@@ -0,0 +1,2105 @@
+# 0 "<stdin>"
+# 0 "<built-in>"
+# 0 "<command-line>"
+# 1 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 1 3 4
+# 17 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 3 4
+# 2 "<command-line>" 2
+# 1 "<stdin>"
+# 11 "<stdin>"
+module qmpi
+! A module defining a minimalist interface to a subset of MPI.
+! The first five primitives can in theory be used to parallelize
+! any program. The module hides type specification, communicators,
+! explicit error handling, the need to give explicit buffer size etc.
+! Also provided are a few interfaces for often used broadcast and
+! reduction operations
+! © Helge Avlesen <avle@ii.uib.no>, para//ab
+! primitives: (optional arguments in brackets)
+! subroutine start_mpi()
+! starts the mpi subsystem. all processesors are assigned a number (myid).
+! the number of processors is numproc.
+! subroutine stop_mpi()
+! stops the mpi subsystem
+! subroutine barrier([label])
+! syncronization point for all processors. optionally prints a label on
+! the master processor (0).
+! subroutine send(data, target [,tag])
+! send object data to processor number target, tag is an optional integer
+! that defaults to 0. (if multiple messages are exchanged between a
+! pair of processors, a unique tag must be used for each exhange)
+! subroutine receive(data, source [,tag])
+! get object data from processor source, tag is optional and as for send
+! MPI will fail if the size of the object received is different from what
+! was sent.
+! The rest of the routines are included for convenience, they can be
+! also be implemented using the above subroutines.
+! subroutine broadcast(data [,root])
+! broadcast data (any type) from processor root (default=0) to all
+! other processors.
+! subroutine mbroadcast(data [,data2,data3,data4,data5,data6] [,root])
+! broadcast up to 6 scalar variables of the same type, to all processors
+! from processor root (default=0)
+! subroutine reduce(type, data [,data2,data3,data4,data5,data6] [,root] )
+! reduce the scalar data, optionally also data2-data6, return result
+! on all processes. the operation can currently be of type 'sum', 'mul',
+! 'min' or 'max' i.e. a sum or a product. data-data6 must be of the
+! same type. if integer root is present, only return result on that
+! processor (faster)
+! Example: a program that sends a real from processor 0 to processor 1
+! use qmpi
+! real data
+! call start_mpi
+! data=myid
+! if(myid==0) call send(data, 1)
+! if(myid==1) then
+! call receive(data, 0)
+! print *,'hello, I am',myid,'got ',data,'from process 0'
+! end if
+! call stop_mpi
+! end
+! More advanced usage example: to send a derived type from 0 to 1;
+! pack it in a string (could be packed into any array), send, receive, unpack.
+! type(any_type) var1
+! character, allocatable :: buffer(:)
+! ...
+! N=size(transfer(var1,(/'x'/)))) !! compute size of type once
+! allocate(buffer(N))
+! if(myid==0)then
+! buffer = transfer(var1,buffer)
+! call send(buffer,1)
+! end if
+! if(myid==1)then
+! call receive(buffer,0)
+! var1 = transfer(buffer,var1)
+! end if
+! ...
+ include 'mpif.h'
+ integer, public :: qmpi_proc_num, qmpi_num_proc, ierr, errorcode, mpistatus(mpi_status_size)
+ logical, public :: master=.false., slave=.false.
