module mod_sphere_tools contains ! Routine to get cartesian coordinates from geographical coordinates function geo2cart(lon,lat) real, parameter :: rad=1.7453292519943295E-02,deg=57.29577951308232 real, intent(in) :: lon,lat real, dimension(3) :: geo2cart real :: lambda lambda=lat*rad theta=lon*rad geo2cart(1)=cos(lambda)*cos(theta) geo2cart(2)=cos(lambda)*sin(theta) geo2cart(3)=sin(lambda) end function geo2cart ! Routine to calculate cross product of two 3D vectors. function cross_product(v1,v2) implicit none real, intent(in), dimension(3) :: v1,v2 real, dimension(3) :: cross_product cross_product(1) = v1(2)*v2(3) - v1(3)*v2(2) cross_product(2) = v1(3)*v2(1) - v1(1)*v2(3) cross_product(3) = v1(1)*v2(2) - v1(2)*v2(1) end function cross_product ! Routine to calculate vector norm (more precise the 2-norm) function norm2(vector,p) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: p real, intent(in) :: vector(p) integer :: i real :: norm2 norm2=0. do i=1,p norm2 = norm2 + vector(i)**2 end do norm2=sqrt(norm2) end function norm2 ! Routine to calculate wether the point (plon,plat) is in the box ! defined by crnlon,crnlat. Cnrlon/crnlat must be traversed so that ! they form a convex polygon in 3D coordinates when following indices. ! It should work for for all regions defined by crnlon/crnlat... function inbox(crnlon,crnlat,npt,plon,plat) implicit none real, parameter :: rad=1.7453292519943295E-02,deg=57.29577951308232 integer, intent(in) :: npt real, dimension(npt), intent(in) :: crnlon,crnlat real, intent(in) :: plon,plat logical :: inbox real, dimension(npt,3) :: cvec real, dimension(3) :: pvec real, dimension(3,3) :: rvec real, dimension(3) :: nvec, nvec_prev, cprod integer :: i,im1,ip1 logical :: lsign real :: rotsign,old_rotsign ! point vector from origo pvec = geo2cart(plon,plat) !print *,crnlon !print *,crnlat ! vector to rectangle corner do i=1,npt cvec(i,:) = geo2cart(crnlon(i),crnlat(i)) end do ! Traverse box boundaries -- Check that traversion is ! consistent and that point is in box lsign=.true. i=1 old_rotsign=0. do while (i1 .and. rotsign * old_rotsign < 0) then print *,'Grid cell not consistently traversed' print *,'or polygon is not convex' stop '(inbox2)' end if old_rotsign=rotsign ! If this is true for all four planes, we are in grid box lsign = lsign .and. (dot_product(nvec,pvec)*rotsign)>0 i=i+1 end do inbox = lsign end function inbox ! Routine to get angle between two vectors defined in ! geographical coordinates. function secangle(lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2) implicit none real, intent(in), dimension(2) :: lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2 real, dimension(3) :: nx, n2, ny real :: cos1, cos2 real :: secangle ! Normal of the planes defined by positions and origo nx = cross_product(geo2cart(lon1(1),lat1(1)),geo2cart(lon1(2),lat1(2))) n2 = cross_product(geo2cart(lon2(1),lat2(1)),geo2cart(lon2(2),lat2(2))) ! Normal to position 1 and vector 1 (x) -- forms rh system ny = cross_product(geo2cart(lon1(1),lat1(1)), nx) ny = ny / norm2(ny,3) ! Angle info 1 -- cosine of angle between planes nx and n2 cos1 = dot_product(nx,n2) ! Angle info 2 -- Cosine of angle between planes ny and n2 cos2 = dot_product(ny,n2) ! Angle between vectors 1 and 2 secangle = atan2(cos1,cos2) end function secangle ! Intersection routine by Mats Bentsen. ! --- this routine computes the lat/lon coordinates for the intersection ! --- of the two geodesic lines which connects the lat/lon pairs a1,a2 ! --- and b1,b2 logical function intersect(lat_a1,lon_a1,lat_a2,lon_a2, & lat_b1,lon_b1,lat_b2,lon_b2, & lat_i,lon_i) implicit none real lat_a1,lon_a1,lat_a2,lon_a2, & lat_b1,lon_b1,lat_b2,lon_b2, & lat_i,lon_i