# .bashrc # Source global definitions if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then . /etc/bashrc fi configure_ecearth() { if [ `hostname` != "frontal1" ]; then echo "First, we move to frontal1..." touch .configure_ecearth ssh frontal1 fi export EC_DEP=/projects/acad/ecearth/opt if [ -f $EC_DEP/modules.load ]; then source $EC_DEP/modules.load fi } # User specific aliases and functions if [ `hostname` = "frontal1" ]; then [[ -f .configure_ecearth ]] && configure_ecearth [[ -f .configure_ecearth ]] && rm .configure_ecearth fi # Path/variables # -------------- export HOST=`uname -n` export HISTFILESIZE=6000 export HISTSIZE=6000 # Display # ------- export PS1="\[\033[1;39m\]\u@\h\[\033[0;0m\] \t \[\033[0;34m\]\w \[\033[2;31m\]\# \[\033[0;0m\]> " # alias # ----- if [ `uname` = "Linux" ] ; then alias df='df -hT' alias ls='ls --color -F' alias lo='ls -oh -F' alias cpa="cp -a" alias ps="ps --forest" else alias df='df -k' alias ls='ls -F' alias lo='ls -o -F' alias cpa="cp -rf" fi alias rm="rm -i" alias mv="mv -i" alias cp="cp -i" alias cd..="cd .." alias dc="cd" alias la='ls -a -o -F -l' alias sl='ls' alias l='ls -lh' alias ll='ls -o -F' alias lt='ls -l -s -t |more' alias m="less" alias h="history" # Personal modules variables # -------------------------- PATH="/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/apps/lua/lua/bin:$PATH" . /projects/acad/ecearth/opt/lmod/lmod/init/profile ulimit -u 8192 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2