+! some kinds. could use selected_real_kind(..) for this instead of hard coding
+ integer, parameter :: dp=8, sp=4, long=8, short=2
+ interface send
+ module procedure &
+ qmpi_send_real4, &
+ qmpi_send_real4_1d, &
+ qmpi_send_real4_2d, &
+ qmpi_send_real4_3d, &
+ qmpi_send_real4_4d, &
+ qmpi_send_real8, &
+ qmpi_send_real8_1d, &
+ qmpi_send_real8_2d, &
+ qmpi_send_real8_3d, &
+ qmpi_send_real8_4d, &
+ qmpi_send_integer4, &
+ qmpi_send_integer4_1d, &
+ qmpi_send_integer4_2d, &
+ qmpi_send_integer4_3d, &
+ qmpi_send_integer4_4d, &
+ qmpi_send_integer8, &
+ qmpi_send_integer8_1d, &
+ qmpi_send_integer8_2d, &
+ qmpi_send_integer8_3d, &
+ qmpi_send_integer8_4d, &
+ qmpi_send_string, &
+ qmpi_send_character_1d,&
+ qmpi_send_logical
+ end interface
+ interface receive
+ module procedure &
+ qmpi_recv_real4, &
+ qmpi_recv_real4_1d, &
+ qmpi_recv_real4_2d, &
+ qmpi_recv_real4_3d, &
+ qmpi_recv_real4_4d, &
+ qmpi_recv_real8, &
+ qmpi_recv_real8_1d, &
+ qmpi_recv_real8_2d, &
+ qmpi_recv_real8_3d, &
+ qmpi_recv_real8_4d, &
+ qmpi_recv_integer4, &
+ qmpi_recv_integer4_1d, &
+ qmpi_recv_integer4_2d, &
+ qmpi_recv_integer4_3d, &
+ qmpi_recv_integer4_4d, &
+ qmpi_recv_integer8, &
+ qmpi_recv_integer8_1d, &
+ qmpi_recv_integer8_2d, &
+ qmpi_recv_integer8_3d, &
+ qmpi_recv_integer8_4d, &
+ qmpi_recv_string, &
+ qmpi_recv_character_1d,&
+ qmpi_recv_logical
+ end interface
+ interface reduce
+ module procedure &
+ qmpi_integer_reduction, &
+ qmpi_integer8_reduction,&
+ qmpi_real_reduction, &
+ qmpi_real8_reduction
+ end interface
+ interface broadcast
+ module procedure &
+ qmpi_broadcast_logical, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_string, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_stringarr,&
+ qmpi_broadcast_integer4, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_integer4_array1d, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_integer4_array2d, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_integer8, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_integer8_array1d, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_integer8_array2d, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_real4, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_real4_array1d, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_real4_array2d, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_real4_array3d, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_real4_array4d, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_real8, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_real8_array1d, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_real8_array2d, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_real8_array3d, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_real8_array4d
+ end interface
+ interface mbroadcast
+ module procedure &
+ qmpi_broadcast_logicals, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_real4s, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_real8s, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_integer4s, &
+ qmpi_broadcast_integer8s
+ end interface
+ subroutine start_mpi()
+! initialize the core MPI subsystem
+! this routine should be called as the first statement in the program.
+! MPI does not specify what happen before MPI_init and after mpi_finalize
+ implicit none
+ call mpi_init(ierr)
+ call mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm_world, qmpi_num_proc, ierr)
+ call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world, qmpi_proc_num, ierr)
+ master=.false.
+ if(qmpi_proc_num==0) master=.true.
+ if(qmpi_proc_num>0) slave=.true.
+print*,'Inne i start_mpi: qmpi_proc_num =',qmpi_proc_num,' master =',master
+ if(master) then
+ write(*,'(a,i0,a)') 'MPI started with ',qmpi_num_proc,' processors'
+ end if
+ end subroutine start_mpi
+ subroutine stop_mpi()
+ implicit none
+ call mpi_finalize(ierr)
+ stop
+ end subroutine stop_mpi
+ subroutine barrier(label)
+! makes all processes sync at this point, optionally print a label
+ implicit none
+ character(*), optional :: label
+ call mpi_barrier(mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(master.and.present(label)) print *,'---barrier---',label,'---------'
+ end subroutine barrier
+ subroutine qmpi_send_logical(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ logical data
+ integer target, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=1
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_logical, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_logical count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_logical
+ subroutine qmpi_send_string(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ character(*) data
+ integer target, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=len(data)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_character, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_string count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_string
+ subroutine qmpi_send_character_1d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ character data(:)
+ integer target, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_character, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_character_1d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_character_1d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_character_1d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ character data(:)
+ integer target, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_character, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_character_1d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_character_1d
+ subroutine qmpi_send_integer4(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(sp) data
+ integer target, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=1
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_integer, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_integer4 count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_integer4
+ subroutine qmpi_send_integer4_1d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(sp) data(:)
+ integer target, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_integer, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_integer4_1d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_integer4_1d
+ subroutine qmpi_send_integer4_2d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(sp) data(:,:)
+ integer target, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_integer, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_integer4_2d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_integer4_2d
+ subroutine qmpi_send_integer4_3d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(sp) data(:,:,:)
+ integer target, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_integer, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_integer4_3d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_integer4_3d
+ subroutine qmpi_send_integer4_4d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(sp) data(:,:,:,:)
+ integer target, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)*size(data,4)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_integer, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_integer4_4d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_integer4_4d
+ subroutine qmpi_send_integer8(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(long) data
+ integer target, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=1
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_integer8, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_integer8 count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_integer8
+ subroutine qmpi_send_integer8_1d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(long) data(:)
+ integer target, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_integer8, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_integer8_1d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_integer8_1d
+ subroutine qmpi_send_integer8_2d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(long) data(:,:)
+ integer target, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_integer8, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_integer8_2d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_integer8_2d
+ subroutine qmpi_send_integer8_3d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(8) data(:,:,:)
+ integer target, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_integer8, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_integer8_3d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_integer8_3d
+ subroutine qmpi_send_integer8_4d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(8) data(:,:,:,:)
+ integer target, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)*size(data,4)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_integer8, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_integer8_4d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_integer8_4d
+ subroutine qmpi_send_real4(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(sp) data
+ integer target
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=1
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_real, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_real4 count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_real4
+ subroutine qmpi_send_real8(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(dp) data
+ integer target
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=1
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_double_precision, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_real8 count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_real8
+ subroutine qmpi_send_real4_1d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(sp) data(:)
+ integer target
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_real, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_real4_1d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_real4_1d
+ subroutine qmpi_send_real8_1d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(dp) data(:)
+ integer target
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_double_precision, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_real8_1d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_real8_1d
