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Pierre-Yves Barriat 7 years ago

+ 1309 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1309 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+    <Translation name="RUN_ATM+OCE">
+        <Description>Run script file (coupled run: atm+oce)</Description>
+        <Template></Template>
+        <Target></Target>
+        <Properties>executable</Properties>
+    </Translation>
+    <Translation name="RUN_ATM">
+        <Description>Run script file (atm only run)</Description>
+        <Template></Template>
+        <Target></Target>
+        <Properties>executable</Properties>
+    </Translation>
+    <Translation name="RUN_OCE">
+        <Description>Run script file (oce only run)</Description>
+        <Template></Template>
+        <Target></Target>
+        <Properties>executable</Properties>
+    </Translation>
+    <Translation name="RUN_ATM+CHE">
+        <Description>Run script file (coupled run: atm+che)</Description>
+        <Template></Template>
+        <Target></Target>
+        <Properties>executable</Properties>
+    </Translation>
+    <Platform name="zenobe">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:   Ivy Bridge
+            MAINTAINER:  Pierre-Yves Barriat []
+        </Description>
+        <Translation name="ZENOBE_CFG">
+            <Description>Platform dependent configuration (zenobe)</Description>
+            <Template>platform/zenobe.cfg.tmpl</Template>
+            <Target>ecconf.cfg</Target>
+            <Properties></Properties>
+        </Translation>
+        <Parameter name="BUILD_ARCH">
+            <Description>Architecture used when building EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ecconf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>${HOME}/modeles/ecearth/3.2.2/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RUN_DIR">
+            <Description>EC-Earth run directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/SCRATCH/acad/ecearth/${USER}/run/${exp_name}</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="INI_DATA_DIR">
+            <Description>Initial data directory used by EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/SCRATCH/acad/ecearth/DATA</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PROC_PER_NODE">
+            <Description>Number of processors per node</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>24</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_JOB">
+            <Description>Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false]</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>true</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_OPT">
+            <Description>Additional options for the submit command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_DEFINITION_PATH">
+            <Description>GRIBEX definition Template path</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/gribex/lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/grib_api</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BIN_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>bin</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_DEFINITION_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>share/definitions</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_SAMPLES_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>share/ifs_samples/grib1</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ADD_TO_LD_LIBRARY_PATH">
+            <Description>Additional shared library paths needed at runtime</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/grib_api/lib:/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/openjpeg/lib:/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/netcdf/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PRE_LOAD_MODULES_CMD">
+            <Description>Command run before any modules are loaded</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>module purge</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MODULE_LIST">
+            <Description>List of modules to load</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>compiler/intel/comp_and_lib/2016.2.181 intelmpi/ hdf5/1.8.18-el6/intel_2016.2.181/intelmpi_5.1.3.181</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="voima">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:        Voima (
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:   Intel Sandy Bridge (Ivy Bridge?)
+            MAINTAINER:  Declan O'Donnell []
+        </Description>
+        <Translation name="VOIMA_CFG">
+            <Description>Platform dependent configuration (</Description>
+            <Template>platform/voima.cfg.tmpl</Template>
+            <Target>ecconf.cfg</Target>
+            <Properties></Properties>
+        </Translation>
+        <Translation name="VOIMA_PBS">
+            <Description>Platform dependent configuration (</Description>
+            <Template>platform/voima_pbs.cfg.tmpl</Template>
+            <Target></Target>
+            <Properties></Properties>
+        </Translation>
+        <Parameter name="BUILD_ARCH">
+            <Description>Architecture used when building EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ecconf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <!-- on voima, ECEARTH_SRC_DIR must be available on the compute nodes -->
+            <!-- use /stornext (or /lustre if you don't have /stornext storage    -->
+            <Value>/stornext/field/users/odonnell/models/ec-earth/branches/r2617/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RUN_DIR">
+            <Description>EC-Earth run directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/lustre/tmp/${USER}/${exp_name}</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="INI_DATA_DIR">
+            <Description>Initial data directory used by EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/stornext/field/users/odonnell/input/ec-earth</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PROC_PER_NODE">
+            <Description>Number of processors per node</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>20</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_JOB">
+            <Description>Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false]</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>true</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_OPT">
+            <Description>Additional options for the submit command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_DEFINITION_PATH">
+            <Description>GRIBEX definition Template path</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/stornext/field/users/odonnell/models/ec-earth/gribex/gribtemplates</Value>
+        <!-- <Value>/opt/gribex/gribtemplates</Value> -->
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/stornext/field/users/odonnell/models/ec-earth/grib_api/1.12.3/intel</Value>
+            <!-- <Value>/opt/grib_api/INTEL</Value> -->
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BIN_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>bin</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_DEFINITION_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>share/grib_api/definitions</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_SAMPLES_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>share/grib_api/ifs_samples/grib1</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ADD_TO_LD_LIBRARY_PATH">
+            <Description>Additional shared library paths needed at runtime</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PRE_LOAD_MODULES_CMD">
+            <Description>Command run before any modules are loaded</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>source /opt/modules/default/etc/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MODULE_LIST">
+            <Description>List of modules to load</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="WALLTIME">
+            <Description>Maximum runtime requested from the batch system (hh:mm:ss)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>08:00:00</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RUN_COMPONENTS">
+            <Description>Components that will be used in the run</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ifs</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="bi">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:   Intel E5-2660
+            MAINTAINER:  Uwe Fladrich []
+        </Description>
+        <Translation name="BI_CFG">
+            <Description>Platform dependent configuration (bi)</Description>
+            <Template>platform/bi.cfg.tmpl</Template>
+            <Target>ecconf.cfg</Target>
+            <Properties></Properties>
+        </Translation>
+        <Parameter name="BUILD_ARCH">
+            <Description>Architecture used when building EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ecconf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>${HOME}/Projects/ecearth3/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RUN_DIR">
+            <Description>EC-Earth run directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/nobackup/rossby15/${USER}/run/${exp_name}</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="INI_DATA_DIR">
+            <Description>Initial data directory used by EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/nobackup/rossby20/rossby/joint_exp/ecearth/inidata</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PROC_PER_NODE">
+            <Description>Number of processors per node</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>16</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_JOB">
+            <Description>Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false]</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>false</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_OPT">
+            <Description>Additional options for the submit command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-t 30</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/software/apps/grib_api/1.12.3/i1501</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BIN_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>bin</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_DEFINITION_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>share/ifs-definitions/definitions</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_SAMPLES_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>share/ifs-samples/grib1</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ADD_TO_LD_LIBRARY_PATH">
+            <Description>Additional shared library paths needed at runtime</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>/software/apps/intel/composer_xe_2015.1.133/compiler/lib/intel64:/software/apps/intel/composer_xe_2015.1.133/mkl/lib/intel64:/software/apps/intel/impi/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PRE_LOAD_MODULES_CMD">
+            <Description>Command run before any modules are loaded</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MODULE_LIST">
+            <Description>List of modules to load</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>impi/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="triolith">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:   Intel E5-2660
+            MAINTAINER:  Uwe Fladrich []
+        </Description>
+        <Translation name="TRIOLITH_CFG">
+            <Description>Platform dependent configuration (triolith)</Description>
+            <Template>platform/triolith.cfg.tmpl</Template>
+            <Target>ecconf.cfg</Target>
+            <Properties></Properties>
+        </Translation>
+        <Parameter name="BUILD_ARCH">
+            <Description>Architecture used when building EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ecconf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>${HOME}/Projects/ecearth3/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RUN_DIR">
+            <Description>EC-Earth run directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>NO_PATH_DEFINED</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="INI_DATA_DIR">
+            <Description>Initial data directory used by EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/nobackup/rossby20/rossby/joint_exp/ecearth/inidata</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PROC_PER_NODE">
+            <Description>Number of processors per node</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>16</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_JOB">
+            <Description>Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false]</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>true</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_OPT">
+            <Description>Additional options for the submit command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-t 24:00:00 -N 13</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/software/apps/grib_api/1.12.1/i1214</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BIN_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>bin</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_DEFINITION_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>share/grib_api/definitions</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_SAMPLES_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>share/grib_api/ifs_samples/grib1</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ADD_TO_LD_LIBRARY_PATH">
+            <Description>Additional shared library paths needed at runtime</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PRE_LOAD_MODULES_CMD">
+            <Description>Command run before any modules are loaded</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MODULE_LIST">
+            <Description>List of modules to load</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>buildenv-intel/2015-1</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="neuron">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:   Intel Xeon X5675 3.07GHz
+            MAINTAINER:  Philippe Le Sager []
+        </Description>
+        <Translation name="KNMI_NEURON_CFG">
+            <Description>Platform dependent configuration (bull@knmi)</Description>
+            <Template>platform/neuron.cfg.tmpl</Template>
+            <Target>ecconf.cfg</Target>
+        </Translation>
+        <Parameter name="BUILD_ARCH">
