TMPDIR IS >>>>>> /gpfs/home/acad/ucl-elic/adelhass/scratch_limhr/sosie/TMP_25843 <<<<<<< 1983 19831231 Two files were found for the time stamp 19831231! ========================================================== S O S I E version 3.0 ========================================================== * namelist = namelist GET_ARGUMENTS() OK Opening namelist "namelist" The current field is NOT a component of a vector! Source grid is declared as irregular Target grid is declared as irregular Source file: Method for 2D interoplation: bilin Time record name in source file: time File containing the source grid: Longitude name: lon Latitude name: lat Source grid mask: missing_value Source mask variable: Variable to be treated:ice_conc Level to treat: 1 Name of variable on the output file:at_i Units of variable to be treated: Long name of variable to be treated:at_i Target grid: /gpfs/home/acad/ucl-elic/adelhass/git/EnKF/conversion_uf/ Longitude on target grid: nav_lon Latitude on target grid: nav_lat Longitude name in target file: nav_lon Latitude name in target file: nav_lat Target land-sea mask file: /gpfs/home/acad/ucl-elic/adelhass/git/EnKF/conversion_uf/ Name of land-sea mask variable on target grid: tmask Output file: ./ Shall we use DROWN on source fields: T => about DROWN action: -> continental penetration in # of pixels: 100 -> # of time to apply a smoothing on continents after DROWN: 50 -> is the mask on the source field is changing with time : F East west periodicity of source grid: 0 Masking output file: T Value for masked points in output file: -100000000. East west periodicity of target grid: 2 Time is not controlled and will be the same than in source file! --------------------- Starting interpolation for config "OSI-SAF-450-eORCA1"... Read namelist OK Setting for logical flags OK ************************************************ Error occured in procedure DIMS ! Treated file = Treated variable = ice_conc --> aborting program Netcdf message was : No such file or directory ************************************************ Resources Used Total Memory used - MEM : 0B Total CPU Time - CPU_Time : 00:00:27 Execution Time - Wall_Time : 00:00:27 total programme cpu time - Total_CPU : 00:00.322 Total_CPU / CPU_Time (%) - ETA : 0% Number of alloc CPU - NCPUS : 1 Number of Mobilized Resources per Job - NCPUS_EQUIV_PJOB : 5 Mobilized Resources x Execution Time - R_Wall_Time : 00:02:15 CPU_Time / R_Wall_Time (%) - ALPHA : 20%