+ subroutine qmpi_send_real4_2d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(sp) data(:,:)
+ integer target
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_real, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_real4_2d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_real4_2d
+ subroutine qmpi_send_real8_2d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(dp) data(:,:)
+ integer target
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_double_precision, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_real8_2d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_real8_2d
+ subroutine qmpi_send_real4_3d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(sp) data(:,:,:)
+ integer target
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_real, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_real4_3d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_real4_3d
+ subroutine qmpi_send_real8_3d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(dp) data(:,:,:)
+ integer target
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_double_precision, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_real8_3d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_real8_3d
+ subroutine qmpi_send_real4_4d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(sp) data(:,:,:,:)
+ integer target
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)*size(data,4)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_real, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_real4_4d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_real4_4d
+ subroutine qmpi_send_real8_4d(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(dp) data(:,:,:,:)
+ integer target
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)*size(data,4)
+ call mpi_send(data, counter, mpi_double_precision, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error send_real8_4d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_send_real8_4d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_integer4(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(sp) data
+ integer source, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=1
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_integer, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_integer4_1d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_integer4
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_integer4_1d(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(sp) data(:)
+ integer source, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_integer, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_integer4_1d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_integer4_1d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_integer4_2d(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(sp) data(:,:)
+ integer source, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_integer, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_integer4_2d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_integer4_2d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_integer4_3d(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(sp) data(:,:,:)
+ integer source, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_integer, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_integer4_3d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_integer4_3d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_integer4_4d(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(sp) data(:,:,:,:)
+ integer source, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)*size(data,4)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_integer, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_integer4_4d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_integer4_4d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_integer8(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(long) data
+ integer source, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=1
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_integer8, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_integer8 count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_integer8
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_integer8_1d(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(long) data(:)
+ integer source, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_integer8, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_integer8_1d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_integer8_1d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_integer8_2d(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(long) data(:,:)
+ integer source, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_integer8, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_integer8_2d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_integer8_2d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_integer8_3d(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(8) data(:,:,:)
+ integer source, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_integer8, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_integer8_3d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_integer8_3d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_integer8_4d(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ integer(8) data(:,:,:,:)
+ integer source, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)*size(data,4)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_integer8, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_integer8_4d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_integer8_4d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_real4(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(sp) data
+ integer source
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=1
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_real, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_real4 count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_real4
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_real8(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(dp) data
+ integer source
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=1
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_double_precision, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_real8 count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_real8
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_real4_1d(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(sp) data(:)
+ integer source
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_real, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_real4_1d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_real4_1d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_real8_1d(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(dp) data(:)
+ integer source
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_double_precision, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_real8_1d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_real8_1d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_real4_2d(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(sp) data(:,:)
+ integer source
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_real, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_real4_2d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_real4_2d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_real8_2d(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(dp) data(:,:)
+ integer source
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_double_precision, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_real8_2d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_real8_2d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_real4_3d(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(sp) data(:,:,:)
+ integer source
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_real, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_real4_3d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_real4_3d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_real8_3d(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(dp) data(:,:,:)
+ integer source
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_double_precision, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_real8_3d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_real8_3d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_real4_4d(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(sp) data(:,:,:,:)
+ integer source
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)*size(data,4)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_real, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_real4_4d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_real4_4d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_real8_4d(data, source, tag)
+ implicit none
+ real(dp) data(:,:,:,:)
+ integer source
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ integer counter, given_tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)*size(data,4)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_double_precision, source, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_real8_4d count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_real8_4d
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_logical(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ logical data
+ integer target, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=1
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_logical, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_logical count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_logical
+ subroutine qmpi_recv_string(data, target, tag)
+ implicit none
+ character(*) data
+ integer target, counter, given_tag
+ integer, optional :: tag
+ given_tag=0
+ if(present(tag)) given_tag=tag
+ counter=len(data)
+ call mpi_recv(data, counter, mpi_character, target, given_tag, mpi_comm_world, mpistatus, ierr)
+ if(ierr.ne.0)then
+ print *,'error recv_string count=',counter,'tag=',given_tag
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_recv_string
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_string(string,root)
+! send string out to all processes. if not given
+! process 0 will be used as the sender - root otherwise.
