module mod_grid ! Contains the type definition for regular (or irregular grids) together ! with a selection of subprograms for extracting information about the ! grid. ! ! 28.1.99, ! ! Future extensions: function checkgrid returns zero if grid contains errors ! or is not set. Include function overloading so that checkgrid may return both ! integer and real. !!! Module use mod_angles !!! Type definition ! Type grid contains information for constructing a 1D, 2D, or 3D grid. The ! grid may be periodic and physical units may be added to keep track of ! the physical dimensions of start points and resolution of the grid. ! ! Oyvind Breivik, 30.12.98. type grid integer :: nx, ny, nz ! No of grid points real :: dx, dy, dz ! Resolution real :: x0, y0, z0 ! Start point (lower left) real :: undef ! Undefined value, typically 999.0 integer :: order ! 1D, 2D or 3D grid? Default is 2. logical :: px, py, pz ! Periodic grid in x, y, z? Default is .false. logical :: reg ! Regular grid? Default is .true. ! If not, order should be 1, indicating an ! array of unevenly spaced data rather than a ! proper grid. In this case, resolution and ! start point become meaningless. logical :: set ! Grid initialized or containing default settings? character(len=10) :: ux, uy, uz ! Physical units, 'deg' denotes degrees, ! default is '1', nondimensional. end type grid type (grid), parameter :: default_grid = grid(0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 999.0, 0, .false., .false., .false., & .true., .false., '1', '1', '1') contains !!! Subprograms !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! function gridpoints(gr) ! Calculates the total number of grid points N in a regular grid of ! type grid or an irregular array of type grid. Returns zero if grid is not ! initialized. ! Oyvind Breivik, 30.12.98. !!! Interface integer gridpoints type (grid), intent (in) :: gr select case (gr%order) case (1) gridpoints = gr%nx case (2) gridpoints = gr%nx*gr%ny case (3) gridpoints = gr%nx*gr%ny*gr%nz end select if (.not. gr%reg) then ! Irregular grid? gridpoints = gr%nx end if if (.not. gr%set) then ! Grid initialized or containing default values? gridpoints = 0 ! If not initialized, return zero. end if end function gridpoints !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! function gridindex(x,dimid,gr) ! Finds corresponding grid index for coordinate x for grid dimension dimid, ! where dimid = 1 denotes x, dimid = 2 ! denotes y, and dimid = 3 denotes z. If dimid < 0, the grid index is ! rounded down using INT, so that the corresponding grid point is ``to ! the left'' of x. Otherwise NINT is used and the nearest grid point is ! found. ! ! A return value of zero indicates that x is out of range or grid not ! initialized. ! Note that (x-x0) is mapped to [-180, 180] degrees if and only if the ! variable ux, uy, or uz (depending again on dimid) equals 'deg'. This is ! to ensure that crossing the zero longitude branch cut is handled correctly. ! A return value of -1 indicates that dimid is illegal (greater than the ! order of the grid). ! ! Requires module mod_angles. !!! Interface integer gridindex real, intent (in) :: x integer, intent (in) :: dimid type (grid), intent (in) :: gr !!! Locals real :: x0, x1, dx, e integer :: nx logical :: closest, deg !!! Initialize closest = (dimid > 0) select case (abs(dimid)) ! Choose correct grid dimension case (1) x0 = gr%x0 dx = gr%dx nx = gr%nx deg = (gr%ux == 'deg') case (2) x0 = gr%y0 dx = gr%dy nx = gr%ny deg = (gr%uy == 'deg') case (3) x0 = gr%z0 dx = gr%dz nx = gr%nz deg = (gr%uz == 'deg') end select x1 = x - x0 if (closest) then e = dx/2 ! Small value epsilon else e = 0.0 end if if (deg) then x1 = ang360(x1+e) ! Adding dx/2 is a trick to avoid the branch cut x1 = x1-e ! when finding the closest grid point. end if if (.not. closest) then x1 = x1 - dx/2 ! Round down end if gridindex = nint(x1/dx) + 1 if (gridindex < 1 .or. gridindex > nx) then gridindex = 0 end if if (abs(dimid) > gr%order) then gridindex = -1 end if if (.not. gr%set) then gridindex = 0 end if end function gridindex !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! function gridpos(i,dimid,gr) ! Returns the position of grid node i along dimension dimid in grid. ! ! If dimid < 0 and the physical unit of the grid is degrees, ! -180 <= gridpos < 180 [deg]. Otherwise, 0 <= gridpos < 360 [deg]. ! ! Requires module mod_angles. !!! Interface real gridpos integer, intent (in) :: i, dimid type (grid), intent (in) :: gr !!! Locals real x0, dx logical deg select case (abs(dimid)) case (1) x0 = gr%x0 dx = gr%dx deg = (gr%ux == 'deg') case (2) x0 = gr%y0 dx = gr%dy deg = (gr%uy == 'deg') case (3) x0 = gr%z0 dx = gr%dz deg = (gr%uz == 'deg') end select gridpos = x0 + real(i-1)*dx if (deg) then if (dimid < 0) then gridpos = ang180(gridpos) else gridpos = ang360(gridpos) end if end if end function gridpos !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! function ingrid(x,dimid,gr) ! Is x within [x0, x1]? Here x0 and x1 denote the physical ! bounds of the grid along dimension dimid. If dimid < 0 then ingrid ! checks the interval [-dx/2+x0, x1+dx/2] instead. ! ! Requires module mod_angles. !!! Interface logical ingrid real, intent (in) :: x integer, intent (in) :: dimid type (grid), intent (in) :: gr !!! Locals real x0, x1, dx integer nx logical deg select case (abs(dimid)) case (1) dx = gr%dx x0 = gr%x0 nx = gr%nx deg = (gr%ux == 'deg') case (2) dx = gr%dy x0 = gr%y0 nx = gr%ny deg = (gr%uy == 'deg') case (3) dx = gr%dz x0 = gr%z0 nx = gr%nz deg = (gr%uz == 'deg') end select x1 = gridpos(nx,dimid,gr) if (dimid < 0) then x0 = x0 - dx/2 x1 = x1 + dx/2 end if ingrid = (x0 <= x) .and. (x <= x1) if (deg) then ingrid = ang360(x1-x0) >= ang360(x-x0) end if ingrid = ingrid .and. gr%set end function ingrid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! function undefined(d,gr) ! True if d == gr%undef. logical undefined real, intent (in) :: d type (grid), intent (in) :: gr undefined = abs(d-gr%undef) < 0.01 end function undefined end module mod_grid