+            <Description>Architecture used when building EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ecconf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>${HOME}/Projects/ecearth3/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RUN_DIR">
+            <Description>EC-Earth run directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/scratch/users/sager/ecearth3/${exp_name}</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="INI_DATA_DIR">
+            <Description>Initial data directory used by EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>${HOME}/DATA/ecearth-3.2b</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PROC_PER_NODE">
+            <Description>Number of processors per node</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>12</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_JOB">
+            <Description>Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false]</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>true</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_OPT">
+            <Description>Additional options for the submit command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/nfs_ltc/ecearth/users/severijn/installed/grib_api-1.9.9</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BIN_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>bin</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_DEFINITION_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>share/definitions</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_SAMPLES_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>ifs_samples/grib1</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ADD_TO_LD_LIBRARY_PATH">
+            <Description>Additional shared library paths needed at runtime</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PRE_LOAD_MODULES_CMD">
+            <Description>Command run before any modules are loaded</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MODULE_LIST">
+            <Description>List of modules to load</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="beskow">
+        <!-- Tested with modules PrgEnv-intel/5.2.56 cray-hdf5-parallel/1.8.13 loaded -->
+        <Description></Description>
+        <Translation name="BESKOW_CFG">
+            <Description>Platform dependent configuration (beskow)</Description>
+            <Template>platform/beskow.cfg.tmpl</Template>
+            <Target>ecconf.cfg</Target>
+            <Properties></Properties>
+        </Translation>
+        <Parameter name="BUILD_ARCH">
+            <Description>Architecture used when building EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ecconf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>${HOME}/Projects/ecearth3/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RUN_DIR">
+            <Description>EC-Earth run directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/cfs/klemming/scratch/u/ufla/ece-run/${exp_name}</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="INI_DATA_DIR">
+            <Description>Initial data directory used by EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/cfs/klemming/nobackup/u/ufla/ece-inidata</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PROC_PER_NODE">
+            <Description>Number of processors per node</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>32</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_JOB">
+            <Description>Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false]</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>false</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_OPT">
+            <Description>Additional options for the submit command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-t 1:00:00 -A 2014-11-5</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/pdc/vol/grib_api/1.12.1-cray</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BIN_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>bin</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_DEFINITION_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>share/grib_api/ifs_definitions</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_SAMPLES_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>share/grib_api/ifs_samples/grib1</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ADD_TO_LD_LIBRARY_PATH">
+            <Description>Additional shared library paths needed at runtime</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PRE_LOAD_MODULES_CMD">
+            <Description>Command run before any modules are loaded</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>source /opt/modules/default/etc/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MODULE_LIST">
+            <Description>List of modules to load</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>PrgEnv-intel/5.2.56 cray-hdf5-parallel/1.8.13</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="cca-intel">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:        cca/ccb at ECMWF
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:   36-core Intel(R) Broadwell
+            MAINTAINER:  Philippe Le Sager []
+        </Description>
+        <Translation name="CCA_CFG">
+            <Description>Platform dependent configuration (cca)</Description>
+            <Template>platform/cca-intel.cfg.tmpl</Template>
+            <Target>ecconf.cfg</Target>
+            <Properties></Properties>
+        </Translation>
+        <Parameter name="BUILD_ARCH">
+            <Description>Architecture used when building EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ecconf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>${PERM}/ece-3.2b/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RUN_DIR">
+            <Description>EC-Earth run directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>${SCRATCH}/ECEARTH-RUNS/${exp_name}</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="INI_DATA_DIR">
+            <Description>Initial data directory used by EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/perm/ms/nl/nm6/ECE3-DATA</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PROC_PER_NODE">
+            <Description>Number of processors per node</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>18</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_JOB">
+          <!-- NOTE: can be true only if FORCE_RUN_FROM_SCRATCH is false -->
+            <Description>Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false]</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>true</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_OPT">
+            <Description>Additional options for the submit command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_DEFINITION_PATH">
+            <Description>GRIBEX definition Template path</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/usr/local/apps/libemos/tables/gribex</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/usr/local/apps/grib_api/1.12.3/INTEL/140</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BIN_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>bin</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_DEFINITION_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>share/grib_api/definitions</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_SAMPLES_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ifs_samples/grib1</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ADD_TO_LD_LIBRARY_PATH">
+            <Description>Additional shared library paths needed at runtime</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PRE_LOAD_MODULES_CMD">
+            <Description>Command run before any modules are loaded</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>source /opt/modules/default/etc/ ; module unload PrgEnv-cray; module unload PrgEnv-gnu</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MODULE_LIST">
+            <Description>List of modules to load</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>PrgEnv-intel</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="hpcdev-intel">
+        <Description></Description>
+        <Translation name="hpcdev_CFG">
+            <Description>Platform dependent configuration (hpcdev)</Description>
+            <Template>platform/hpcdev-intel.cfg.tmpl</Template>
+            <Target>ecconf.cfg</Target>
+            <Properties></Properties>
+        </Translation>
+        <Parameter name="BUILD_ARCH">
+            <Description>Architecture used when building EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ecconf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>${HOME}/EC-Earth3_dmi/ece3_dmi/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RUN_DIR">
+            <Description>EC-Earth run directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+           <Value>/data/${USER}/ecearth3_exp/${exp_name}</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="INI_DATA_DIR">
+            <Description>Initial data directory used by EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/data/shuting/EC-Earth/ecearth3.2b.r2882</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PROC_PER_NODE">
+            <Description>Number of processors per node</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>16</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_JOB">
+            <Description>Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false]</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>true</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_OPT">
+            <Description>Additional options for the submit command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_DEFINITION_PATH">
+            <Description>GRIBEX definition Template path</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/home/shuting/Libraries/gribex_000370.ifort/gribtemplates</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/netapp/dmisys/swrepo/grib_api/1.14.4-1/INTEL/15.0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BIN_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>bin</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_DEFINITION_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>share/grib_api/definitions</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_SAMPLES_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>share/grib_api/ifs_samples/grib1</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ADD_TO_LD_LIBRARY_PATH">
+            <Description>Additional shared library paths needed at runtime</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>/opt/intel/composer_xe_2015/lib/intel64:/opt/intel/composer_xe_2015/mkl/lib/intel64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PRE_LOAD_MODULES_CMD">
+            <Description>Command run before any modules are loaded</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>source /opt/modules/default/etc/ ; module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-intel</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MODULE_LIST">
+            <Description>List of modules to load</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="marenostrum">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:   Xeon E5-2670 8C 2.6GHz
+            MAINTAINER:  Uwe Fladrich []
+        </Description>
+        <Translation name="MN_CFG">
+            <Description>Platform dependent configuration (MareNostrum)</Description>
+            <Template>platform/marenostrum.cfg.tmpl</Template>
+            <Target>ecconf.cfg</Target>
+            <Properties></Properties>
+        </Translation>
+        <Parameter name="BUILD_ARCH">
+            <Description>Architecture used when building EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ecconf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>${HOME}/Projects/ecearth3/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RUN_DIR">
+            <Description>EC-Earth run directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/gpfs/scratch/bsc32/bsc32100/ece-run/${exp_name}</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="INI_DATA_DIR">
+            <Description>Initial data directory used by EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/gpfs/projects/bsc32/bsc32100/ece-setup</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PROC_PER_NODE">
+            <Description>Number of processors per node</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>16</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_JOB">
+            <Description>Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false]</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>false</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_OPT">
+            <Description>Additional options for the submit command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-W 1:30</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/apps/GRIB/1.14.0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BIN_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>bin</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_DEFINITION_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>share/grib_api/definitions</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_SAMPLES_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>share/grib_api/ifs_samples/grib1</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ADD_TO_LD_LIBRARY_PATH">
+            <Description>Additional shared library paths needed at runtime</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>/apps/NETCDF/4.3.2/INTEL/IMPI/lib:/apps/HDF5/1.8.12-mpi/IMPI/lib:/apps/INTEL/mkl/lib/intel64:/apps/GRIB/1.14.0/lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PRE_LOAD_MODULES_CMD">
+            <Description>Command run before any modules are loaded</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>module purge</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MODULE_LIST">
+            <Description>List of modules to load</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>intel/15.0.2 impi/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="cca-cray">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:        cca
+            ARCH:        
+            CPU MODEL:   
+            MAINTAINER:  
+        </Description>
+        <Translation name="CCA_CFG">
+            <Description>Platform dependent configuration (cca)</Description>
+            <Template>platform/cca.cfg.tmpl</Template>
+            <Target>ecconf.cfg</Target>
+            <Properties></Properties>
+        </Translation>
+        <Parameter name="BUILD_ARCH">
+            <Description>Architecture used when building EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ecconf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/perm/rd/pa1/r2930-3.2beta-MACv2.0-SP_v2/sources/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RUN_DIR">
+            <Description>EC-Earth run directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>${SCRATCH}/ecearth/crayrundir/${exp_name}</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="INI_DATA_DIR">
+            <Description>Initial data directory used by EC-Earth</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/fwsm/lb/project/ecearth/ece3.2b</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PROC_PER_NODE">
+            <Description>Number of processors per node</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>18</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_JOB">
+            <Description>Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false]</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>true</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RESUBMIT_OPT">
+            <Description>Additional options for the submit command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-t 30</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_DEFINITION_PATH">
+            <Description>GRIBEX definition Template path</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/usr/local/apps/libemos/tables/gribex</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/usr/local/apps/grib_api/1.12.1/CRAY/82/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BIN_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>bin</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_DEFINITION_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>share/grib_api/definitions</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_SAMPLES_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>ifs_samples/grib1</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ADD_TO_LD_LIBRARY_PATH">
+            <Description>Additional shared library paths needed at runtime</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>/opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.13/CRAY/83/lib/:/opt/cray/netcdf-hdf5parallel/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="PRE_LOAD_MODULES_CMD">
+            <Description>Command run before any modules are loaded</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>source /opt/modules/default/etc/ ; module load cdt/15.11 ; module load craype-haswell ; module sw emos/394-r64 ; module load cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel/ ; module load cray-hdf5-parallel/1.8.14 ; module list</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MODULE_LIST">
+            <Description>List of modules to load</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>python</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="USE_FORKING">
+            <Description>Use efficient mpmd to save nodes. [true/false]</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>false</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Model name="GENERAL">
+        <Parameter name="EXP_NAME">
+            <Description>Experiment name (4 letters)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ECE3</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RUN_START_DATE">
+            <Description>Start date of the simulation. Use any reasonable syntax.</Description>
+            <Type>DATE</Type>
+            <Value>1990-01-01</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RUN_END_DATE">
+            <Description>End date of the simulation. Use any reasonable syntax.</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>${run_start_date} + 10 years</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FORCE_RUN_FROM_SCRATCH">
+            <Description>Start simulation from scratch, possibly ignoring any restart files. [true/false]</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>true</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RST_FREQ">
+            <Description>Restart frequency, e.g., 2 months</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>6 months</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="RUN_NUM_LEGS">
+            <Description>Number of restart legs</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>4</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Model>
+    <Model name="OASIS">
+        <Parameter name="CPL_FREQ_ATM_OCE_SEC">
+            <Description>Coupling frequency between IFS and NEMO in seconds</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>2700</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPL_FREQ_ATM_CHE_HRS">
+            <Description>Coupling frequency between IFS and TM5 in hours</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>6</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Model>
+    <Model name="IFS">
+        <Parameter name="GRID">
+            <Description>Resolution of IFS grid</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>T255L91</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="TIME_STEP_SEC">
+            <Description>IFS time step in seconds</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>2700</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NUMPROC">
+            <Description>Number of processors running IFS</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>78</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CMIP6">
+            <Description>Use CMIP6 forcings (TRUE or FALSE)</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>TRUE</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CMIP6_A4xCO2">
+            <Description>Use Abrupt4xCO2 in CMIP6 DECK (TRUE or FALSE)</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>FALSE</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CMIP6_1PCTCO2">
+            <Description>Use 1pctCO2 in CMIP6 DECK (TRUE or FALSE)</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>FALSE</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CMIP5">
+            <Description>Use CMIP5 forcings (TRUE or FALSE)</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>TRUE</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CMIP5_RCP">
+            <Description>RCP selection (1-4 or 0 for historical run)</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CMIP_FIXYEAR">
+            <Description>Fix CMIP5/CMIP6 forcings at the indicated year (or 0 to ignore for transient runs)</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CMIP6PIAER">
+            <Description>Use prescribed preindustrial TM5 clim (TRUE or FALSE)</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>TRUE</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAC2SP">
+            <Description>Use MACv2 simple plume aerosol (TRUE or FALSE)</Description>
+            <Type>BOOLEAN</Type>
+            <Value>TRUE</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Model>
+    <Model name="NEM">
+        <Parameter name="GRID">
+            <Description>Resolution of NEMO grid</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ORCA1L75</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEM_TIME_STEP_SEC">
+            <Description>NEMO time step in seconds</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>2700</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LIM_TIME_STEP_SEC">
+            <Description>LIM time step in seconds</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>2700</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NUMPROC">
+            <Description>Number of processors running NEMO</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Model>
+    <Model name="XIO">
+        <Parameter name="NUMPROC">
+            <Description>Number of processors running XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>1</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Model>
+    <Model name="TM5">
+        <Parameter name="ISTART">
+            <Description>TM5 initial tracer fields (33 for restart, 31 else)</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>31</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="TIME_STEP_SEC">
+            <Description>TM5 time step in seconds</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>3600</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NUMPROC">
+            <Description>Number of processors running TM5 (max 45)</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>12</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CMIP5_RCP">
+            <Description>RCP selection (RCP26, RCP45, RCP60, RCP85 or hist)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>RCP60</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="EMISS_FIXYEAR">
+            <Description>Fix EMISSIONS at the indicated year (or 0 to ignore)</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FDBCK_O3">
+            <Description>Send Ozone to IFS (0:no, 1:yes)</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FDBCK_CH4">
+          <Description>Send METHANE to IFS (0:no, 1:yes)</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FDBCK_AEROSOL">
+          <Description>Send AEROSOLS to IFS (0:no, 1:yes)</Description>
+            <Type>INTEGER</Type>
+            <Value>0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Model>

+ 742 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,742 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+#PBS -q large
+#PBS -r y
+#PBS -W group_list=ecearth
+#PBS -l walltime=23:50:00
+#PBS -l select=6:ncpus=24:mem=63000mb:mpiprocs=24:ompthreads=1
+#PBS -M
+#PBS -m abe
+exec > ${PBS_O_WORKDIR-$PWD}/${PBS_JOBNAME-"local"}_${PBS_JOBID-"id"}.log
+echo "------------------ Job Info --------------------"
+echo "jobid : $PBS_JOBID"
+echo "jobname : $PBS_JOBNAME"
+echo "job type : $PBS_ENVIRONMENT"
+echo "submit dir : $PBS_O_WORKDIR"
+echo "queue : $PBS_O_QUEUE"
+echo "user : $PBS_O_LOGNAME"
+echo "threads : $OMP_NUM_THREADS"
+set -ue
+# Directories
+# librunscript defines some helper functions
+. ${start_dir}/
+# =============================================================================
+# *** BEGIN User configuration
+# =============================================================================
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# *** General configuration
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Component configuration
+# (for syntax of the $config variable, see
+config="ifs nemo lim3 rnfmapper xios:detached oasis"
+# Experiment name (exactly 4 letters!)
+# Simulation start and end date. Use any (reasonable) syntax you want.
+# Set $force_run_from_scratch to 'true' if you want to force this run to start
+# from scratch, possibly ignoring any restart files present in the run
+# directory. Leave set to 'false' otherwise.
+# NOTE: If set to 'true' the run directory $run_dir is cleaned!
+# Resolution
+# Restart frequency. Use any (reasonable) number and time unit you want.
+# For runs without restart, leave this variable empty
+# Number of restart legs to be run in one go
+# Coupling frequency between atmosphere and ocean (in seconds)
+# Directories
+# Architecture
+# This file is used to store information about restarts
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# *** Read platform dependent configuration
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+. ${start_dir}/ecconf.cfg
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# *** IFS configuration
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ifs_output_freq=$(( 6 * 3600 / ifs_time_step_sec ))
+ifs_di_freq=$(( 24 * 3600 / ifs_time_step_sec ))
+ifs_ddh_freq=$(( 120 * 3600 / ifs_time_step_sec ))
+ifs_res_hor=$(echo ${ifs_grid} | sed 's:T\([0-9]\+\)L\([0-9]\+\):\1:')
+ifs_res_ver=$(echo ${ifs_grid} | sed 's:T\([0-9]\+\)L\([0-9]\+\):\2:')
+# Time-varying orbital forcing (Qiong Zhang, SU-2013-09)
+#   ifs_orb_switch=FALSE, no orbital calculations applied
+#   ifs_orb_switch=TRUE, use orbital calculations according to ifs_orb_mode
+#   ifs_orb_mode="fixed_year", or "variable_year", or "fixed_parameters"
+#     fixed_year: calculate the orbital parameters at ifs_orb_iyear, e.g.,1850
+#     variable_year: calculate orbital parameters annually start from ifs_orb_iyear
+#     fixed_parameters: prescribe orbital parameters for given year
+ifs_orb_iyear=$(date -u -d "${run_start_date}" +%Y)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# *** IFS tuning (the commented values are EC-Earth 3.2beta and IFS cy36r4)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                     # ECE32b     IFS cy36r4                     
+RPRCON=1.41E-3       # 1.2E-3     1.4E-3
+RVICE=0.125          # 0.13       0.15
+RLCRITSNOW=3.9E-5    # 3.0E-5     5.0E-5
+RSNOWLIN2=0.035      # 0.035      0.025
+ENTRORG=1.49E-4       # 1.5E-4     1.8E-4
+DETRPEN=0.7E-4       # 0.75E-4    0.75E-4
+ENTRDD=3.6E-4        # 3.0E-4     2.0E-4
+RMFDEPS=0.3          # 0.3        0.35
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# *** NEMO/LIM configuration
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This is only needed if the experiment is started from an existing set of NEMO
+# restart files
+nem_res_hor=$(echo ${nem_grid} | sed 's:ORCA\([0-9]\+\)L[0-9]\+:\1:')
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# *** Runoff mapper configuration
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# *** OASIS configuration
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Restart files for the coupling fields (note 8 character limit in OASIS)
+# : atmoshpere single-category fields
+# : atmoshpere multi-category fields
+# : ocean single-category fields
+# : ocean multi-category fields
+# Decide whether the OASIS weight files for interpolation should be linked from
+# the setup directory (true) or not (false). In the latter case, the weights
+# are re-computed at the start of the run.
+# Flux correction for runoff (not calving) sent from Oasis to ocean. 
+# 1.07945 is computed to compensate for a P-E=-0.016 mm/day
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# *** XIOS configuration
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# =============================================================================
+# *** END of User configuration
+# =============================================================================
+# =============================================================================
+# *** This is where the code begins ...