+ implicit none
+ character(len=*) string
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter,boss
+ counter=len(string)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(string , counter, mpi_character, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_string
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_stringarr(data,root)
+ implicit none
+ character(len=*) data(:)
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter, boss
+ counter=len(data(1))*size(data)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(data, counter, mpi_character, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_stringarr
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real4(data,root)
+ implicit none
+ real(4) data
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter,boss
+ counter=1
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) boss=root
+ call mpi_bcast(data , counter, mpi_real, boss, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real4
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real8(data,root)
+ implicit none
+ real(8) data
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter,boss
+ counter=1
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) boss=root
+ call mpi_bcast(data , counter, mpi_double_precision, boss, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real8
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_integer4(data,root)
+ implicit none
+ integer(4) data
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter,boss
+ counter=1
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) boss=root
+ call mpi_bcast(data , counter, mpi_integer, boss, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_integer4
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_integer8(data,root)
+ implicit none
+ integer(8) data
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter,boss
+ counter=1
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) boss=root
+ call mpi_bcast(data , counter, mpi_integer8, boss, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_integer8
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_logical(data, root)
+ implicit none
+ logical data
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter,boss
+ counter=1
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) boss=root
+ call mpi_bcast(data , counter, mpi_logical, boss, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_logical
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_integer4_array1d(data,root)
+ implicit none
+ integer(sp) data(:)
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter,boss
+ counter=size(data)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(data , counter, mpi_integer, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_integer4_array1d
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_integer8_array1d(data,root)
+ implicit none
+ integer(long) data(:)
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter,boss
+ counter=size(data)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(data , counter, mpi_integer8, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_integer8_array1d
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_integer4_array2d(data,root)
+ implicit none
+ integer(sp) data(:,:)
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter,boss
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(data , counter, mpi_integer, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_integer4_array2d
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_integer8_array2d(data,root)
+ implicit none
+ integer(long) data(:,:)
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter,boss
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(data , counter, mpi_integer8, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_integer8_array2d
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real4_array1d(data,root)
+ implicit none
+ real(sp) data(:)
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter, boss
+ counter=size(data)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(data , counter, mpi_real, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real4_array1d
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real8_array1d(data,root)
+ implicit none
+ real(dp) data(:)
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter, boss
+ counter=size(data)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(data , counter, mpi_double_precision, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real8_array1d
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real4_array2d(data,root)
+ implicit none
+ real(sp) data(:,:)
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter, boss
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(data, counter, mpi_real, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real4_array2d
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real8_array2d(data,root)
+ implicit none
+ real(dp) data(:,:)
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter, boss
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(data, counter, mpi_double_precision, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real8_array2d
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real4_array3d(data,root)
+ implicit none
+ real(sp) data(:,:,:)
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter, boss
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(data , counter, mpi_real, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real4_array3d
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real8_array3d(data,root)
+ implicit none
+ real(dp) data(:,:,:)
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter, boss
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(data , counter, mpi_double_precision, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real8_array3d
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real4_array4d(data,root)
+ implicit none
+ real(sp) data(:,:,:,:)
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter, boss
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)*size(data,4)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(data , counter, mpi_real, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real4_array4d
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real8_array4d(data,root)
+ implicit none
+ real(dp) data(:,:,:,:)
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter, boss
+ counter=size(data,1)*size(data,2)*size(data,3)*size(data,4)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(data , counter, mpi_double_precision, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real8_array4d
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real4s(a,b,c,d,e,f,root)
+! send a,b,c,d,e,f out to all processes. if not given
+! process 0 will be used as the sender - root otherwise.
