#1 NetCDF Inc file

fmasson5 年之前創建 · 6 條評論

Hi @pbarriat,

I'm compiling the ensemble Kalman filter code on Zenobe and the Fortran code needs at some point a file called netcdf.inc which should be in the directory of the NetCDF libraries:

From nfw.F90:

!                                         length, v)
! 06/11/2009 PS: added nfw_dim_exists(ncid, name)
!                nfw_put_att_real(fname, ncid, varid, attname, type, length, v)
!                nfw_get_att_real(fname, ncid, varid, attname, v)

module nfw_mod
  implicit none
  include 'netcdf.inc'

  character(*), private, parameter :: nfw_version = "0.03"
  integer, private, parameter :: logunit = 6
  character(*), private, parameter :: errprefix = "nfw: error: "
  private quit1, quit2, quit3


The file is not there:

fmasson@frontal1 09:17:54 ~/git/EnKF/EnKF-MPI-TOPAZ 11 > ls /projects/acad/ecearth/opt/software/netCDF/4.4.1-foss-2016b/include/
netcdf.h  netcdf_mem.h  netcdf_meta.h

but I know what it should be from previous runs at BSC:

bsc32526@login3:/gpfs/scratch/bsc32/bsc32526> ls /apps/NETCDF/4.3.2/INTEL/IMPI/include/
netcdf4_f03.mod            netcdf4_nf_interfaces.mod  netcdf_fortv2_c_interfaces.mod  netcdf.inc  netcdf_nc_data.mod        netcdf_nf_data.mod        netcdf_par.h
netcdf4_nc_interfaces.mod  netcdf_f03.mod             netcdf.h                        netcdf.mod  netcdf_nc_interfaces.mod  netcdf_nf_interfaces.mod  typesizes.mod

The file is on my home:

ls /home/acad/ucl-elic/fmasson/netcdf.inc

Could you copy it to the lib directory?

Not sure it will fix my compilation error but I can still try.



Hi @pbarriat, I'm compiling the ensemble Kalman filter code on Zenobe and the Fortran code needs at some point a file called `netcdf.inc` which should be in the directory of the NetCDF libraries: From `nfw.F90`: ```fortran ... ! length, v) ! 06/11/2009 PS: added nfw_dim_exists(ncid, name) ! nfw_put_att_real(fname, ncid, varid, attname, type, length, v) ! nfw_get_att_real(fname, ncid, varid, attname, v) module nfw_mod implicit none include 'netcdf.inc' character(*), private, parameter :: nfw_version = "0.03" integer, private, parameter :: logunit = 6 character(*), private, parameter :: errprefix = "nfw: error: " private quit1, quit2, quit3 contains ... ``` The file is not there: ```bash fmasson@frontal1 09:17:54 ~/git/EnKF/EnKF-MPI-TOPAZ 11 > ls /projects/acad/ecearth/opt/software/netCDF/4.4.1-foss-2016b/include/ netcdf.h netcdf_mem.h netcdf_meta.h ``` but I know what it should be from previous runs at BSC: ``` bsc32526@login3:/gpfs/scratch/bsc32/bsc32526> ls /apps/NETCDF/4.3.2/INTEL/IMPI/include/ netcdf4_f03.mod netcdf4_nf_interfaces.mod netcdf_fortv2_c_interfaces.mod netcdf.inc netcdf_nc_data.mod netcdf_nf_data.mod netcdf_par.h netcdf4_nc_interfaces.mod netcdf_f03.mod netcdf.h netcdf.mod netcdf_nc_interfaces.mod netcdf_nf_interfaces.mod typesizes.mod ``` The file is on my home: ```bash ls /home/acad/ucl-elic/fmasson/netcdf.inc ``` Could you copy it to the `lib` directory? Not sure it will fix my compilation error but I can still try. Thanks, François

Hi @fmasson,

This file comes with the netCDF-Fortran module.

It seems that BSC merge netCDF and netCDF-Fortran during the install process.

