' print '(a)', ' locrad = 300.0' print '(a)', '/' print '(a)', '&moderation' print '(a)', ' infl = 1.01 ()' print '(a)', ' rfactor1 = 1.0 ()' print '(a)', ' rfactor2 = 2.0 ()' print '(a)', ' kfactor = 2.0 ()' print '(a)', '/' print '(a)', '&files' print '(a)', ' jmapfname = "jmap.txt" ()' print '(a)', ' pointfname = "point2nc.txt" ()' print '(a)', ' meansshfname = "meanssh.uf" ()' print * print '(a)', 'Parameter options:' print '(a)', ' method = "EnKF" | "DEnKF"*' print '(a)', ' enssize = (0* to use all available states)' print '(a)', ' locfuntag = "Gaspari-Cohn"* | "Step" | "None"' print '(a)', ' locrad = ' print '(a)', ' infl = (* 1.0)' print '(a)', ' rfactor1 = (* 1.0)' print '(a)', ' rfactor2 = (* 1.0)' print '(a)', ' kfactor = (* 2.0)' print '(a)', ' jmapfname* = (* none)' print '(a)', ' pointfname* = (* none)' print '(a)', ' meansshfname* = (* none)' end subroutine prm_describe subroutine prm_print integer :: i if (.not. master) then return end if print '(a)', ' EnKF parameters:' print '(a)', ' method:' print '(a, a, a)', ' methodtag = "', trim(METHODTAG), '"' print '(a)', ' ensemble:' print '(a, i0)', ' enssize = ', ENSSIZE print '(a)', ' localisation:' print '(a, f5.0)', ' locrad = ', LOCRAD print '(a, a, a)', ' locfuntag = "', trim(LOCFUNTAG), '"' print '(a)', ' moderation:' print '(a, f5.3)', ' infl = ', INFL print '(a, f3.1)', ' rfactor1 = ', RFACTOR1 print '(a, f3.1)', ' rfactor2 = ', RFACTOR2 print '(a, f3.1)', ' kfactor = ', KFACTOR print '(a)', ' files:' print '(a, a, a)', ' jmapfname = "', trim(JMAPFNAME), '"' print '(a, a, a)', ' pointfname = "', trim(POINTFNAME), '"' print '(a, a, a)', ' meansshfname = "', trim(MEANSSHFNAME), '"' print '(a, i0, a)', ' prmest: ', nprmest, ' fields' do i = 1, nprmest print '(a, a, a, f5.3)', ' prmestname = "', trim(PRMESTNAME(i)), '", infl = ', PRMINFL(i) end do print * end subroutine prm_print function prm_getinfl(fldname) real :: prm_getinfl character(*), intent(in) :: fldname integer :: i prm_getinfl = INFL do i = 1, nprmest if (trim(fldname) == PRMESTNAME(i)) then prm_getinfl = PRMINFL(i) print '(a, a, a, f5.3)', ' "', trim(fldname), '": using inflation = ', prm_getinfl return end if end do end function prm_getinfl function prm_prmestexists(varname) logical :: prm_prmestexists character(*), intent(in) :: varname integer :: i prm_prmestexists = .false. do i = 1, nprmest if (trim(varname) == PRMESTNAME(i)) then prm_prmestexists = .true. return end if end do end function prm_prmestexists ! Shift a character string to upper case. ! subroutine ucase(string) character(*) :: string integer :: i do i = 1, len(string) if (string(i:i) >= 'a' .and. string(i:i) <= 'z') then string(i:i) = achar (iachar ( string(i:i) ) - 32) end if end do end subroutine ucase end module m_parameters