+ implicit none
+ real(sp) a
+ real(sp), optional :: b,c,d,e,f
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter,boss
+ real(sp) rbuff(6)
+ counter=0 ; boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+! if(present(a)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=a
+! end if
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=b
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=c
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=d
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=e
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=f
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(rbuff , counter, mpi_real, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ counter=1
+ a=rbuff(counter)
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ b=rbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ c=rbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ d=rbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ e=rbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ f=rbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real4s
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real8s(a,b,c,d,e,f,root)
+! send a,b,c,d,e,f out to all processes. if not given
+! process 0 will be used as the sender - root otherwise.
+ implicit none
+ real(dp) a
+ real(dp), optional :: b,c,d,e,f
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter,boss
+ real(kind=8) rbuff(6)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ counter=1
+ rbuff(counter)=a
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=b
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=c
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=d
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=e
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=f
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(rbuff , counter, mpi_double_precision, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ counter=1
+ a=rbuff(counter)
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ b=rbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ c=rbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ d=rbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ e=rbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ f=rbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_real8s
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_logicals(a,b,c,d,e,f,root)
+! send a,b,c,d,e,f out to all processes. if not given
+! process 0 will be used as the sender - root otherwise.
+ implicit none
+ logical a
+ logical, optional :: b,c,d,e,f
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter,boss
+ logical lbuff(6)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ counter=1
+ lbuff(counter)=a
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ lbuff(counter)=b
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ lbuff(counter)=c
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ lbuff(counter)=d
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ lbuff(counter)=e
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ lbuff(counter)=f
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(lbuff , counter, mpi_logical, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ counter=1
+ a=lbuff(counter)
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ b=lbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ c=lbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ d=lbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ e=lbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ f=lbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_logicals
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_integer4s(a,b,c,d,e,f,root)
+! send a,b,c,d,e,f out to all processes. if not given
+! process 0 will be used as the sender - root otherwise.
+ implicit none
+ integer(sp) a
+ integer(sp), optional :: b,c,d,e,f,root
+ integer counter,boss
+ integer ibuff(6)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ counter=1
+! if(present(a)) then
+! counter=counter+1
+ ibuff(counter)=a
+! end if
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ ibuff(counter)=b
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ ibuff(counter)=c
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ ibuff(counter)=d
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ ibuff(counter)=e
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ ibuff(counter)=f
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(ibuff , counter, mpi_integer, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ counter=1
+ a=ibuff(counter)
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ b=ibuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ c=ibuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ d=ibuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ e=ibuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ f=ibuff(counter)
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_integer4s
+ subroutine qmpi_broadcast_integer8s(a,b,c,d,e,f,root)
+! send a,b,c,d,e,f out to all processes. if not given
+! process 0 will be used as the sender - root otherwise.
+ implicit none
+ integer(long) a
+ integer(long), optional :: b,c,d,e,f,root
+ integer counter,boss
+ integer ibuff(6)
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) then
+ boss=root
+ end if
+ counter=1
+! if(present(a)) then
+! counter=counter+1
+ ibuff(counter)=a
+! end if
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ ibuff(counter)=b
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ ibuff(counter)=c
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ ibuff(counter)=d
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ ibuff(counter)=e
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ ibuff(counter)=f
+ end if
+ call mpi_bcast(ibuff , counter, mpi_integer8, boss, mpi_comm_world ,ierr)
+ counter=1
+ a=ibuff(counter)
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ b=ibuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ c=ibuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ d=ibuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ e=ibuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ f=ibuff(counter)
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_broadcast_integer8s
+ subroutine qmpi_real_reduction(type,a,b,c,d,e,f,root)
+! perform a reduction of 'type' on each of the given arguments a - f.
