@@ -17,20 +17,54 @@ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub gwceci.cism.ucl.ac.be
## Install
-First, clone the `pbarriat/ecearth_patch` repository and update your shell startup script to source the 'bashrc' file to add ecearth globals variables to your environment. For instance:
+First, clone the `pbarriat/ecearth_patch` repository:
+mkdir ~/modeles
+cd ~/modeles
+mkdir ecearth
git clone ssh://regit/pbarriat/ecearth_patch.git
+Now, update your shell startup script (`~/.bashrc`) to add ecearth globals variables to your environment.
+For instance **on Zenobe**, you need to add:
+ if [ `hostname` != "frontal1" ]; then
+ echo "First, we move to frontal1..."
+ touch .configure_ecearth
+ ssh frontal1
+ fi
+ export EC_DEP=/projects/acad/ecearth/opt
+ if [ -f $EC_DEP/modules.load ]; then
+ source $EC_DEP/modules.load
+ fi
+if [ `hostname` = "frontal1" ]; then
+ [[ -f .configure_ecearth ]] && configure_ecearth
+ [[ -f .configure_ecearth ]] && rm .configure_ecearth
+if [ `hostname` = "frontal3" ]; then
+ PATH="/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/apps/lua/lua/bin:$PATH"
+ . /projects/acad/ecearth/opt/lmod/lmod/init/profile
+ ulimit -u 8192
+ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
Then, checkout the EC-Earth SVN repository. Four alternatives:
+cd ecearth
svn co https://svn.ec-earth.org/ecearth3/tags/3.2.2 ecearth_3.2.2
svn co https://svn.ec-earth.org/ecearth3/tags/3.2.3 ecearth_3.2.3
svn co https://svn.ec-earth.org/ecearth3/branches/projects/primavera ecearth_primavera
-svn co https://svn.ec-earth.org/ecearth3/trunk ecearth
+svn co https://svn.ec-earth.org/ecearth3/trunk ecearth_trunk
Final step, go to the `pbarriat/ecearth_patch` repository and run the `install.sh` script: