Run script file (coupled run: atm+oce) executable Run script file (atm only run) executable Run script file (oce only run) executable Run script file (coupled run: atm+che) executable HOST: ARCH: linux_x86_64 CPU MODEL: SkyLake MAINTAINER: Pierre-Yves Barriat [] Platform dependent configuration (lemaitre3) ecconf.cfg Architecture used when building EC-Earth STRING ecconf Base directory for EC-Earth sources PATH ${HOME}/modeles/ecearth/ecearth_3.2.2/sources EC-Earth run directory PATH /CECI/trsf/${USER}/run/ecearth/${exp_name} Initial data directory used by EC-Earth PATH /scratch/ucl/elic/pbarriat/DATA/EC-EARTH Number of processors per node INTEGER 24 Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false] BOOLEAN true Additional options for the submit command STRING GRIBEX definition Template path PATH /scratch/ucl/elic/pbarriat/DATA/OPT/gribex/lib GRIB API base directory PATH ${EBROOTGRIB_API} GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory PATH bin GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory PATH share/grib_api/definitions GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory PATH share/grib_api/ifs_samples/grib1 Additional shared library paths needed at runtime STRING Command run before any modules are loaded STRING module purge List of modules to load STRING 2016a netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-intel-2016a grib_api/1.16.0-intel-2016a openjpeg/1.5.2-intel-2016a HOST: ARCH: linux_x86_64 CPU MODEL: Ivy Bridge MAINTAINER: Pierre-Yves Barriat [] Platform dependent configuration (zenobe) ecconf.cfg Architecture used when building EC-Earth STRING ecconf Base directory for EC-Earth sources PATH ${HOME}/modeles/ecearth_3.2.2/sources EC-Earth run directory PATH /SCRATCH/acad/ecearth/${USER}/run/${exp_name} Initial data directory used by EC-Earth PATH /SCRATCH/acad/ecearth/DATA Number of processors per node INTEGER 24 Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false] BOOLEAN true Additional options for the submit command STRING GRIBEX definition Template path PATH /projects/acad/ecearth/opt/gribex/lib GRIB API base directory PATH /projects/acad/ecearth/opt/grib_api GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory PATH bin GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory PATH share/definitions GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory PATH share/ifs_samples/grib1 Additional shared library paths needed at runtime STRING /projects/acad/ecearth/opt/grib_api/lib:/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/openjpeg/lib:/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/netcdf/ Command run before any modules are loaded STRING module purge List of modules to load STRING compiler/intel/comp_and_lib/2016.2.181 intelmpi/ hdf5/1.8.18-el6/intel_2016.2.181/intelmpi_5.1.3.181 HOST: Voima ( ARCH: linux_x86_64 CPU MODEL: Intel Sandy Bridge (Ivy Bridge?) MAINTAINER: Declan O'Donnell [] Platform dependent configuration ( ecconf.cfg Platform dependent configuration ( Architecture used when building EC-Earth STRING ecconf Base directory for EC-Earth sources PATH /stornext/field/users/odonnell/models/ec-earth/branches/r2617/sources EC-Earth run directory PATH /lustre/tmp/${USER}/${exp_name} Initial data directory used by EC-Earth PATH /stornext/field/users/odonnell/input/ec-earth Number of processors per node INTEGER 20 Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false] BOOLEAN true Additional options for the submit command STRING GRIBEX definition Template path PATH /stornext/field/users/odonnell/models/ec-earth/gribex/gribtemplates GRIB API base directory PATH /stornext/field/users/odonnell/models/ec-earth/grib_api/1.12.3/intel GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory PATH bin GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory PATH share/grib_api/definitions GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory STRING share/grib_api/ifs_samples/grib1 Additional shared library paths needed at runtime STRING Command run before any modules are loaded STRING source /opt/modules/default/etc/ List of modules to load STRING Maximum runtime requested from the batch system (hh:mm:ss) STRING 08:00:00 Components that will be used in the run STRING ifs HOST: ARCH: linux_x86_64 CPU MODEL: Intel E5-2660 MAINTAINER: Uwe Fladrich [] Platform dependent configuration (bi) ecconf.cfg Architecture used when building EC-Earth STRING ecconf Base directory for EC-Earth sources PATH ${HOME}/Projects/ecearth3/sources EC-Earth run directory PATH /nobackup/rossby15/${USER}/run/${exp_name} Initial data directory used by EC-Earth PATH /nobackup/rossby20/rossby/joint_exp/ecearth/inidata Number of processors per node INTEGER 16 Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false] BOOLEAN false Additional options for the submit command STRING -t 30 GRIB API base directory PATH /software/apps/grib_api/1.12.3/i1501 GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory PATH bin GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory PATH share/ifs-definitions/definitions GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory PATH share/ifs-samples/grib1 