+! if type is:
+! 'sum': for each argument, return the sum of the argument over all processors
+! 'mul': the product
+! 'min': the minimum value
+! 'max': the maximum value
+! root is an optional argument, if given only return the result on that processor (reduce)
+! the default is to return the result on all processors (allreduce)
+ implicit none
+ character(3) type
+ real(sp) a
+ real(sp), optional, intent(inout) :: b,c,d,e,f
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter,boss
+ integer, parameter :: dp=8
+ real(dp) rbuff(6),globrbuff(6)
+ if( trim(type).ne.'sum' .and. trim(type).ne.'mul' .and. trim(type).ne.'min' .and. trim(type).ne.'max')then
+ print *,'qmpi.f90 reduce error: reduction of type ',type,'not supported'
+ stop
+ end if
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root)) boss=root
+ globrbuff(:)=0.0
+ counter=0
+! if(present(a)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=real(a,dp)
+! end if
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=real(b,dp)
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=real(c,dp)
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=real(d,dp)
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=real(e,dp)
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=real(f,dp)
+ end if
+ select case(type)
+ case('sum')
+ if(present(root))then
+ call mpi_reduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter,mpi_double_precision,mpi_sum,boss,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ else
+ call mpi_allreduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter,mpi_double_precision,mpi_sum,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ end if
+ case('mul')
+ if(present(root))then
+ call mpi_reduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter,mpi_double_precision,mpi_prod,boss,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ else
+ call mpi_allreduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter,mpi_double_precision,mpi_prod,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ end if
+ case('min')
+ if(present(root))then
+ call mpi_reduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter,mpi_double_precision,mpi_min,boss,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ else
+ call mpi_allreduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter,mpi_double_precision,mpi_min,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ end if
+ case('max')
+ if(present(root))then
+ call mpi_reduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter,mpi_double_precision,mpi_max,boss,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ else
+ call mpi_allreduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter,mpi_double_precision,mpi_max,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ end if
+ end select
+ counter=0
+! if(present(a)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ a=globrbuff(counter)
+! end if
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ b=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ c=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ d=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ e=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ f=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_real_reduction
+ subroutine qmpi_real8_reduction(type,a,b,c,d,e,f,root)
+! perform a reduction of 'type' on each of the given arguments a - f.
+! if type is:
+! 'sum': for each argument, return the sum of the argument over all processors
+! 'mul': the product
+! 'min': the minimum value
+! 'max': the maximum value
+! root is an optional argument, if given only return the result on that processor (reduce)
+! the default is to return the result on all processors (allreduce)
+ implicit none
+ integer, parameter :: dp=8
+ character(3) type
+ real(dp) a
+ real(dp), optional, intent(inout) :: b,c,d,e,f
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter,boss
+ real(dp) rbuff(6),globrbuff(6)
+ if( trim(type).ne.'sum' .and. trim(type).ne.'mul' .and. trim(type).ne.'min' .and. trim(type).ne.'max')then
+ print *,'qmpi.f90 reduce error: reduction of type ',type,'not supported'
+ stop
+ end if
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root))boss=root
+ globrbuff(:)=0.0
+ counter=0
+! if(present(a)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=a
+! end if
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=b
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=c
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=d
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=e
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=f
+ end if
+ select case(type)
+ case('sum')
+ if(present(root))then
+ call mpi_reduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter,mpi_double_precision,mpi_sum,boss,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ else
+ call mpi_allreduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter,mpi_double_precision,mpi_sum,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ end if
+ case('mul')
+ if(present(root))then
+ call mpi_reduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter,mpi_double_precision,mpi_prod,boss,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ else
+ call mpi_allreduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter,mpi_double_precision,mpi_prod,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ end if
+ case('min')
+ if(present(root))then
+ call mpi_reduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter,mpi_double_precision,mpi_min,boss,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ else
+ call mpi_allreduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter,mpi_double_precision,mpi_min,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ end if
+ case('max')
+ if(present(root))then
+ call mpi_reduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter,mpi_double_precision,mpi_max,boss,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ else
+ call mpi_allreduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter,mpi_double_precision,mpi_max,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ end if
+ end select
+ counter=0
+! if(present(a)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ a=globrbuff(counter)
+! end if
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ b=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ c=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ d=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ e=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ f=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_real8_reduction
+ subroutine qmpi_integer_reduction(type,a,b,c,d,e,f,root)
+! perform a reduction of 'type' on each of the given arguments a - f.