+# =============================================================================
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# *** Create the run dir if necessary and go there
+#     Everything is done from here.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if [ ! -d ${run_dir} ]
+    mkdir -p ${run_dir}
+cd ${run_dir}
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# *** Determine the time span of this run and whether it's a restart leg
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Regularise the format of the start and end date of the simulation
+run_start_date=$(date -uR -d "${run_start_date}")
+run_end_date=$(date -uR -d "${run_end_date}")
+# Loop over the number of legs
+for (( ; run_num_legs>0 ; run_num_legs-- ))
+    # Check for restart information file and set the current leg start date
+    #   Ignore restart information file if force_run_from_scratch is true
+    if ${force_run_from_scratch} || ! [ -r ${ece_info_file} ]
+    then
+        leg_is_restart=false
+        leg_start_date=${run_start_date}
+        leg_number=1
+    else
+        leg_is_restart=true
+        . ./${ece_info_file}
+        leg_start_date=${leg_end_date}
+        leg_number=$((leg_number+1))
+    fi
+    # Compute the end date of the current leg
+    if [ -n "${rst_freq}" ]
+    then
+        leg_end_date=$(date -uR -d "${leg_start_date} + ${rst_freq}")
+    else
+        leg_end_date=${run_end_date}
+    fi
+    if [ $(date -d "${leg_end_date}" +%s) -gt $(date -d "${run_end_date}" +%s) ]
+    then
+        leg_end_date=${run_end_date}
+    fi
+    # Some time variables needed later
+    leg_length_sec=$(( $(date -d "${leg_end_date}" +%s) - $(date -d "${leg_start_date}" +%s) ))
+    leg_start_sec=$(( $(date -d "${leg_start_date}" +%s) - $(date -d "${run_start_date}" +%s) ))
+    leg_end_sec=$(( $(date -d "${leg_end_date}" +%s) - $(date -d "${run_start_date}" +%s) ))
+    leg_start_date_yyyymmdd=$(date -u -d "${leg_start_date}" +%Y%m%d)
+    leg_start_date_yyyy=$(date -u -d "${leg_start_date}" +%Y)
+    leg_end_date_yyyy=$(date -u -d "${leg_end_date}" +%Y)
+    # Check whether there's actually time left to simulate - exit otherwise
+    if [ ${leg_length_sec} -le 0 ]
+    then
+        info "Leg start date equal to or after end of simulation."
+        info "Nothing left to do. Exiting."
+        exit 0
+    fi
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # *** Prepare the run directory for a run from scratch
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    if ! $leg_is_restart
+    then
+        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # *** Check if run dir is empty. If not, and if we are allowed to do so
+        #     by ${force_run_from_scratch}, remove everything
+        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        if $(ls * >& /dev/null)
+        then
+            if ${force_run_from_scratch}
+            then
+                rm -fr ${run_dir}/*
+            else
+                error "Run directory not empty and \$force_run_from_scratch not set."
+            fi
+        fi
+        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # *** Copy executables of model components
+        # *** Additionally, create symlinks to the original place for reference
+        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        cp    ${ifs_exe_file} .
+        ln -s ${ifs_exe_file} $(basename ${ifs_exe_file}).lnk
+        cp    ${nem_exe_file} .
+        ln -s ${nem_exe_file} $(basename ${nem_exe_file}).lnk
+        cp    ${rnf_exe_file} .
+        ln -s ${rnf_exe_file} $(basename ${rnf_exe_file}).lnk
+        cp    ${xio_exe_file} .
+        ln -s ${xio_exe_file} $(basename ${xio_exe_file}).lnk
+        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # *** Files needed for IFS (linked)
+        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # Initial data
+        ln -s \
+        ${ini_data_dir}/ifs/${ifs_grid}/${leg_start_date_yyyymmdd}/ICMGGECE3INIUA \
+                                                            ICMGG${exp_name}INIUA
+        ln -s \
+        ${ini_data_dir}/ifs/${ifs_grid}/${leg_start_date_yyyymmdd}/ICMGGECE3INIT \
+                                                            ICMGG${exp_name}INIT
+        ln -s \
+        ${ini_data_dir}/ifs/${ifs_grid}/${leg_start_date_yyyymmdd}/ICMSHECE3INIT \
+                                                            ICMSH${exp_name}INIT
+        # Other stuff
+        ln -s ${ini_data_dir}/ifs/rtables/* .
+        # Output control (ppt files)
+        mkdir postins
+        cp ${ctrl_file_dir}/ppt* postins/
+        f_min=$(( ifs_output_freq * ifs_time_step_sec / 60 ))
+        for t in $(seq $f_min $f_min 1439)
+        do
+            hh=$(printf %02d $((t/60)) )
+            mm=$(printf %02d $((t%60)) )
+            ln -s pptdddddd0000 postins/pptdddddd$hh$mm
+        done
+        /bin/ls -1 postins/* > dirlist
+        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # *** Files needed for NEMO (linked)
+        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # Link initialisation files for matching ORCA grid
+        for f in \
+   \
+   \
+   \
+   \
+   \
+        do
+            [ -f ${ini_data_dir}/nemo/initial/${nem_grid}/$f ] && ln -s ${ini_data_dir}/nemo/initial/${nem_grid}/$f
+        done
+        # Link geothermal heating file (independent of grid) and matching weight file
+        ln -s ${ini_data_dir}/nemo/initial/
+        ln -s ${ini_data_dir}/nemo/initial/weights_Goutorbe1_2_orca${nem_res_hor}
+        # Link either restart files or climatology files for the initial state
+        if $(has_config nemo:start_from_restart)
+        then
+            # When linking restart files, we accept three options:
+            # (1) Merged files for ocean and ice, i.e.
+            # and
+            # (2) One-file-per-MPI-rank, i.e.
+            #     restart_oce_????.nc and restart_ice_????.nc
+            #     No check is done whether the number of restart files agrees
+            #     with the number of MPI ranks for NEMO!
+            # (3) One-file-per-MPI-rank with a prefix, i.e.
+            #     <exp_name>_<time_step>_restart_oce_????.nc (similar for the ice)
+            #     The prefix is ignored.
+            # The code assumes that one of the options can be applied! If more
+            # options are applicable, the first is chosen. If none of the
+            # options apply, NEMO will crash with missing restart file.
+            if   ls -U ${nem_restart_file_path}/restart_[oi] > /dev/null 2>&1
+            then
+                 ln -s ${nem_restart_file_path}/restart_[oi] ./
+            elif ls -U ${nem_restart_file_path}/restart_[oi]ce_????.nc > /dev/null 2>&1
+            then
+                 ln -s ${nem_restart_file_path}/restart_[oi]ce_????.nc ./
+            else
+                for f in ${nem_restart_file_path}/????_????????_restart_[oi]ce_????.nc
+                do
+                    ln -s $f $(echo $f | sed 's/.*_\(restart_[oi]ce_....\.nc\)/\1/')
+                done
+            fi
+        else
+            # Temperature and salinity files for initialisation
+            ln -s ${ini_data_dir}/nemo/climatology/
+            ln -s ${ini_data_dir}/nemo/climatology/
+            ln -s ${ini_data_dir}/nemo/climatology/weights_WOA13d1_2_orca${nem_res_hor}
+            # Grid dependent runoff files
+            case ${nem_grid} in
+            ORCA1*)   ln -s ${ini_data_dir}/nemo/climatology/ ;;
+            ORCA025*) ln -s ${ini_data_dir}/nemo/climatology/ ;;
+            esac
+        fi
+        # XIOS files
+        . ${ctrl_file_dir}/ > iodef.xml
+        ln -s ${ctrl_file_dir}/context_nemo.xml
+        ln -s ${ctrl_file_dir}/domain_def_nemo.xml
+        ln -s ${ctrl_file_dir}/field_def_nemo-lim.xml
+        ln -s ${ctrl_file_dir}/field_def_nemo-opa.xml
+        ln -s ${ctrl_file_dir}/field_def_nemo-pisces.xml
+        ln -s ${ctrl_file_dir}/file_def_nemo-lim3.xml file_def_nemo-lim.xml
+        ln -s ${ctrl_file_dir}/file_def_nemo-opa.xml
+        ln -s ${ctrl_file_dir}/file_def_nemo-pisces.xml
+        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # *** Files needed for the Runoff mapper (linked)
+        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        ln -s ${ini_data_dir}/runoff-mapper/
+        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # *** Files needed for OASIS (linked)
+        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        oas_grid_dir=${ini_data_dir}/oasis/T${ifs_res_hor}-ORCA${nem_res_hor}
+        # Name table file
+        ln -s ${ini_data_dir}/oasis/cf_name_table.txt
+        # Grid definition files
+        ln -s ${oas_grid_dir}/
+        ln -s ${oas_grid_dir}/
+        ln -s ${oas_grid_dir}/
+        # Weight files
+        case ${ifs_res_hor} in
+            159)  oas_agrd=080
+                  ;;
+            255)  oas_agrd=128
+                  ;;
+            511)  oas_agrd=256
+                  ;;
+            799)  oas_agrd=400
+                  ;;
+            *)    error "Unsupported horizontal resolution (IFS): ${ifs_res_hor}"
+                  ;;
+        esac
+        case ${nem_res_hor} in
+              1)  oas_ogrd=O1t0
+                  ;;
+            025)  oas_ogrd=Ot25
+                  ;;
+              *)  error "Unsupported horizontal resolution (NEMO): ${nem_res_hor}"
+                  ;;
+        esac
+        if ${oas_link_weights}
+        then
+            for f in ${oas_grid_dir}/rmp_????_to_????
