# Knuts home directory (contains some libs/includes) KHOME = /home/fimm/nersc/knutali/ #Compiler -- F90 CF90 = /local/openmpi/bin/mpif90 #Compiler -- F77 CF77 = $(CF90) # Compiler -- C CC=/local/openmpi/bin/mpicc #Linker LD = $(CF90) #Paralellization opts #PARO = -openmp PARO = #Size defaults - Change to real_size 64 for default double... SIZEO = -real_size 64 -double_size 64 #SIZEO = #Arch opts ARCHO= #Optimalization opts OPTO= -O2 #Inlining opts #INLO= -ip INLO= # Diverse options -swap endian IO -use medium memory model DIVO= -convert big_endian -mcmodel=medium # Flags for debugging. Empty optimization (OPTO above) to use debugging properly # #DEBUG_FLAGS = -g -check bounds -fpstkchk -traceback -fpe0 DEBUG_FLAGS = -g -check all -traceback -fpe0 -CA -CB -CS -CU -CV #DEBUG_FLAGS = CFLAGS = -O F77FLG = -fixed F90FLG = -free # C preprocessor CPP = /usr/bin/cpp #CPP flags CPPARCH = -traditional -DIA32 -DFFTW #This uses the OpenMPI implementation of mpi-2 LIBS = -L/local/netcdf/lib/ -lnetcdf -L/local/openmpi/lib/ -lmpi \ -L/local/fftw/lib/ -lfftw3 \ -L/local/acml/ifort64/lib/ -lacml_mv -lacml -lg2c # Include dir for header and module files INCLUDEDIR= -I/local/netcdf/include -I/local/fftw/include \ -I/local/openmpi/include # Put together flags FFLAGS = $(SIZEO) $(OPTO) $(ARCHO) $(PARO) $(INLO) $(DIVO) $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(INCLUDEDIR) LINKFLAGS = $(SIZEO) $(OPTO) $(PARO) $(INLO) $(DIVO) $(DEBUG_FLAGS)