You should load netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-foss-2016b and you will have:

ls /projects/acad/ecearth/opt/software/netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-foss-2016b/include/
netcdf4_f03.mod  netcdf4_nc_interfaces.mod  netcdf4_nf_interfaces.mod  netcdf_f03.mod  netcdf_fortv2_c_interfaces.mod  netcdf.inc  netcdf.mod  netcdf_nc_data.mod  netcdf_nc_interfaces.mod  netcdf_nf_data.mod  netcdf_nf_interfaces.mod  typesizes.mod
Hi @fmasson, This file comes with the netCDF-Fortran module. It seems that BSC merge netCDF and netCDF-Fortran during the install process. You should load `netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-foss-2016b` and you will have: ```bash ls /projects/acad/ecearth/opt/software/netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-foss-2016b/include/ netcdf4_f03.mod netcdf4_nc_interfaces.mod netcdf4_nf_interfaces.mod netcdf_f03.mod netcdf_fortv2_c_interfaces.mod netcdf.inc netcdf.mod netcdf_nc_data.mod netcdf_nc_interfaces.mod netcdf_nf_data.mod netcdf_nf_interfaces.mod typesizes.mod ```


On zenobe (frontal3), just do:

module purge
module load netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-foss-2016b


cd ~/git/EnKF/EnKF-MPI-TOPAZ

FYI, make.inc with GNU is:

# Library and include

LIB_NETCDF = -L${EBROOTNETCDF}/lib64 -lnetcdf
LIB_BLAS = -L${EBROOTOPENBLAS}/lib -lopenblas
LIB_FFT = -L${EBROOTFFTW}/lib -lfftw3 -lfftw3_mpi


CF90 = mpif90
CF77 = $(CF90)
LD = $(CF90)
CPP = cpp -traditional-cpp
CC = mpicc


SIZEO = -fdefault-real-8
OPTO = -O3
DEBUG_FLAGS = #-g -traceback -W1 -warn unused -warn uncalled -debug extended -debug-parameters -ftrapuv -fpe0

CFLAGS = -Df2cFortran $(OPTO) $(INCS)

# language-specific flags
F77FLG =
F90FLG =

That's OK with the following bug fix (it's done) in EnKF.F90:

integer, external :: iargc


#if defined(_G95_)
  integer, intrinsic :: iargc
  integer, external :: iargc
@fmasson, On zenobe (frontal3), just do: ```bash module purge module load netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-foss-2016b ``` And: ```bash cd ~/git/EnKF/EnKF-MPI-TOPAZ make ``` FYI, `make.inc` with GNU is: ```bash # Library and include INC_NETCDFF = -I${EBROOTNETCDFMINFORTRAN}/include INC_NETCDF = -I${EBROOTNETCDF}/include LIB_NETCDF = -L${EBROOTNETCDF}/lib64 -lnetcdf LIB_NETCDFF = -L${EBROOTNETCDFMINFORTRAN}/lib -lnetcdff INC_LAPACK = -I${EBROOTSCALAPACK}/include LIB_LAPACK = -L${EBROOTSCALAPACK}/lib -lscalapack LIB_BLAS = -L${EBROOTOPENBLAS}/lib -lopenblas INC_BLAS = -I${EBROOTOPENBLAS}/include INC_FFT = -I${EBROOTFFTW}/include LIB_FFT = -L${EBROOTFFTW}/lib -lfftw3 -lfftw3_mpi INCS = $(INC_NETCDF) $(INC_FFT) $(INC_NETCDFF) $(INC_LAPACK) $(INC_BLAS) LIBS = $(LIB_NETCDF) $(LIB_NETCDFF) $(LIB_FFT) $(LIB_LAPACK) $(LIB_BLAS) CF90 = mpif90 CPPFLAGS = -D_G95_ -DQMPI CF77 = $(CF90) LD = $(CF90) CPP = cpp -traditional-cpp CC = mpicc CPPARCH = CPPFLAGS += SIZEO = -fdefault-real-8 OPTO = -O3 DEBUG_FLAGS = #-g -traceback -W1 -warn unused -warn uncalled -debug extended -debug-parameters -ftrapuv -fpe0 FFLAGS = $(SIZEO) $(OPTO) $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(INCS) CFLAGS = -Df2cFortran $(OPTO) $(INCS) LINKFLAGS = $(SIZEO) $(OPTO) $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(LIBS) # language-specific flags # F77FLG = F90FLG = ``` That's OK with the following bug fix (it's done) in `EnKF.F90`: ```bash integer, external :: iargc ``` becomes: ```bash #if defined(_G95_) integer, intrinsic :: iargc #else integer, external :: iargc #endif ```

Many thanks, much appreciated and very useful.