real lambda,theta, & x_a1,y_a1,z_a1,x_a2,y_a2,z_a2, & x_b1,y_b1,z_b1,x_b2,y_b2,z_b2, & x_na,y_na,z_na,x_nb,y_nb,z_nb, & x_i,y_i,z_i,l_i, & x_a,y_a,z_a,x_b,y_b,z_b,l_a,l_b,l_l,a_a,a_b real rad,deg parameter(rad=1.7453292519943295E-02,deg=57.29577951308232) ! --- transforming from spherical to cartesian coordinates lambda=lat_a1*rad theta=lon_a1*rad x_a1=cos(lambda)*cos(theta) y_a1=cos(lambda)*sin(theta) z_a1=sin(lambda) lambda=lat_a2*rad theta=lon_a2*rad x_a2=cos(lambda)*cos(theta) y_a2=cos(lambda)*sin(theta) z_a2=sin(lambda) lambda=lat_b1*rad theta=lon_b1*rad x_b1=cos(lambda)*cos(theta) y_b1=cos(lambda)*sin(theta) z_b1=sin(lambda) lambda=lat_b2*rad theta=lon_b2*rad x_b2=cos(lambda)*cos(theta) y_b2=cos(lambda)*sin(theta) z_b2=sin(lambda) x_na=y_a1*z_a2-y_a2*z_a1 y_na=z_a1*x_a2-z_a2*x_a1 z_na=x_a1*y_a2-x_a2*y_a1 x_nb=y_b1*z_b2-y_b2*z_b1 y_nb=z_b1*x_b2-z_b2*x_b1 z_nb=x_b1*y_b2-x_b2*y_b1 ! --- Let a1 be the vector from the center of the sphere to the point ! --- (lat_a1,lon_a1) on the sphere. Similar with vectors a2, b1 and b2. ! --- Then we compute the components and length of a vector i pointing ! --- along the intersection of the two planes spanned out by the ! --- vectors a1, a2 and b1, b2 respectively. x_i=y_na*z_nb-y_nb*z_na y_i=z_na*x_nb-z_nb*x_na z_i=x_na*y_nb-x_nb*y_na l_i=sqrt(x_i*x_i+y_i*y_i+z_i*z_i) ! ! --- check if i lies between a1 and a2 ! intersect=.true. ! ! --- first find the vector a between a1 and a2 and its angle a_a to a1 ! --- and a2 ! x_a=x_a1+x_a2 y_a=y_a1+y_a2 z_a=z_a1+z_a2 l_a=sqrt(x_a*x_a+y_a*y_a+z_a*z_a) l_l=sign(1.,l_i*l_a)*max(1.e-9,abs(l_i*l_a)) a_a=acos(max(-1.,min(1.,x_a1*x_a2+y_a1*y_a2+z_a1*z_a2)))*0.5 ! --- if the angle between i and a is greater than ! --- a_a, then intersect=.false. if (acos(max(-1.,min(1.,(x_i*x_a+y_i*y_a+z_i*z_a)/l_l))) & .gt.a_a) then ! --- - test the opposite directed intersection vector x_i=-x_i y_i=-y_i z_i=-z_i if (acos(max(-1.,min(1.,(x_i*x_a+y_i*y_a+z_i*z_a)/l_l))) & .gt.a_a) intersect=.false. endif ! do similar test for b1 and b2 if (intersect) then x_b=x_b1+x_b2 y_b=y_b1+y_b2 z_b=z_b1+z_b2 l_b=sqrt(x_b*x_b+y_b*y_b+z_b*z_b) l_l=sign(1.,l_i*l_b)*max(1.e-9,abs(l_i*l_b)) a_b=acos(max(-1.,min(1.,x_b1*x_b2+y_b1*y_b2+z_b1*z_b2)))*0.5 if (acos(max(-1.,min(1.,(x_i*x_b+y_i*y_b+z_i*z_b)/l_l))) & .gt.a_b) intersect=.false. endif ! represent the intersection in lat,lon coordinates lat_i=atan2(z_i,sqrt(x_i*x_i+y_i*y_i))*deg lon_i=atan2(y_i,x_i)*deg end function elemental real function spherdist(lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2) ! --- ----------------------------------------- ! --- Computes the distance between geo. pos. ! --- lon1,lat1 and lon2,lat2. ! --- INPUT is in degrees. ! --- ----------------------------------------- implicit none REAL, intent(in) :: lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2 ! Pos. in degrees real, parameter :: invradian=0.017453292 real, parameter :: rearth=6371001.0 ! Radius of earth real rlon1,rlat1,rlon2,rlat2 ! Pos. in radians real x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 ! Cartesian position real dx,dy,dz,dr ! Cartesian distances rlon1=lon1*invradian !lon1 in rad rlat1=(90.-lat1)*invradian !90-lat1 in rad rlon2=lon2*invradian !lon2 in rad rlat2=(90.-lat2)*invradian !90-lat2 in rad x1= SIN(rlat1)*COS(rlon1) !x,y,z of pos 1. y1= SIN(rlat1)*SIN(rlon1) z1= COS(rlat1) x2= SIN(rlat2)*COS(rlon2) !x,y,z of pos 2. y2= SIN(rlat2)*SIN(rlon2) z2= COS(rlat2) dx=x2-x1 !distances in x, y, z dy=y2-y1 dz=z2-z1 dr=SQRT(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) !distance pytagaros dr=acos(x1*x2+y1*y2+z1*z2) ! Acr length spherdist=dr*rearth end function spherdist end module mod_sphere_tools