+! if type is:
+! 'sum': for each argument, return the sum of the argument over all processors
+! 'mul': the product
+! 'min': the minimum value
+! 'max': the maximum value
+! root is an optional argument, if given only return the result on that processor (reduce)
+! the default is to return the result on all processors (allreduce)
+ implicit none
+ character(3) type
+ integer(sp) a
+ integer(sp), optional, intent(inout) :: b,c,d,e,f
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter,boss
+ integer rbuff(6),globrbuff(6)
+ if( trim(type).ne.'sum' .and. trim(type).ne.'mul' .and. trim(type).ne.'min' .and. trim(type).ne.'max')then
+ print *,'qmpi.f90 reduce error: reduction of type ',type,'not supported'
+ stop
+ end if
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root))boss=root
+ globrbuff(:)=0
+ counter=0
+ !if(present(a)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=a
+ !end if
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=b
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=c
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=d
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=e
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=f
+ end if
+ select case(type)
+ case('sum')
+ if(present(root))then
+ call mpi_reduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter, MPI_INTEGER, mpi_sum,boss,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ else
+ call mpi_allreduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter, MPI_INTEGER, mpi_sum,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ end if
+ case('mul')
+ if(present(root))then
+ call mpi_reduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter, MPI_INTEGER, mpi_prod,boss,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ else
+ call mpi_allreduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter, MPI_INTEGER, mpi_prod,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ end if
+ case('min')
+ if(present(root))then
+ call mpi_reduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter, MPI_INTEGER, mpi_min,boss,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ else
+ call mpi_allreduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter, MPI_INTEGER, mpi_min,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ end if
+ case('max')
+ if(present(root))then
+ call mpi_reduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter, MPI_INTEGER, mpi_max,boss,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ else
+ call mpi_allreduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter, MPI_INTEGER, mpi_max,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ end if
+ end select
+ counter=0
+! if(present(a)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ a=globrbuff(counter)
+! end if
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ b=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ c=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ d=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ e=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ f=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_integer_reduction
+ subroutine qmpi_integer8_reduction(type,a,b,c,d,e,f,root)
+! perform a reduction of 'type' on each of the given arguments a - f.
+! if type is:
+! 'sum': for each argument, return the sum of the argument over all processors
+! 'mul': the product
+! 'min': the minimum value
+! 'max': the maximum value
+! root is an optional argument, if given only return the result on that processor (reduce)
+! the default is to return the result on all processors (allreduce)
+ implicit none
+ character(3) type
+ integer(long) a
+ integer(long), optional, intent(inout) :: b,c,d,e,f
+ integer, optional :: root
+ integer counter,boss
+ integer(long) rbuff(6),globrbuff(6)
+ if(len(type).ne.3)then
+ print *,'qmpi.f90 reduce error: type must be one of "mul","sum","min" or "max"'
+ stop
+ end if
+ if( trim(type).ne.'sum' .and. trim(type).ne.'mul' .and. trim(type).ne.'min' .and. trim(type).ne.'max')then
+ print *,'qmpi.f90 reduce error: reduction of type ',type,'not supported'
+ stop
+ end if
+ boss=0
+ if(present(root))boss=root
+ globrbuff(:)=0_dp
+ counter=0
+! if(present(a)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=a
+! end if
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=b
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=c
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=d
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=e
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ rbuff(counter)=f
+ end if
+ select case(type)
+ case('sum')
+ if(present(root))then
+ call mpi_reduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter, MPI_INTEGER8, mpi_sum,boss,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ else
+ call mpi_allreduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter, MPI_INTEGER8, mpi_sum,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ end if
+ case('mul')
+ if(present(root))then
+ call mpi_reduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter, MPI_INTEGER8, mpi_prod,boss,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ else
+ call mpi_allreduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter, MPI_INTEGER8, mpi_prod,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ end if
+ case('min')
+ if(present(root))then
+ call mpi_reduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter, MPI_INTEGER8, mpi_min,boss,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ else
+ call mpi_allreduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter, MPI_INTEGER8, mpi_min,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ end if
+ case('max')
+ if(present(root))then
+ call mpi_reduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter, MPI_INTEGER8, mpi_max,boss,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ else
+ call mpi_allreduce(rbuff,globrbuff,counter, MPI_INTEGER8, mpi_max,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ end if
+ end select
+ counter=1
+ a=globrbuff(counter)
+ if(present(b)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ b=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(c)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ c=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(d)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ d=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(e)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ e=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ if(present(f)) then
+ counter=counter+1
+ f=globrbuff(counter)
+ end if
+ end subroutine qmpi_integer8_reduction
+! later?
+! packing to reduce number of sends:
+! call pack(u)
+! call pack(eta(1,:))
+! call pack(v)
+! call send_pack(1)
+! ...
+! call receive_pack(0)
+! call unpack(u)
+! call unpack(eta(1,:)
+end module qmpi