Additional shared library paths needed at runtime STRING /software/apps/intel/composer_xe_2015.1.133/compiler/lib/intel64:/software/apps/intel/composer_xe_2015.1.133/mkl/lib/intel64:/software/apps/intel/impi/ Command run before any modules are loaded STRING List of modules to load STRING impi/ HOST: ARCH: linux_x86_64 CPU MODEL: Intel E5-2660 MAINTAINER: Uwe Fladrich [] Platform dependent configuration (triolith) ecconf.cfg Architecture used when building EC-Earth STRING ecconf Base directory for EC-Earth sources PATH ${HOME}/Projects/ecearth3/sources EC-Earth run directory PATH NO_PATH_DEFINED Initial data directory used by EC-Earth PATH /nobackup/rossby20/rossby/joint_exp/ecearth/inidata Number of processors per node INTEGER 16 Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false] BOOLEAN true Additional options for the submit command STRING -t 24:00:00 -N 13 GRIB API base directory PATH /software/apps/grib_api/1.12.1/i1214 GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory PATH bin GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory PATH share/grib_api/definitions GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory PATH share/grib_api/ifs_samples/grib1 Additional shared library paths needed at runtime STRING Command run before any modules are loaded STRING List of modules to load STRING buildenv-intel/2015-1 HOST: ARCH: linux_x86_64 CPU MODEL: Intel Xeon X5675 3.07GHz MAINTAINER: Philippe Le Sager [] Platform dependent configuration (bull@knmi) ecconf.cfg Architecture used when building EC-Earth STRING ecconf Base directory for EC-Earth sources PATH ${HOME}/Projects/ecearth3/sources EC-Earth run directory PATH /scratch/users/sager/ecearth3/${exp_name} Initial data directory used by EC-Earth PATH ${HOME}/DATA/ecearth-3.2b Number of processors per node INTEGER 12 Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false] BOOLEAN true Additional options for the submit command STRING GRIB API base directory PATH /nfs_ltc/ecearth/users/severijn/installed/grib_api-1.9.9 GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory PATH bin GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory PATH share/definitions GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory PATH ifs_samples/grib1 Additional shared library paths needed at runtime STRING Command run before any modules are loaded STRING List of modules to load STRING Platform dependent configuration (beskow) ecconf.cfg Architecture used when building EC-Earth STRING ecconf Base directory for EC-Earth sources PATH ${HOME}/Projects/ecearth3/sources EC-Earth run directory PATH /cfs/klemming/scratch/u/ufla/ece-run/${exp_name} Initial data directory used by EC-Earth PATH /cfs/klemming/nobackup/u/ufla/ece-inidata Number of processors per node INTEGER 32 Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false] BOOLEAN false Additional options for the submit command STRING -t 1:00:00 -A 2014-11-5 GRIB API base directory PATH /pdc/vol/grib_api/1.12.1-cray GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory PATH bin GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory PATH share/grib_api/ifs_definitions GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory PATH share/grib_api/ifs_samples/grib1 Additional shared library paths needed at runtime STRING Command run before any modules are loaded STRING source /opt/modules/default/etc/ List of modules to load STRING PrgEnv-intel/5.2.56 cray-hdf5-parallel/1.8.13 HOST: cca/ccb at ECMWF ARCH: linux_x86_64 CPU MODEL: 36-core Intel(R) Broadwell MAINTAINER: Philippe Le Sager [] Platform dependent configuration (cca) ecconf.cfg Architecture used when building EC-Earth STRING ecconf Base directory for EC-Earth sources PATH ${PERM}/ece-3.2b/sources EC-Earth run directory PATH ${SCRATCH}/ECEARTH-RUNS/${exp_name} Initial data directory used by EC-Earth PATH /perm/ms/nl/nm6/ECE3-DATA Number of processors per node INTEGER 18 Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false] BOOLEAN true Additional options for the submit command STRING GRIBEX definition Template path PATH /usr/local/apps/libemos/tables/gribex GRIB API base directory PATH /usr/local/apps/grib_api/1.12.3/INTEL/140 GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory PATH bin GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory PATH share/grib_api/definitions GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory STRING ifs_samples/grib1 Additional shared library paths needed at runtime STRING Command run before any modules are loaded STRING source /opt/modules/default/etc/ ; module unload PrgEnv-cray; module unload PrgEnv-gnu List of modules to load STRING PrgEnv-intel Platform dependent configuration (hpcdev) ecconf.cfg Architecture used when building EC-Earth STRING ecconf Base directory for EC-Earth sources PATH ${HOME}/EC-Earth3_dmi/ece3_dmi/sources EC-Earth run directory PATH /data/${USER}/ecearth3_exp/${exp_name} Initial data directory used by EC-Earth PATH /data/shuting/EC-Earth/ecearth3.2b.r2882 Number of processors per node INTEGER 16 Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false] BOOLEAN true Additional options for the submit command