config-run.xml 9.1 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <Configuration xmlns:xi="">
  3. <Translation name="RUN_ATM+OCE">
  4. <Description>Run script file (coupled run: atm+oce)</Description>
  5. <Template></Template>
  6. <Target></Target>
  7. <Properties>executable</Properties>
  8. </Translation>
  9. <Translation name="RUN_ATM">
  10. <Description>Run script file (atm only run)</Description>
  11. <Template></Template>
  12. <Target></Target>
  13. <Properties>executable</Properties>
  14. </Translation>
  15. <Translation name="RUN_OCE">
  16. <Description>Run script file (oce only run)</Description>
  17. <Template></Template>
  18. <Target></Target>
  19. <Properties>executable</Properties>
  20. </Translation>
  21. <Translation name="RUN_ESM">
  22. <Description>Run script file (coupled run: atm+esm components)</Description>
  23. <Template></Template>
  24. <Target></Target>
  25. <Properties>executable</Properties>
  26. </Translation>
  27. <Translation name="RUN_LSM">
  28. <Description>Run script file (offline land surface run)</Description>
  29. <Template></Template>
  30. <Target></Target>
  31. <Properties>executable</Properties>
  32. </Translation>
  33. <Translation name="RT_CTRL_CHE">
  34. <Description>Control file for TM5</Description>
  35. <Template>ctrl/tm5-config-run.rc.tmpl</Template>
  36. <Target>ctrl/tm5-config-run.rc</Target>
  37. <Properties>executable</Properties>
  38. </Translation>
  39. <xi:include href="platform/zenobe-intelmpi.xml" />
  40. <xi:include href="platform/lemaitre3-intelmpi.xml" />
  41. <xi:include href="platform/bsc-marenostrum3.xml" />
  42. <xi:include href="platform/bsc-marenostrum4.xml" />
  43. <xi:include href="platform/cesga-finisterrae2.xml" />
  44. <xi:include href="platform/dmi-hpcdev-intel.xml" />
  45. <xi:include href="platform/ecmwf-cca-cray.xml" />
  46. <xi:include href="platform/ecmwf-cca-intel.xml" />
  47. <xi:include href="platform/fmi-voima.xml" />
  48. <xi:include href="platform/knmi-rhino.xml" />
  49. <xi:include href="platform/nsc-bi.xml" />
  50. <xi:include href="platform/nsc-triolith.xml" />
  51. <xi:include href="platform/pdc-beskow.xml" />
  52. <xi:include href="platform/surfsara-cartesius.xml" />
  53. <Model name="GENERAL">
  54. <Parameter name="EXP_NAME">
  55. <Description>Experiment name (4 letters)</Description>
  56. <Type>STRING</Type>
  57. <Value>ECE3</Value>
  58. </Parameter>
  59. <Parameter name="RUN_START_DATE">
  60. <Description>Start date of the simulation. Use any reasonable syntax.</Description>
  61. <Type>DATE</Type>
  62. <Value>1990-01-01</Value>
  63. </Parameter>
  64. <Parameter name="RUN_END_DATE">
  65. <Description>End date of the simulation. Use any reasonable syntax.</Description>
  66. <Type>STRING</Type>
  67. <Value>${run_start_date} + 10 years</Value>
  68. </Parameter>
  69. <Parameter name="FORCE_RUN_FROM_SCRATCH">
  70. <Description>Start simulation from scratch, possibly ignoring any restart files. [true/false]</Description>
  71. <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
  72. <Value>true</Value>
  73. </Parameter>
  74. <Parameter name="RST_FREQ">
  75. <Description>Restart frequency, e.g., 2 months</Description>
  76. <Type>STRING</Type>
  77. <Value>1 year</Value>
  78. </Parameter>
  79. <Parameter name="RUN_NUM_LEGS">
  80. <Description>Number of restart legs</Description>
  81. <Type>INTEGER</Type>
  82. <Value>4</Value>
  83. </Parameter>
  84. </Model>
  85. <Model name="OASIS">
  86. <Parameter name="CPL_FREQ_ATM_CHE_HRS">
  87. <Description>Coupling frequency between IFS and TM5 in hours</Description>
  88. <Type>INTEGER</Type>
  89. <Value>6</Value>
  90. </Parameter>
  91. <Parameter name="CPL_FREQ_ATM_LPJG_HRS">
  92. <Description>Coupling frequency between IFS|TM5 and LPJG in hours</Description>
  93. <Type>INTEGER</Type>
  94. <Value>24</Value>
  95. </Parameter>
  96. </Model>
  97. <Model name="IFS">
  98. <Parameter name="GRID">
  99. <Description>Resolution of IFS grid</Description>
  100. <Type>STRING</Type>
  101. <Value>T255L91</Value>
  102. </Parameter>
  103. <Parameter name="NUMPROC">
  104. <Description>Number of processors running IFS</Description>
  105. <Type>INTEGER</Type>
  106. <Value>78</Value>
  107. </Parameter>
  108. <Parameter name="CMIP6">
  109. <Description>Use CMIP6 forcings (TRUE or FALSE)</Description>
  110. <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
