module m_fixhycom_eco_metno !Ehouarn: March 2011 !fixanalysis: remapping of tracers after physical analysis! !use of remapping subroutines embedded in hycom to interpolate! !biogeochemical tracer on the analysis grid (dp)! !Remapping is realized after correction of negative anlaysis dp! contains subroutine hybgen_weno_coefs(s,dp,lc,ci,kk,ks,thin) implicit none integer kk,ks logical lc(kk) real s(kk,ks),dp(kk),ci(kk,ks,2),thin ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1) coefficents for remaping from one set of vertical cells to another. ! method: monotonic WENO-like alternative to PPM across each input cell ! a second order polynomial approximation of the profiles ! using a WENO reconciliation of the slopes to compute the ! interfacial values ! ! REFERENCE? ! ! 2) input arguments: ! s - initial scalar fields in pi-layer space ! dp - initial layer thicknesses (>=thin) ! lc - use PCM for selected layers ! kk - number of layers ! ks - number of fields ! thin - layer thickness (>0) that can be ignored ! ! 3) output arguments: ! ci - coefficents for hybgen_weno_remap ! ci.1 is value at interface above ! ci.2 is value at interface below ! ! 4) Laurent Debreu, Grenoble. ! Alan J. Wallcraft, Naval Research Laboratory, July 2008. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! real, parameter :: dsmll=1.0e-8 ! integer j,i real q,q01,q02,q001,q002 real qdpjm(kk),qdpjmjp(kk),dpjm2jp(kk) real zw(kk+1,3) !compute grid metrics do j=2,kk-1 qdpjm( j) = 1.0/(dp(j-1) + dp(j)) qdpjmjp(j) = 1.0/(dp(j-1) + dp(j) + dp(j+1)) dpjm2jp(j) = dp(j-1) + 2.0*dp(j) + dp(j+1) enddo !j j=kk qdpjm( j) = 1.0/(dp(j-1) + dp(j)) ! do i= 1,ks do j=2,kk zw(j,3) = qdpjm(j)*(s(j,i)-s(j-1,i)) enddo !j j = 1 !PCM first layer ci(j,i,1) = s(j,i) ci(j,i,2) = s(j,i) zw(j, 1) = 0.0 zw(j, 2) = 0.0 do j=2,kk-1 if (lc(j) .or. dp(j).le.thin) then !use PCM ci(j,i,1) = s(j,i) ci(j,i,2) = s(j,i) zw(j, 1) = 0.0 zw(j, 2) = 0.0 else q001 = dp(j)*zw(j+1,3) q002 = dp(j)*zw(j, 3) if (q001*q002 < 0.0) then q001 = 0.0 q002 = 0.0 endif q01 = dpjm2jp(j)*zw(j+1,3) q02 = dpjm2jp(j)*zw(j, 3) if (abs(q001) > abs(q02)) then q001 = q02 endif if (abs(q002) > abs(q01)) then q002 = q01 endif q = (q001-q002)*qdpjmjp(j) q001 = q001-q*dp(j+1) q002 = q002+q*dp(j-1) ci(j,i,2) = s(j,i)+q001 ci(j,i,1) = s(j,i)-q002 zw( j,1) = (2.0*q001-q002)**2 zw( j,2) = (2.0*q002-q001)**2 endif !PCM:WEND enddo !j j = kk !PCM last layer ci(j,i,1) = s(j,i) ci(j,i,2) = s(j,i) zw(j, 1) = 0.0 zw(j, 2) = 0.0 do j=2,kk q002 = max(zw(j-1,2),dsmll) q001 = max(zw(j, 1),dsmll) zw(j,3) = (q001*ci(j-1,i,2)+q002*ci(j,i,1))/(q001+q002) enddo !j zw( 1,3) = 2.0*s( 1,i)-zw( 2,3) !not used? zw(kk+1,3) = 2.0*s(kk,i)-zw(kk,3) !not used? do j=2,kk-1 if (.not.