+            do
+                ln -s $f
+            done
+        fi
+        for f in ${oas_rst_files}
+        do
+            cp ${oas_grid_dir}/rst/$f .
+        done
+    else # i.e. $leg_is_restart == true
+        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # *** Remove all leftover output files from previous legs
+        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # IFS files
+        rm -f ICM{SH,GG}${exp_name}+??????
+        # NEMO files
+        rm -f ${exp_name}_??_????????_????????_{grid_U,grid_V,grid_W,grid_T,icemod,SBC,scalar,SBC_scalar}.nc
+    fi # ! $leg_is_restart
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # *** Create some control files
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # IFS, NEMO, LIM namelist and OASIS namcouple files
+    . ${ctrl_file_dir}/                          > fort.4
+    . ${ctrl_file_dir}/                     > namelist_ref
+    . ${ctrl_file_dir}/namelist.nemo-${nem_grid} > namelist_cfg
+    . ${ctrl_file_dir}/                     > namelist_ice_ref
+    . ${ctrl_file_dir}/namelist.lim3-${nem_grid}         > namelist_ice_cfg
+    . ${ctrl_file_dir}/                 > namelist.runoffmapper
+    . ${ctrl_file_dir}/                             > namcouple
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # *** IFS climatology data
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    icmclfile=${ini_data_dir}/ifs/${ifs_grid}/climate/ICMCL
+    tempfile=tmp.$$
+    grib_set=${GRIB_BIN_PATH}${GRIB_BIN_PATH:+/}grib_set
+    # Create data for december, the year before the leg starts
+    ${grib_set} \
+    -s dataDate=$(printf "%04d" $((leg_start_date_yyyy-1)))1215 ${icmclfile}-12 \
+                                                           ICMCL${exp_name}INIT
+    # Create data for all month in the years of the leg
+    for (( y=${leg_start_date_yyyy} ; y<=${leg_end_date_yyyy} ; y++ ))
+    do
+        yy=$(printf "%04d" $y)
+        for m in {1..12}
+        do
+            mm=$(printf "%02d" $m)
+            ${grib_set} -s dataDate=${yy}${mm}15 ${icmclfile}-${mm} ${tempfile}
+            cat ${tempfile} >> ICMCL${exp_name}INIT
+        done
+    done
+    # Create data for january, the year after the leg ends
+    ${grib_set} -s dataDate=$(printf "%04d" $((leg_end_date_yyyy+1)))0115 ${icmclfile}-01 \
+                                                                              ${tempfile}
+    cat ${tempfile} >> ICMCL${exp_name}INIT
+    # Clean up
+    rm -f ${tempfile}
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # *** Link the appropriate NEMO restart files of the previous leg
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    if $leg_is_restart
+    then
+        ns=$(printf %08d $(( leg_start_sec / nem_time_step_sec - nem_restart_offset )))
+        for (( n=0 ; n<nem_numproc ; n++ ))
+        do
+            np=$(printf %04d ${n})
+            ln -fs ${exp_name}_${ns}_restart_oce_${np}.nc restart_oce_${np}.nc
+            ln -fs ${exp_name}_${ns}_restart_ice_${np}.nc restart_ice_${np}.nc
+        done
+        # Make sure there are no global restart files
+        # If links are found, they will be removed. We are cautious and do
+        # _not_ remove real files! However, if real global restart files are
+        # present, NEMO/LIM will stop because time stamps will not match.
+        [ -h ] && rm
+        [ -h ] && rm
+    fi
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # *** Remove some OASIS files of the previous leg
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    if $leg_is_restart
+    then
+        rm -f anaisout_*
+    fi
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # *** Start the run
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    export DR_HOOK_IGNORE_SIGNALS='-1'
+    export CPLNG='active'
+    # Use the launch function from the platform configuration file
+    t1=$(date +%s)
+    launch \
+        ${xio_numproc} ${xio_exe_file} -- \
+        ${nem_numproc} ${nem_exe_file} -- \
+        ${rnf_numproc} ${rnf_exe_file} -- \
+        ${ifs_numproc} ${ifs_exe_file} -v ecmwf -e ${exp_name}
+    t2=$(date +%s)
+    tr=$(date -d "0 -$t1 sec + $t2 sec" +%T)
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # *** Check for signs of success
+    #     Note the tests provide no guarantee that things went fine! They are
+    #     just based on the IFS and NEMO log files. More tests (e.g. checking
+    #     restart files) could be implemented.
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Checking for IFS success
+    if [ -f ifs.stat ]
+    then
+        if [ "$(awk 'END{print $3}' ifs.stat)" == "CNT0" ]
+        then
+            info "Leg successfully completed according to IFS log file 'ifs.stat'."
+        else
+            error "Leg not completed according to IFS log file 'ifs.stat'."
+        fi
+    else
+        error "IFS log file 'ifs.stat' not found after run."
+    fi
+    # Check for NEMO success
+    if [ -f ocean.output ]
+    then
+        if [ "$(awk '/New day/{d=$10}END{print d}' ocean.output)" == "$(date -d "${leg_end_date} - 1 day" +%Y/%m/%d)" ]
+        then
+            info "Leg successfully completed according to NEMO log file 'ocean.output'."
+        else
+            error "Leg not completed according to NEMO log file 'ocean.output'."
+        fi
+    else
+        error "NEMO log file 'ocean.output' not found after run."
+    fi
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # *** Move IFS output files to archive directory
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    outdir="output/ifs/$(printf %03d $((leg_number)))"
+    mkdir -p ${outdir}
+    prv_leg=$(printf %03d $((leg_number-1)))
+    # This takes care of a special IFS feature: The output for the last time
+    # step of each leg is written at the first time step of the new leg. The
+    # following code makes sure that the output is appended to the appropriate
+    # file. Since GRIB files are just streams, its done with a simple cat
+    # command.
+    for f in ICMSH${exp_name}+?????? ICMGG${exp_name}+??????
+    do
+        if [ -f output/ifs/${prv_leg}/${f} ]
+        then
+            cat ${f} >> output/ifs/${prv_leg}/${f}
+            rm -f ${f}
+        else
+            mv ${f} ${outdir}
+        fi
+    done
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # *** Move NEMO output files to archive directory
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    outdir="output/nemo/$(printf %03d $((leg_number)))"
+    mkdir -p ${outdir}
+    for v in grid_U grid_V grid_W grid_T icemod SBC scalar SBC_scalar
+    do
+        for f in ${exp_name}_??_????????_????????_${v}.nc
+        do
+            test -f $f && mv $f $outdir/
+        done
+    done
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # *** Move IFS restart files to archive directory
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    if $leg_is_restart
+    then
+        outdir="restart/ifs/$(printf %03d $((leg_number)))"
+        mkdir -p ${outdir}
+        # Figure out the time part of the restart files (cf. CTIME on rcf files)
+        # NOTE: Assuming that restarts are at full days (time=0000) only!
+        nd="$(printf %06d $((leg_start_sec/(24*3600))))0000"
+        mv srf${nd}.???? ${outdir}
+    fi
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # *** Move NEMO restart files to archive directory
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    if $leg_is_restart
+    then
+        outdir="restart/nemo/$(printf %03d $((leg_number)))"
+        mkdir -p ${outdir}
+        ns=$(printf %08d $(( leg_start_sec / nem_time_step_sec - nem_restart_offset )))
+        for f in oce ice
+        do
+            mv ${exp_name}_${ns}_restart_${f}_????.nc ${outdir}
+        done
+    fi
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # *** Copy OASIS restart files to archive directory
+    #     NOTE: These files are copied and not moved as they are used in the
+    #           next leg!
+    #           Note also that the OASIS restart files present at the end of
+    #           the leg correspond to the start of the next leg!
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    outdir="restart/oasis/$(printf %03d $((leg_number+1)))"
+    mkdir -p ${outdir}
+    for f in ${oas_rst_files}
+    do
+        test -f ${f} && cp ${f} ${outdir}
+    done
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # *** Copy rcf files to the archive directory (of the next leg!)
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    outdir="restart/ifs/$(printf %03d $((leg_number+1)))"
+    mkdir -p ${outdir}
+    for f in rcf
+    do
+        test -f ${f} && cp ${f} ${outdir}
+    done
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # *** Move log files to archive directory
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    outdir="log/$(printf %03d $((leg_number)))"
+    mkdir -p ${outdir}
+    for f in \
+        ifs.log ifs.stat fort.4 ocean.output \
+        time.step solver.stat \
+        nout.000000 debug.??.?????? A*_??.nc O*_??.nc
+    do
+        test -f ${f} && mv ${f} ${outdir}
+    done
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # *** Write the restart control file
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Compute CPMIP performance
+    sypd="$(cpmip_sypd $leg_length_sec $(($t2 - $t1)))"
+    chpsy="$(cpmip_chpsy  $leg_length_sec $(($t2 - $t1)) $(($ifs_numproc + $nem_numproc + $rnf_numproc + $xio_numproc)))"
+    echo "#"                                             | tee -a ${ece_info_file}
+    echo "# Finished leg at `date '+%F %T'` after ${tr} (hh:mm:ss)" \
+                                                         | tee -a ${ece_info_file}
+    echo "# CPMIP performance: $sypd SYPD   $chpsy CHPSY"| tee -a ${ece_info_file}
+    echo "leg_number=${leg_number}"                      | tee -a ${ece_info_file}
+    echo "leg_start_date=\"${leg_start_date}\""          | tee -a ${ece_info_file}
+    echo "leg_end_date=\"${leg_end_date}\""              | tee -a ${ece_info_file}
+    # Need to reset force_run_from_scratch in order to avoid destroying the next leg
+    force_run_from_scratch=false
+done # loop over legs
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# *** Platform dependent finalising of the run
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+exit 0

+ 117 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Platform dependent configuration functions for the 'zenobe' machine
+function configure()
+    # This function should configure all settings/modules needed to
+    # later prepare the EC-Earth run directory and set variables used
+    # in the run script
+    # Configure paths for building/running EC-Earth
+    ecearth_src_dir=[[[PLT:ACTIVE:ECEARTH_SRC_DIR]]]
+    run_dir=[[[PLT:ACTIVE:RUN_DIR]]]
+    ini_data_dir=[[[PLT:ACTIVE:INI_DATA_DIR]]]
+    # File for standard output.