STRING GRIBEX definition Template path PATH /home/shuting/Libraries/gribex_000370.ifort/gribtemplates GRIB API base directory PATH /netapp/dmisys/swrepo/grib_api/1.14.4-1/INTEL/15.0 GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory PATH bin GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory PATH share/grib_api/definitions GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory STRING share/grib_api/ifs_samples/grib1 Additional shared library paths needed at runtime STRING /opt/intel/composer_xe_2015/lib/intel64:/opt/intel/composer_xe_2015/mkl/lib/intel64 Command run before any modules are loaded STRING source /opt/modules/default/etc/ ; module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-intel List of modules to load STRING HOST: ARCH: linux_x86_64 CPU MODEL: Xeon E5-2670 8C 2.6GHz MAINTAINER: Uwe Fladrich [] Platform dependent configuration (MareNostrum) ecconf.cfg Architecture used when building EC-Earth STRING ecconf Base directory for EC-Earth sources PATH ${HOME}/Projects/ecearth3/sources EC-Earth run directory PATH /gpfs/scratch/bsc32/bsc32100/ece-run/${exp_name} Initial data directory used by EC-Earth PATH /gpfs/projects/bsc32/bsc32100/ece-setup Number of processors per node INTEGER 16 Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false] BOOLEAN false Additional options for the submit command STRING -W 1:30 GRIB API base directory PATH /apps/GRIB/1.14.0 GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory PATH bin GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory PATH share/grib_api/definitions GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory PATH share/grib_api/ifs_samples/grib1 Additional shared library paths needed at runtime STRING /apps/NETCDF/4.3.2/INTEL/IMPI/lib:/apps/HDF5/1.8.12-mpi/IMPI/lib:/apps/INTEL/mkl/lib/intel64:/apps/GRIB/1.14.0/lib Command run before any modules are loaded STRING module purge List of modules to load STRING intel/15.0.2 impi/ HOST: cca ARCH: CPU MODEL: MAINTAINER: Platform dependent configuration (cca) ecconf.cfg Architecture used when building EC-Earth STRING ecconf Base directory for EC-Earth sources PATH /perm/rd/pa1/r2930-3.2beta-MACv2.0-SP_v2/sources/ EC-Earth run directory PATH ${SCRATCH}/ecearth/crayrundir/${exp_name} Initial data directory used by EC-Earth PATH /fwsm/lb/project/ecearth/ece3.2b Number of processors per node INTEGER 18 Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false] BOOLEAN true Additional options for the submit command STRING -t 30 GRIBEX definition Template path PATH /usr/local/apps/libemos/tables/gribex GRIB API base directory PATH /usr/local/apps/grib_api/1.12.1/CRAY/82/ GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory PATH bin GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory PATH share/grib_api/definitions GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory PATH ifs_samples/grib1 Additional shared library paths needed at runtime STRING /opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.13/CRAY/83/lib/:/opt/cray/netcdf-hdf5parallel/ Command run before any modules are loaded STRING source /opt/modules/default/etc/ ; module load cdt/15.11 ; module load craype-haswell ; module sw emos/394-r64 ; module load cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel/ ; module load cray-hdf5-parallel/1.8.14 ; module list List of modules to load STRING python Use efficient mpmd to save nodes. [true/false] BOOLEAN false Experiment name (4 letters) STRING ECE3 Start date of the simulation. Use any reasonable syntax. DATE 1990-01-01 End date of the simulation. Use any reasonable syntax. STRING ${run_start_date} + 10 years Start simulation from scratch, possibly ignoring any restart files. [true/false] BOOLEAN true Restart frequency, e.g., 2 months STRING 1 year Number of restart legs INTEGER 4 Coupling frequency between IFS and NEMO in seconds INTEGER 2700 Coupling frequency between IFS and TM5 in hours INTEGER 6 Resolution of IFS grid STRING T255L91 IFS time step in seconds INTEGER 2700 Number of processors running IFS INTEGER 78 Use CMIP6 forcings (TRUE or FALSE) BOOLEAN TRUE Use Abrupt4xCO2 in CMIP6 DECK (TRUE or FALSE) BOOLEAN FALSE Use 1pctCO2 in CMIP6 DECK (TRUE or FALSE) BOOLEAN FALSE Use CMIP5 forcings (TRUE or FALSE) BOOLEAN TRUE RCP selection (1-4 or 0 for historical run) INTEGER 0 Fix CMIP5/CMIP6 forcings at the indicated year (or 0 to ignore for transient runs) INTEGER 0 Use prescribed preindustrial TM5 clim (TRUE or FALSE) BOOLEAN TRUE Use MACv2 simple plume aerosol (TRUE or FALSE) BOOLEAN TRUE Resolution of NEMO grid STRING ORCA1L75 NEMO time step in seconds INTEGER 2700 LIM time step in seconds INTEGER 2700 Number of processors running NEMO INTEGER 64 Number of processors running XIOS INTEGER 1 TM5 initial tracer fields (33 for restart, 31 else) INTEGER 31 TM5 time step in seconds INTEGER 3600 Number of processors running TM5 (max 45) INTEGER 12 RCP selection (RCP26, RCP45, RCP60, RCP85 or hist) STRING RCP60 Fix EMISSIONS at the indicated year (or 0 to ignore) INTEGER 0 Send Ozone to IFS (0:no, 1:yes) INTEGER 0 Send METHANE to IFS (0:no, 1:yes) INTEGER 0 Send AEROSOLS to IFS (0:no, 1:yes) INTEGER 0