  111. <Value>TRUE</Value>
  112. </Parameter>
  113. <Parameter name="CMIP6_A4xCO2">
  114. <Description>Use Abrupt4xCO2 in CMIP6 DECK (TRUE or FALSE)</Description>
  115. <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
  116. <Value>FALSE</Value>
  117. </Parameter>
  118. <Parameter name="CMIP6_1PCTCO2">
  119. <Description>Use 1pctCO2 in CMIP6 DECK (TRUE or FALSE)</Description>
  120. <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
  121. <Value>FALSE</Value>
  122. </Parameter>
  123. <Parameter name="CMIP5">
  124. <Description>Use CMIP5 forcings (TRUE or FALSE)</Description>
  125. <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
  126. <Value>TRUE</Value>
  127. </Parameter>
  128. <Parameter name="CMIP5_RCP">
  129. <Description>RCP selection (1-4 or 0 for historical run)</Description>
  130. <Type>INTEGER</Type>
  131. <Value>0</Value>
  132. </Parameter>
  133. <Parameter name="CMIP_FIXYEAR">
  134. <Description>Fix CMIP5/CMIP6 forcings at the indicated year (or 0 to ignore for transient runs)</Description>
  135. <Type>INTEGER</Type>
  136. <Value>0</Value>
  137. </Parameter>
  138. <Parameter name="CMIP6PIAER">
  139. <Description>Use prescribed preindustrial TM5 clim (TRUE or FALSE)</Description>
  140. <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
  141. <Value>TRUE</Value>
  142. </Parameter>
  143. <Parameter name="MAC2SP">
  144. <Description>Use MACv2 simple plume aerosol (TRUE or FALSE)</Description>
  145. <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
  146. <Value>TRUE</Value>
  147. </Parameter>
  148. </Model>
  149. <Model name="NEM">
  150. <Parameter name="GRID">
  151. <Description>Resolution of NEMO grid</Description>
  152. <Type>STRING</Type>
  153. <Value>ORCA1L75</Value>
  154. </Parameter>
  155. <Parameter name="NUMPROC">
  156. <Description>Number of processors running NEMO</Description>
  157. <Type>INTEGER</Type>
  158. <Value>64</Value>
  159. </Parameter>
  160. </Model>
  161. <Model name="XIO">
  162. <Parameter name="NUMPROC">
  163. <Description>Number of processors running XIOS</Description>
  164. <Type>INTEGER</Type>
  165. <Value>1</Value>
  166. </Parameter>
  167. </Model>
  168. <Model name="TM5">
  169. <Parameter name="ISTART">
  170. <Description>TM5 initial tracer fields option (2,5,9,31,32, or 33)</Description>
  171. <Type>INTEGER</Type>
  172. <Value>33</Value>
  173. </Parameter>
  174. <Parameter name="TIME_STEP_SEC">
  175. <Description>TM5 time step in seconds</Description>
  176. <Type>INTEGER</Type>
  177. <Value>3600</Value>
  178. </Parameter>
  179. <Parameter name="NUMPROC_X">
  180. <Description>Number of processors in the X direction running TM5 (max 4)</Description>
  181. <Type>INTEGER</Type>
  182. <Value>2</Value>
  183. </Parameter>
  184. <Parameter name="NUMPROC_Y">
  185. <Description>Number of processors in the Y direction running TM5 (max 45)</Description>
  186. <Type>INTEGER</Type>
  187. <Value>45</Value>
  188. </Parameter>
  189. <Parameter name="CMIP5_RCP">
  190. <Description>RCP selection (RCP26, RCP45, RCP60, RCP85 or hist [pre-2000])</Description>
  191. <Type>STRING</Type>
  192. <Value>hist</Value>
  193. </Parameter>
  194. <Parameter name="EMISS_FIXYEAR">
  195. <Description>Fix EMISSIONS at the indicated year (or 0 to ignore)</Description>
  196. <Type>INTEGER</Type>
  197. <Value>0</Value>
  198. </Parameter>
  199. </Model>
  200. <Model name="LPJG">
  201. <Parameter name="TIME_STEP_SEC">
  202. <Description>LPJ-GUESS time step in seconds</Description>
  203. <Type>INTEGER</Type>
  204. <Value>86400</Value>
  205. </Parameter>
  206. <Parameter name="NUMPROC">
  207. <Description>Number of processors running LPJG (min )</Description>
  208. <Type>INTEGER</Type>
  209. <Value>4</Value>
  210. </Parameter>
  211. <Parameter name="CMIP5_RCP">
  212. <Description>RCP selection (RCP26, RCP45, RCP60, RCP85 or hist)</Description>
  213. <Type>STRING</Type>
  214. <Value>RCP60</Value>
  215. </Parameter>
  216. <Parameter name="LPJG_FIXNDEPAFTER">
  217. <Description>Fix N-Deposition from (>=0: year, -1:off)</Description>
  218. <Type>INTEGER</Type>
  219. <Value>-1</Value>
  220. </Parameter>
  221. <Parameter name="LPJG_FIXLUAFTER">
  222. <Description>Fix Land-Use from (>=0: year, -1:off)</Description>
  223. <Type>INTEGER</Type>
  224. <Value>-1</Value>
  225. </Parameter>
  226. </Model>
  227. </Configuration>