+    # NOTE: This will be modified for restart jobs!
+    stdout_file=${PBS_O_WORKDIR-$PWD}/${PBS_JOBNAME-"local"}_${PBS_JOBID-"id"}.log
+    # Resubmit this job for automatic restarts? [true/false]
+    # Also, add options for the resubmit command here.
+    resubmit_job=[[[PLT:ACTIVE:RESUBMIT_JOB]]]
+    resubmit_opt="[[[PLT:ACTIVE:RESUBMIT_OPT]]]"
+    # Configure GRIBEX paths
+    # Configure grib api paths
+    # Configure number of processors per node
+    proc_per_node=[[[PLT:ACTIVE:PROC_PER_NODE]]]
+    # Configure and load modules
+    pre_load_modules_cmd="[[[PLT:ACTIVE:PRE_LOAD_MODULES_CMD]]]"
+    module_list="[[[PLT:ACTIVE:MODULE_LIST]]]"
+    if [ -n "${pre_load_modules_cmd}" ]
+    then
+        ${pre_load_modules_cmd}
+    fi
+    module load ${module_list}
+    # Add directories to the shared library search path
+function launch()
+    # Compute and check the node distribution
+    info "======================="
+    info "Node/proc distribution:"
+    info "-----------------------"
+    info "IFS:   ${ifs_numproc}"
+    info "NEMO:  ${nem_numproc}"
+    info "XIOS:  ${xio_numproc}"
+    info "======================="
+    cmd="mpirun"
+    while (( "$#" ))
+    do
+        nranks=$1
+        executable=./$(basename $2)
+        shift
+        shift
+        cmd+=" -n $nranks $executable"
+        while (( "$#" )) && [ "$1" != "--" ]
+        do
+            cmd+=" $1"
+            shift
+        done
+        shift || true
+        (( "$#" )) && cmd+=" :"
+    done
+    #export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
+    pwd
+    echo $cmd
+    #exit
+    $cmd
+function finalise()
+    # This function should execute of any post run functionality, e.g.
+    # platform dependent cleaning or a resubmit
+    if ${resubmit_job} && [ $(date -d "${leg_end_date}" +%s) -lt $(date -d "${run_end_date}" +%s) ]
+    then
+        info "Resubmitting job for leg $((leg_number+1))"
+        # Need to go to start_dir to find the run script
+        cd ${PBS_O_WORKDIR}  # same as $start_dir
+        cp ./${PBS_JOBNAME} ./${PBS_JOBNAME}.$$
+        sed "s:force_run_from_scratch=true:force_run_from_scratch=false:" \
+            <./${PBS_JOBNAME}.$$ \
+            >./${PBS_JOBNAME}
+        \rm -f ./${PBS_JOBNAME}.$$
+        # Submit command
+        set -x
+        qsub ./${PBS_JOBNAME}
+        set +x
+    else
+        info "Not resubmitting."
+    fi

+ 4320 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4320 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+    <Translation name="nemo_arch_ecconf_fcm">
+        <Description>Nemo 3.6 config file</Description>
+        <Template>nemo-3.6/ARCH/arch-ecconf.fcm.tmpl</Template>
+        <Target>nemo-3.6/ARCH/arch-ecconf.fcm</Target>
+        <Properties></Properties>
+    </Translation>
+    <Translation name="xios2_arch_ecconf_fcm">
+        <Description>XIOS2 config file for FCM</Description>
+        <Template>xios-2/arch/arch-ecconf.fcm.tmpl</Template>
+        <Target>xios-2/arch/arch-ecconf.fcm</Target>
+        <Properties></Properties>
+    </Translation>
+    <Translation name="xios2_arch_ecconf_env">
+        <Description>XIOS2 config file: env</Description>
+        <Template>xios-2/arch/arch-ecconf.env.tmpl</Template>
+        <Target>xios-2/arch/arch-ecconf.env</Target>
+        <Properties></Properties>
+    </Translation>
+    <Translation name="xios2_arch_ecconf_path">
+        <Description>XIOS2 config file: path</Description>
+        <Template>xios-2/arch/arch-ecconf.path.tmpl</Template>
+        <Target>xios-2/arch/arch-ecconf.path</Target>
+        <Properties></Properties>
+    </Translation>
+    <Translation name="ifs36r4_makefile_config">
+        <Description>IFS/36r4 makefile configuration</Description>
+        <Template>ifs-36r4/Makefile.d/Makefile.config.ecconf.tmpl</Template>
+        <Target>ifs-36r4/Makefile.d/Makefile.config.ecconf</Target>
+        <Properties></Properties>
+    </Translation>
+    <Translation name="oasis_makefile_config">
+        <Description>OASIS makefile configuration</Description>
+        <Template>oasis3-mct/util/make_dir/Makefile.d/Makefile.config.ecconf.tmpl</Template>
+        <Target>oasis3-mct/util/make_dir/Makefile.d/Makefile.config.ecconf</Target>
+        <Properties></Properties>
+    </Translation>
+    <Translation name="runoff-mapper_makefile">
+        <Description>Runoff-mapper Makefile</Description>
+        <Template>runoff-mapper/src/Makefile.tmpl</Template>
+        <Target>runoff-mapper/src/Makefile</Target>
+        <Properties></Properties>
+    </Translation>
+    <Translation name="amip-forcing_makefile">
+        <Description>AMIP-forcing Makefile</Description>
+        <Template>amip-forcing/src/Makefile.tmpl</Template>
+        <Target>amip-forcing/src/Makefile</Target>
+        <Properties></Properties>
+    </Translation>
+    <Translation name="tm5_rcfile_config">
+        <Description>TM5MP rcfile configuration</Description>
+        <Template>tm5mp/rc/pycasso-config-ecearth3.rc.tmpl</Template>
+        <Target>tm5mp/ecconfig-ecearth3.rc</Target>
+        <Properties></Properties>
+    </Translation>
+    <Platform name="zenobe-intel-intelmpi">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:   Intel IvyBridge
+            MAINTAINER:  PY Barriat []
+            COMPILER:    i-compilers (icc+ifort,
+            MPI:         Intel MPI
+            BLAS/LAPACK: Intel MKL
+        </Description>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>$(HOME)/modeles/ecearth/3.2.2/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/softs/intel/impi/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mpi mpiif mpigf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/softs/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2016.2.181/linux/mkl</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib/intel64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mkl_intel_lp64 mkl_core mkl_sequential</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/netcdf/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/grib_api</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/gribex</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>JPEG base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/openjpeg</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/openjpeg/include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/openjpeg/lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>openjpeg</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>HDF4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/softs/hdf5/1.8.18-el6/intel/2016.2.181/intelmpi/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>HDF5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKE">
+            <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>make</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FC">
+            <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ifort</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+            <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -r8</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+            <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-free</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+            <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-fixed</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CC">
+            <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>icc</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CXX">
+            <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>icc</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+            <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LD">
+            <Description>Linker</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ifort</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="AR">
+            <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ar</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>curv</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>p</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>cpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>fpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-P -C</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+            <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-check pointers -check uninit -fpe0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>linux LINUX LITTLE LITTLE_ENDIAN POINTER_64 BLAS</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+            <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="voima-intel">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:        Voima (
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:   Intel Sandy Bridge (Ivy Bridge?)