Many thanks, much appreciated and very useful. François

Hi @pbarriat,

I'm trying to recompile this code on zenobe but it looks like the commands above do not work anymore:

fmasson@frontal3 13:34:46 ~/git/EnKF 27 > module purge
fmasson@frontal3 13:34:50 ~/git/EnKF 28 > module load netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-foss-2016b
ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-foss-2016b'

Still the path to the library exists:

fmasson@frontal3 13:36:04 ~/git/EnKF 30 > ls /projects/acad/ecearth/opt/software/netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-foss-2016b/include/
netcdf4_f03.mod            netcdf4_nf_interfaces.mod  netcdf_fortv2_c_interfaces.mod  netcdf.mod          netcdf_nc_interfaces.mod  netcdf_nf_interfaces.mod
netcdf4_nc_interfaces.mod  netcdf_f03.mod             netcdf.inc                      netcdf_nc_data.mod  netcdf_nf_data.mod        typesizes.mod

More generally a couple of modules that was I able to load back then, seem not available anymore:

fmasson@frontal3 13:39:21 ~/git/EnKF 36 > module purge
fmasson@frontal3 13:39:23 ~/git/EnKF 37 > module load intel
ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'intel'
fmasson@frontal3 13:39:23 ~/git/EnKF 38 > module load impi
ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'impi'
fmasson@frontal3 13:39:23 ~/git/EnKF 39 > module load MKL
ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'MKL'
fmasson@frontal3 13:39:23 ~/git/EnKF 40 > module load NETCDF/
ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'NETCDF/'

Any idea how to fix this? Thanks! François

Hi @pbarriat, I'm trying to recompile this code on zenobe but it looks like the commands above do not work anymore: ``` fmasson@frontal3 13:34:46 ~/git/EnKF 27 > module purge fmasson@frontal3 13:34:50 ~/git/EnKF 28 > module load netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-foss-2016b ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-foss-2016b' ``` Still the path to the library exists: ``` fmasson@frontal3 13:36:04 ~/git/EnKF 30 > ls /projects/acad/ecearth/opt/software/netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-foss-2016b/include/ netcdf4_f03.mod netcdf4_nf_interfaces.mod netcdf_fortv2_c_interfaces.mod netcdf.mod netcdf_nc_interfaces.mod netcdf_nf_interfaces.mod netcdf4_nc_interfaces.mod netcdf_f03.mod netcdf.inc netcdf_nc_data.mod netcdf_nf_data.mod typesizes.mod ``` More generally a couple of modules that was I able to load back then, seem not available anymore: ``` fmasson@frontal3 13:39:21 ~/git/EnKF 36 > module purge fmasson@frontal3 13:39:23 ~/git/EnKF 37 > module load intel ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'intel' fmasson@frontal3 13:39:23 ~/git/EnKF 38 > module load impi ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'impi' fmasson@frontal3 13:39:23 ~/git/EnKF 39 > module load MKL ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'MKL' fmasson@frontal3 13:39:23 ~/git/EnKF 40 > module load NETCDF/ ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'NETCDF/' ``` Any idea how to fix this? Thanks! François

Hi @fmasson,

Pfff... the modules on Zenobe, such a shame!

I recently did a function in my ~/.bashrc file to by-pass the official modules system.

  module() { eval $($LMOD_CMD bash "$@"); }
  export -f module
   . /projects/acad/ecearth/opt/lmod/lmod/init/bash

Once this function called, module av should show you some modules installed by myself (with easybuild = state of the art!)

Now, if I take a look in ~fmasson/git/EnKF/EnKF-MPI-TOPAZ, I think you just have to do:

module load netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-foss-2016b
cd ~fmasson/git/EnKF/EnKF-MPI-TOPAZ

That's it!

Hi @fmasson, Pfff... the modules on Zenobe, such a shame! I recently did a function in my `~/.bashrc` file to by-pass the official modules system. ``` my_modules() { module() { eval $($LMOD_CMD bash "$@"); } export -f module MODULESHOME="" export MODULESHOME LOADEDMODULES="" export LOADEDMODULES . /projects/acad/ecearth/opt/lmod/lmod/init/bash MODULEPATH="/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/modules/all" export MODULEPATH } ``` Once this function called, `module av` should show you some modules installed by myself (with easybuild = state of the art!) Now, if I take a look in `~fmasson/git/EnKF/EnKF-MPI-TOPAZ`, I think you just have to do: ``` module load netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-foss-2016b cd ~fmasson/git/EnKF/EnKF-MPI-TOPAZ make ``` That's it!

Works, thanks.


Works, thanks. François
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