(lc(j) .or. dp(j).le.thin)) then !don't use PCM q01 = zw(j+1,3)-s(j,i) q02 = s(j,i)-zw(j,3) q001 = 2.0*q01 q002 = 2.0*q02 if (q01*q02 < 0.0) then q01 = 0.0 q02 = 0.0 elseif (abs(q01) > abs(q002)) then q01 = q002 elseif (abs(q02) > abs(q001)) then q02 = q001 endif ci(j,i,1) = s(j,i)-q02 ci(j,i,2) = s(j,i)+q01 endif !PCM:WEND enddo !j enddo !i return end subroutine hybgen_weno_coefs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine hybgen_weno_remap(si,pi,dpi,ci,& so,po,ki,ko,ks,thin) implicit none ! integer ki,ko,ks real si(ki,ks),pi(ki+1),dpi(ki),ci(ki,ks,2),& so(ko,ks),po(ko+1),thin ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1) remap from one set of vertical cells to another. ! method: monotonic WENO-like alternative to PPM across each input cell ! a second order polynomial approximation of the profiles ! using a WENO reconciliation of the slopes to compute the ! interfacial values ! the output is the average of the interpolation ! profile across each output cell. ! ! REFERENCE? ! ! 2) input arguments: ! si - initial scalar fields in pi-layer space ! pi - initial layer interface depths (non-negative) ! pi( 1) is the surface ! pi(ki+1) is the bathymetry ! pi(k+1) >= pi(k) ! dpi - initial layer thicknesses (dpi(k)=pi(k+1)-pi(k)) ! ci - coefficents from hybgen_weno_coefs ! ci.1 is value at interface above ! ci.2 is value at interface below ! ki - number of input layers ! ko - number of output layers ! ks - number of fields ! po - target interface depths (non-negative) ! po( 1) is the surface ! po(ko+1) is the bathymetry (== pi(ki+1)) ! po(k+1) >= po(k) ! thin - layer thickness (>0) that can be ignored ! ! 3) output arguments: ! so - scalar fields in po-layer space ! ! 4) Laurent Debreu, Grenoble. ! Alan J. Wallcraft, Naval Research Laboratory, Aug. 2007. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integer i,k,l,lb,lt real dpb,dpt,qb0,qb1,qb2,qt0,qt1,qt2,xb,xt,zb,zt,zx,o real*8 sz ! zx=pi(ki+1) !maximum depth zb=max(po(1),pi(1)) lb=1 do while (pi(lb+1).lt.zb .and. lb=lb+1 enddo do k= 1,ko !output layers zt = zb zb = min(po(k+1),zx) ! write(lp,*) 'k,zt,zb = ',k,zt,zb lt=lb !top will always correspond to bottom of previous !find input layer containing bottom output interface do while (pi(lb+1).lt.zb .and. lb=lb+1 enddo if (zb-zt.le.thin .or. then if ( then ! ! --- thin or bottomed layer, values taken from layer above ! do i= 1,ks so(k,i) = so(k-1,i) enddo !i else !thin surface layer do i= 1,ks so(k,i) = si(k,i) enddo !i endif else ! form layer averages. ! ! if (pi(lb).gt.zt) then ! write(lp,*) 'bad lb = ',lb ! stop ! endif xt=(zt-pi(lt))/max(dpi(lt),thin) xb=(zb-pi(lb))/max(dpi(lb),thin) if ( then !multiple layers dpt = pi(lt+1)-zt dpb = zb-pi(lb) qt1 = xt*(xt-1.0) qt2 = qt1+xt qt0 = 1.0-qt1-qt2 qb1 = (xb-1.0)**2 qb2 = qb1-1.0+xb qb0 = 1.0-qb1-qb2 do i= 1,ks o = si((lt+lb)/2,i) !offset to reduce round-off sz = dpt*(qt0*(si(lt,i) -o) + & qt1*(ci(lt,i,1)-o) + & qt2*(ci(lt,i,2)-o) ) do l=lt+1,lb-1 sz = sz+dpi(l)*(si(l,i) - o) enddo !l sz = sz + dpb*(qb0*(si(lb,i) -o) + & qb1*(ci(lb,i,1)-o) + & qb2*(ci(lb,i,2)-o) ) so(k,i) = o + sz/(zb-zt) !zb-zt>=thin enddo !i else !single layer qt1 = xb**2 + xt**2 + xb*xt + 1.0 - 2.0*(xb+xt) qt2 = qt1 - 1.0 + (xb+xt) qt0 = 1.0 - qt1 - qt2 do i= 1,ks sz=qt0*(si(lt,i) -o) + & qt1*(ci(lt,i,1)-o) + & qt2*(ci(lt,i,2)-o) so(k,i) = o + sz enddo !i endif !layers endif !thin:std layer enddo !k return end subroutine hybgen_weno_remap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 integer function tracr_get_incr(char2) !function returns the number of the tracer. !char => integer implicit none character(len=2) :: char2 tracr_get_incr=-1 select case (char2) case ('01') tracr_get_incr=1 case ('02') tracr_get_incr=2 case ('03') tracr_get_incr=3 case ('04') tracr_get_incr=4 case ('05') tracr_get_incr=5 case ('06') tracr_get_incr=6 case ('07') tracr_get_incr=7 case ('08') tracr_get_incr=8 case ('09') tracr_get_incr=9 case ('10') tracr_get_incr=10 case ('11') tracr_get_incr=11 case default print *,'tracer unknown',char2 end select return end function !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 integer function compute_kisop(temp,sal,nz) !function defines which layers are isopycnal implicit none integer::nz real,dimension(1:nz)::temp,sal real::eps,tmp integer::k eps=0.1 do k=2,nz-1 if (sig(temp(k),sal(k))-sig_ref(k).lt.0.)then tmp=(sig(temp(k),sal(k))-sig_ref(k))/(sig_ref(k)-sig_ref(k-1)) if ( compute_kisop=k return else tmp=(sig(temp(k),sal(k))-sig_ref(k))/(sig_ref(k+1)-sig_ref(k)) if( compute_kisop=k return endif endif endif enddo compute_kisop=nz return end function !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 real function sig(t,s) !function returns the value of sigma_0 !according to T and S implicit none real::t,s real :: c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7 c1=-1.36471E-01 c2= 4.68181E-02 c3= 8.07004E-01 c4=-7.45353E-03 c5=-2.94418E-03 c6= 3.43570E-05 c7= 3.48658E-05 sig=(c1+c3*s+t*(c2+c5*s+t*(c4+c7*s+c6*t))) return end function !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! real function sig_ref(k) !function return the value of the target density for a given layer implicit none integer::k select case (k) case (1) sig_ref=0.1 case (2) sig_ref=0.2 case (3) sig_ref=0.3 case (4) sig_ref=0.4 case (5) sig_ref=0.5 case (6) sig_ref=24.05 case (7) sig_ref=24.96 case (8) sig_ref=25.68 case (9) sig_ref=26.05 case (10) sig_ref=26.30 case (11) sig_ref=26.60 case (12) sig_ref=26.83 case (13) sig_ref=27.03 case (14) sig_ref=27.20 case (15) sig_ref=27.33 case (16) sig_ref=27.46 case (17) sig_ref=27.55 case (18) sig_ref=27.66 case (19) sig_ref=27.74 case (20) sig_ref=27.82 case (21) sig_ref=27.90 case (22) sig_ref=27.97 case (23) sig_ref=28.01 case (24) sig_ref=28.04 case (25) sig_ref=28.07 case (26) sig_ref=28.09 case (27) sig_ref=28.11 case (28) sig_ref=28.13 end select return end function end module