+            MAINTAINER:  Declan O'Donnell []
+            COMPILER:    Intel Compilers (icc+ifort)
+            MPI:         Intel MPI
+            BLAS/LAPACK: Cray scilib
+        </Description>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>EC-Earth base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/stornext/field/users/odonnell/models/ec-earth/branches/r2617/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/opt/cray/mpt/6.1.0/gni/mpich2-intel/130</Value>
+            <!-- <Value>$(I_MPI_ROOT)/intel64</Value> -->
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mpich mpichf90 fmpich</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/opt/cray/libsci/12.1.01/INTEL/130/ivybridge</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>sci_intel</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>JPEG base directory (used for compression in HDF)</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>jpeg</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type></Type>
+            <Value>sz</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>Hdf4 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/opt/hdf4.2.10</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>Hdf4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>Hdf4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>Hdf4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mfhdf df</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>Hdf5 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.11/INTEL/130</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>Hdf5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>Hdf5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>Hdf5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <!-- NETCDF4 WITH PARALLEL I/O, needed for TM5 if restart and timeseries are needed -->
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/opt/cray/netcdf-hdf5parallel/4.3.0/INTEL/130</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <!-- NETCDF4 WITHOUT PARALLEL I/O -->
+        <!-- <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR"> -->
+        <!--     <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description> -->
+        <!--     <Type>PATH</Type> -->
+        <!--     <Value>/nfs_ltc/ecearth/users/severijn/installed/netcdf-4.3.0</Value> -->
+        <!-- </Parameter> -->
+        <!-- <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR"> -->
+        <!--     <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description> -->
+        <!--     <Type>PATH</Type> -->
+        <!--     <Value>include</Value> -->
+        <!-- </Parameter> -->
+        <!-- <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR"> -->
+        <!--     <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description> -->
+        <!--     <Type>PATH</Type> -->
+        <!--     <Value>lib</Value> -->
+        <!-- </Parameter> -->
+        <!-- <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L"> -->
+        <!--     <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description> -->
+        <!--     <Type>STRING</Type> -->
+        <!--     <Value>netcdff</Value> -->
+        <!-- </Parameter> -->
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/stornext/field/users/odonnell/models/ec-earth/grib_api/1.12.3/intel</Value>
+            <!--  <Value>/opt/grib_api/INTEL</Value> -->
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/stornext/field/users/odonnell/models/ec-earth/gribex</Value>
+            <!--  <Value>/opt/gribex</Value> -->
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKE">
+            <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>make</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FC">
+            <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <!-- <Value>ifort</Value> -->
+            <Value>ftn</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+            <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <!-- <Value>-O0 -r8 -g -traceback -vec-report0 -fp-model source -fp-model except -fpe0</Value>  -->
+            <!-- <Value>-O0 -r8 -g -traceback -vec-report0 -check bounds,stack,uninit -warn all -fp-model source -fp-model except -fpe0</Value> -->
+            <!-- <Value>-O2 -r8 -g -traceback -vec-report0 -xAVX -fp-model source -fp-model except -fpe0</Value> -->
+            <Value>-O2 -r8 -g -traceback -vec-report0 -xAVX -fp-model strict</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+            <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-free</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+            <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-fixed</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CC">
+            <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>cc</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CXX">
+            <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>cc</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+            <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -r8 -g -traceback -xAVX -fp-model strict</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LD">
+            <Description>Linker</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ftn</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -g -traceback -lsz -lz -L/opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.11/INTEL/130/lib -lhdf5 -lhdf5_hl</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="AR">
+            <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ar</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>curv</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>p</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FPP">
+            <Description>Fortran preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>fpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>cpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-P -C</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <!-- <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value> -->
+            <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>use_oasis_para</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-cxxlib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+            <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>linux LINUX LITTLE LITTLE_ENDIAN POINTER_64 BLAS</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="TM5_DEFAULT_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>Default F90 flags for TM5 (ie without optimization)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -r8 -g -traceback -xAVX</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="TM5_OPTIM_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>F90 optimization flags for TM5</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-fp-model strict</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="TM5_MDEFS_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>Model preprocessor defs. Set to with_ecearth_optics if aerosols feedback will be switch on.</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>with_ecearth_optics</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+            <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="bi-intel-intelmpi">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:   Intel E5-2660
+            MAINTAINER:  Uwe Fladrich []
+            COMPILER:    i-compilers (icc+ifort,
+            MPI:         Intel MPI
+            BLAS/LAPACK: Intel MKL
+        </Description>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>$(HOME)/Projects/ecearth3/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/software/apps/intel/impi/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mpi mpiif mpigi</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/software/apps/intel/composer_xe_2015.1.133/mkl</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib/intel64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mkl_intel_lp64 mkl_core mkl_sequential</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/software/apps/netcdf/4.3.2/i1501-impi-</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/software/apps/grib_api/1.12.3/i1501</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/software/apps/gribex/000370/i1501</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>JPEG base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>HDF4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/software/apps/hdf5/1.8.14/i1501</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>HDF5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5 z</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKE">
+            <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>make</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FC">
+            <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ifort</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+            <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+            <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-free</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+            <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-fixed</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CC">
+            <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>icc</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CXX">
+            <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>icc</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+            <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LD">
+            <Description>Linker</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ifort</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="AR">
+            <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ar</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>curv</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>p</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>cpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>fpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-P -C</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+            <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-check pointers -check uninit -fpe0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>linux LINUX LITTLE LITTLE_ENDIAN POINTER_64 BLAS</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+            <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="triolith-intel-intelmpi">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:   Intel E5-2660
+            MAINTAINER:  Uwe Fladrich []
+            COMPILER:    i-compilers (icc+ifort,
+            MPI:         Intel MPI
+            BLAS/LAPACK: Intel MKL
+        </Description>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>$(HOME)/Projects/ecearth3/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/software/apps/intel/impi/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mpi mpiif mpigi</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/software/apps/intel/composer_xe_2015.3.187/mkl</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib/intel64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mkl_intel_lp64 mkl_core mkl_sequential</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/software/apps/netcdf/4.3.2/i1403-impi-</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/software/apps/grib_api/1.12.1/i1214</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/software/apps/gribex/000370/i1214</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>JPEG base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>HDF4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/software/apps/hdf5/1.8.14/i1403-impi-</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>HDF5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5 z</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKE">
+            <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>make</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FC">
+            <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ifort</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+            <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+            <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-free</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+            <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-fixed</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CC">
+            <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>icc</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CXX">
+            <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>icc</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+            <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LD">
+            <Description>Linker</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ifort</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="AR">
+            <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ar</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>curv</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>p</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>cpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>fpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-P -C</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+            <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-fpe0 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>linux LINUX LITTLE LITTLE_ENDIAN POINTER_64 BLAS</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+            <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="neuron-intel-intelmpi">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:   Intel Xeon X5675 3.07GHz
+            MAINTAINER:  Philippe Le Sager []
+            COMPILER:    i-compilers (icc+ifort)
+            MPI:         Intel MPI
+            BLAS/LAPACK: Intel MKL
+        </Description>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>EC-Earth base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>$(HOME)/Projects/ecearth3/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/nfs_stc/project/sw/intel/impi/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mpi mpiif mpigi</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/nfs_stc/project/sw/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.7.256/mkl</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib/intel64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mkl_intel_lp64 mkl_core mkl_sequential</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>JPEG base directory (used for compression in HDF)</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/nfs_ltc/tm5_test/users/sager/BACKUP/LIBS/JPEG-6B/COMPILATION_intel_c12.0.4_impi4.0.2.003/jpeg-6b</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>jpeg</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/nfs_ltc/tm5_test/users/sager/BACKUP/LIBS/SZIP.2.1/COMPILATION_intel_c12.0.4_impi4.0.2.003/szip-2.1</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>sz</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>Hdf4 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/nfs_ltc/tm5_test/users/sager/BACKUP/LIBS/HDF.4.2.9/hdf4.2.9</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>Hdf4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>Hdf4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>Hdf4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mfhdf df</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>Hdf5 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/nfs_ltc/tm5_test/users/sager/BACKUP/LIBS/HDF5.1.8.11/COMPILATION_intel_c12.0.3_impi4.0.2.003/hdf5-1.8.11</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>Hdf5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>Hdf5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>Hdf5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5 z</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <!-- NETCDF4 WITH PARALLEL I/O, needed for TM5 if restart and timeseries are needed -->
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/nfs_ltc/ecearth/users/severijn/installed/netcdf-4.3.0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>netcdff</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/nfs_ltc/ecearth/users/severijn/installed/grib_api-1.9.9</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/nfs_ltc/ecearth/users/severijn/installed/gribex</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKE">
+            <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>make</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FC">
+            <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ifort</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+            <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -g -traceback -r8 -fp-model precise -xHost</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+            <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-free</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+            <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-fixed</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CC">
+            <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>icc</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CXX">
+            <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>g++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+            <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <!-- <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8</Value> -->
+            <Value>-O2 -g</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LD">
+            <Description>Linker</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ifort</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8 -lstdc++</Value>
+            <!-- <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8</Value> -->
+            <!-- <Value>-O2 -g -traceback -lstdc++</Value> -->
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="AR">
+            <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ar</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>curv</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>p</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>cpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>fpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-P -C</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <!-- <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value> -->
+            <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+            <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-check pointers -check uninit -fpe0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>linux LINUX LITTLE LITTLE_ENDIAN POINTER_64 BLAS</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="TM5_DEFAULT_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>Default F90 flags for TM5 (ie without optimization)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-warn declarations -traceback -r8</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="TM5_OPTIM_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>F90 optimization/debug flags for TM5</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O3 -fp-model strict -g</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+            <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="beskow-intel-craympi">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:
+            MAINTAINER:  Hamish Struthers []
+            COMPILER:    Intel compiler
+            MPI:         Cray MPI
+            BLAS/LAPACK: Cray BLAS
+            NOTE:        Use modules PrgEnv-intel/5.2.56 and cray-hdf5-parallel/1.8.13
+        </Description>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>$(HOME)/Projects/ecearth3/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/opt/cray/netcdf-hdf5parallel/4.3.2/intel/140</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>netcdff netcdf stdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.13/intel/140</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>HDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/pdc/vol/grib_api/1.12.1-intel</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/pdc/vol/gribex/000370/intel</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKE">
+            <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>make</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FC">
+            <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ftn</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+            <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+            <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-free</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+            <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-fixed</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CC">
+            <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>cc</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+            <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -g -traceback -xHost</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CXX">
+            <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>CC</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LD">
+            <Description>Linker</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ftn</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -g -traceback -L/opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.13/intel/140/lib -lhdf5hl_fortran -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="AR">
+            <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ar</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>curv</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>p</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>cpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FPP">
+            <Description>Fortran preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>fpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-P -C</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+            <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>linux LINUX LITTLE LITTLE_ENDIAN POINTER_64 BLAS</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+            <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="cca-intel-mpi">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:        ccb/cca at ECMWF
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:   36-core Intel(R) Broadwell
+            USER:        Philippe Le Sager (
+            COMPILER:    i-compilers (icc+ifort, 15.0.1)
+            MPI:         MPICH2
+            BLAS/LAPACK: Intel MKL
+        </Description>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>${PERM}/ece-3.2b/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/opt/cray/mpt/default/gni/mpich-intel/150</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mpich</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/opt/intel/composer_xe_2015.1.133/mkl</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib/intel64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mkl_intel_lp64 mkl_core mkl_sequential</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/opt/cray/netcdf-hdf5parallel/4.4.0/intel/150/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/usr/local/apps/grib_api/1.12.3/INTEL/140</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api jasper</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/usr/local/apps/libemos/000394/INTEL/140</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>emosR64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>JPEG base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>jpeg</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/usr/local/apps/hdf/4.2.10/INTEL/140</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>HDF4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mfhdf df</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.16/intel/150</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>HDF5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5 z</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKE">
+            <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>make</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FC">
+            <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ifort</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+            <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -g -traceback -r8 -fp-model strict -xHost</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+            <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-free</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+            <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-fixed</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CC">
+            <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>icc</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CXX">
+            <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>icc</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+            <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -g -traceback -fp-model strict -xHost</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LD">
+            <Description>Linker</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ifort</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -g -traceback -fp-model strict -xHost -L/usr/local/apps/jasper/1.900.1/lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="AR">
+            <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ar</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>curv</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>p</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>cpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>fpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-P -C</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+            <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-check pointers -check uninit -fpe0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>linux LINUX LITTLE LITTLE_ENDIAN POINTER_64 BLAS</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="TM5_DEFAULT_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>Default F90 flags for TM5 (ie without optimization)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-warn declarations -traceback -real-size 64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="TM5_OPTIM_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>F90 optimization/debug flags for TM5</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model strict -g</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="TM5_MDEFS_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>Model preprocessor defs</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="TM5_CO2_ONLY">
+            <Description>Light version of TM5 (True or False)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>False</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+            <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="hpcdev-intel">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:   16-core Intel(R) 
+            USER:        Shuting Yang (
+            COMPILER:    i-compilers (icc+ifort,
+            MPI:         MPICH2
+            BLAS/LAPACK: Intel MKL
+        </Description>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>${HOME}/EC-Earth3_dmi/r3097-GHGs/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mpich</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib/intel64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/netapp/dmisys/swrepo/grib_api/1.14.4-1/INTEL/15.0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api jasper</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/netapp/research/shuting/Libraries/gribex_000370</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>JPEG base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>jpeg</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/opt/cray/hdf4/1.8.14/INTEL/140</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>HDF4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mfhdf df</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>HDF5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5 z</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKE">
+            <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>make</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FC">
+            <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ftn</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+            <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+            <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-free</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+            <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-fixed</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CC">
+            <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>cc</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+            <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LD">
+            <Description>Linker</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>CC -Wl</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -L/netapp/dmisys/swrepo/jasper/1.900/intel/150/lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="AR">
+            <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ar</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>curv</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>p</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>cpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>fpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-P -C</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-check pointers -check uninit -fpe0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>linux LINUX LITTLE LITTLE_ENDIAN POINTER_64 BLAS</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+            <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="marenostrum-intel-intelmpi">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:   ???
+            MAINTAINER:  Uwe Fladrich []
+            COMPILER:    i-compilers (icc+ifort, ???)
+            MPI:         Intel MPI
+            BLAS/LAPACK: Intel MKL
+        </Description>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>$(HOME)/Projects/ecearth3/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/apps/INTEL/impi/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mpi mpiif mpigi</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/apps/INTEL/mkl</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib/intel64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mkl_intel_lp64 mkl_core mkl_sequential</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/apps/NETCDF/4.3.2/INTEL/IMPI</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/apps/GRIB/1.14.0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/apps/GRIBEX/000370</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>JPEG base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>HDF4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/apps/HDF5/1.8.12-mpi/IMPI</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>HDF5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5 z</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKE">
+            <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>make</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FC">
+            <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ifort</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+            <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+            <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-free</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+            <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-fixed</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CC">
+            <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>icc</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+            <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CXX">
+            <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>CC</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LD">
+            <Description>Linker</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ifort</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="AR">
+            <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ar</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>curv</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>p</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>cpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>fpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-P -C</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+            <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-check pointers -check uninit -fpe0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>linux LINUX LITTLE LITTLE_ENDIAN POINTER_64 BLAS</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+            <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="cca-cray-craympi">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:        cca/ccb at ECMWF
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:   36-core Intel(R) Broadwell
+            USER:        ECMWF
+            COMPILER:    ftn Cray compiler
+            MPI:         Cray MPI
+            BLAS/LAPACK: Cray BLAS
+        </Description>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/perm/rd/pa1/r2930-3.2beta-MACv2-SP_TM5PIAER/sources/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/opt/cray/netcdf-hdf5parallel/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>HCDF5 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.14/cray/83</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/usr/local/apps/grib_api/1.12.1/CRAY/82</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/usr/local/apps/libemos/000394/CRAY/82</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>emosR64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKE">
+            <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>make</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FC">
+            <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ftn</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+            <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-sreal64 -em -hnoomp -O2</Value>
+            <!--The -hflex_mp=conservative -hfp1 -hadd_paren flags from>
+            <!--Value>-sreal64 -em -hnoomp -O0 -hflex_mp=conservative -hfp1 -hadd_paren</Value-->
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+            <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-ffree</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+            <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-ffixed</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CC">
+            <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>cc</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+            <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O3</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CXX">
+            <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>CC</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LD">
+            <Description>Linker</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>CC</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-Wl,--as-needed -L/opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.14/cray/83/lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="AR">
+            <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ar</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>curv</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>p</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>cpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FPP">
+            <Description>Fortran preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>cpp -P -CC</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-P -C</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>use_oasis_para</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+            <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-DMPICH_SKIP_MPICXX -h msglevel_4 -h zero -h gnu</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D__NONE__</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-em -sinteger32 -sreal64 -O2 -e0 -eZ -Ktrap=fp -R b</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-L/opt/cray/hdf5/1.8.13/cray/83/lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>linux LINUX LITTLE LITTLE_ENDIAN POINTER_64 BLAS</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+            <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>
+    <Platform name="marenostrum3-intel-intelmpi">
+        <Description>
+            HOST:
+            ARCH:        linux_x86_64
+            CPU MODEL:   ???
+            MAINTAINER:  Domingo Manubens-Gil []
+            COMPILER:    i-compilers (icc+ifort, ???)
+            MPI:         Intel MPI
+            BLAS/LAPACK: Intel MKL
+        </Description>
+        <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+            <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/gpfs/scratch/${GROUP}/${USER}/${exp_name}/${PROJECT_DEST}/sources</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/apps/INTEL/impi/</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mpi mpiif mpigi</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/apps/INTEL/mkl</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib/intel64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>mkl_intel_lp64 mkl_core mkl_sequential</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/apps/NETCDF/4.3.2/INTEL/IMPI</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/apps/GRIB/1.14.0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/apps/GRIBEX/000370</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>JPEG base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>HDF4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 base directory</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>/apps/HDF5/1.8.12-mpi/IMPI</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>include</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+            <Description>HDF5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+            <Type>PATH</Type>
+            <Value>lib</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+            <Description>HDF5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5 z</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKE">
+            <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>make</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FC">
+            <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ifort</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+            <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+            <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-free</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+            <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-fixed</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CC">
+            <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>icc</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+            <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-D</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CXX">
+            <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>icc</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LD">
+            <Description>Linker</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ifort</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="AR">
+            <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>ar</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>curv</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+            <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>p</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>cpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="FPP">
+            <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>fpp</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+            <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-P -C</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+            <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-check pointers -check uninit -fpe0</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+            <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+            <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>linux LINUX LITTLE LITTLE_ENDIAN POINTER_64 BLAS</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+            <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value></Value>
+        </Parameter>
+        <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+            <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+            <Type>STRING</Type>
+            <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+        </Parameter>
+    </Platform>

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# .bashrc
+  if [ `hostname` != "frontal1" ]; then
+    echo "First, we move to frontal1..."
+    touch .configure_ecearth
+    ssh frontal1
+  fi
+  export EC_DEP=/projects/acad/ecearth/opt
+  if [ -f $EC_DEP/modules ]; then
+    source $EC_DEP/modules
+  fi
+if [ `hostname` = "frontal3" ]; then
+  echo "Nothing to load..."
+if [ `hostname` = "frontal1" ]; then
+  [[ -f .configure_ecearth ]] && configure_ecearth
+  [[ -f .configure_ecearth ]] && rm .configure_ecearth

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+cp $TAG/sources/config-build.xml $TARGET/sources/config-build.xml
+cp $TAG/runtime/classic/config-run.xml $TARGET/runtime/classic/config-run.xml
+cp $TAG/runtime/classic/ $TARGET/runtime/classic/
+cp $TAG/runtime/classic/platform/zenobe.cfg.tmpl $TARGET/runtime/classic/platform/zenobe.cfg.tmpl