namelist.tex 6.2 KB

  1. \begin{tabular}{|l|r|l|}
  2. \hline
  3. Name & Default & Description \\
  4. \hline
  5. & & \\
  6. {\bf nlat } & 32 & 0: Number of latitudes \\
  7. {\bf nlev } & 10 & 1: Number of levels \\
  8. & & \\
  9. \hline
  10. \end{tabular}
  11. \newpage
  12. \begin{tabular}{|l|r|l|}
  13. \hline
  14. Name & Default & Description \\
  15. \hline
  16. & & \\
  17. {\bf kick } & 1 & 0: no initial noise ($p_s$ = const.) \\
  18. {\bf } & & 1: initial random white noise \\
  19. {\bf } & & 2: equator symmetric random white noise \\
  20. {\bf } & & 3: mode (1,2) reproducable initialization \\
  21. {\bf lat1oro } & & used in preprocessor \\
  22. {\bf lat1tgt } & & used in preprocessor \\
  23. {\bf lat2oro } & & used in preprocessor \\
  24. {\bf lat2tgr } & & used in preprocessor \\
  25. {\bf lon1oro } & & used in preprocessor \\
  26. {\bf lon1tgt } & & used in preprocessor \\
  27. {\bf lon2oro } & & used in preprocessor \\
  28. {\bf lon2tgr } & & used in preprocessor \\
  29. {\bf nafter } & 24 & outputinterval: obsolete, replaced by nwpd \\
  30. {\bf ncoeff } & 0 & number of coefficients to print in {\bf wrspam} \\
  31. {\bf ncorrect} & & used in preprocessor \\
  32. {\bf ncu } & 0 & $ncu > 0$ : write debug info to file unit (ncu) \\
  33. {\bf ndel } & 6 & order of hyperdiffusion for each level (2*h) \\
  34. {\bf ndiag } & 12 & output interval for diagnostics [timesteps] \\
  35. {\bf nextout } & 0 & extended output: ps at t-1 and t-2 \\
  36. {\bf nfls } & & used in preprocessor \\
  37. {\bf ngui } & 0 & 1: run with GUI \\
  38. {\bf nguidbg } & 0 & 1: switch on GUI debug output \\
  39. {\bf nhz } & 0 & $nhz > 0$: Held \& Suarez setups \\
  40. {\bf nkits } & 3 & number of short initial timesteps \\
  41. {\bf nlevt } & 0 & number of tropospheric levels (if nvg = 1) \\
  42. {\bf nextout } & 0 & 1:extended output (entropy production) \\
  43. {\bf nmonths } & 0 & simulation time in months \\
  44. {\bf noro } & & used in preprocessor \\
  45. {\bf norox } & & used in preprocessor \\
  46. {\bf noutput } & 1 & 1:write model output to file {\bf puma\_output} \\
  47. {\bf nreverse} & & used in preprocessor \\
  48. {\bf nruido } & 0 & 1:add noise on every time step \\
  49. {\bf nrun } & 0 & number of timesteps to run - 0: use nyears and nmonths \\
  50. {\bf nsponge } & 0 & 1:use sponge layer at top \\
  51. {\bf nsrv } & & used in preprocessor \\
  52. {\bf nstep } & 0 & current timestep \\
  53. {\bf nstop } & 0 & stop step - 0: compute from nyears 6 nmonths \\
  54. {\bf nstrato } & & used in preprocessor \\
  55. {\bf ntgr } & & used in preprocessor \\
  56. {\bf ntspd } & 24 & number of time steps per day \\
  57. {\bf nvg } & 0 & vertical grid type 0:linear 1:Scinocca 2:Polvani \\
  58. {\bf nwpd } & 1 & number of writes per day (to {\bf puma\_output}) \\
  59. {\bf nwspini } & 1 & 1: Write initial sp(:) to file {\bf puma\_sp\_ini}\\
  60. {\bf nyears } & 1 & simulation time in years \\
  61. {\bf nyoden } & & used in preprocessor \\
  62. & & \\
  63. \hline
  64. \end{tabular}
  65. \newpage
  66. \begin{tabular}{|l|r||l|}
  67. \hline
  68. Name & Default & Description \\
  69. \hline
  70. & & \\
  71. {\bf alrpv } & & used in preprocessor \\
  72. {\bf alrs } & & used in preprocessor \\
  73. {\bf disp } & 0.0 & noise amplitude for nruido = 1 \\
  74. {\bf dorox } & & used in preprocessor \\
  75. {\bf doroxs } & & used in preprocessor \\
  76. {\bf doroy } & & used in preprocessor \\
  77. {\bf doroys } & & used in preprocessor \\
  78. {\bf dt } & & used in preprocessor \\
  79. {\bf dtep } & 60.0 & temperature difference at surface for $T_R$ \\
  80. {\bf } & & equator - pole (forcing) \\
  81. {\bf dtns } & 0.0 & temperature difference at surface for $T_R$ \\
  82. {\bf } & & North pole - South pole (season simulation) \\
  83. {\bf dtrop } & 12000.0 & height of tropopause [m] \\
  84. {\bf dttrp } & 2.0 & temperature increment controlling the sharpness \\
  85. {\bf } & & of the tropopause in $T_R$ \\
  86. {\bf dtzz } & & used in preprocessor \\
  87. {\bf dvdiff } & 0.0 & vertical diffusion coefficient \\
  88. {\bf edgepv } & & used in preprocessor \\
  89. {\bf flsamp } & & used in preprocessor \\
  90. {\bf flsdp } & & used in preprocessor \\
  91. {\bf flsp0 } & & used in preprocessor \\
  92. {\bf flsoff } & & used in preprocessor \\
  93. {\bf horo } & & used in preprocessor \\
  94. {\bf oroano } & & used in preprocessor \\
  95. {\bf orofac } & & used in preprocessor \\
  96. {\bf pac } & 0.0 & phase of annual cycle in [days] \\
  97. {\bf pmaxpv } & & used in preprocessor \\
  98. {\bf pspon } & 50.0 & sponge layer limit \\
  99. {\bf psurf } & 101100.0 & global mean sea level pressure [Pa] \\
  100. {\bf radpv } & & used in preprocessor \\
  101. {\bf rotspd } & 1.0 & Earth rotation speed factor \\
  102. {\bf sigmax } & 0.0 & sigma value of top half level \\
  103. {\bf sponk } & 0.5 & max. damping coefficient in sponge layer \\
  104. {\bf tac } & 0.0 & length of annual cycle in [days] \\
  105. {\bf tauta } & 40.0 & far surface heating time scale $nhz > 0$ \\
  106. {\bf tauts } & 0.0 & near surface heating time scale $nhz > 0$ \\
  107. {\bf tdiss } & 0.2 & diffusion time scale for divergence [days] \\
  108. {\bf tgr } & 288.0 & global mean temperature of ground used to set $T_R$ \\
  109. {\bf tgrano } & 0.0 & used in preprocessor \\
  110. {\bf ttp } & & used in preprocessor \\
  111. & & \\
  112. \hline
  113. \end{tabular}
  114. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|r|r||l|}
  115. \hline
  116. Name & Type & Dimension & Default & Description \\
  117. \hline
  118. & & & & \\
  119. {\bf ndl } & integer & NLEV & 0 & 1: activate spectral printouts for this level \\
  120. {\bf restim } & real & NLEV & 15.0 & restoration timescale for each level \\
  121. {\bf sigmah } & real & NLEV & 0.0 & define your own half-level layout \\
  122. {\bf t0k } & real & NLEV & 250.0 & reference $T_R$-temperature profile \\
  123. {\bf tfrc } & real & NLEV & 0,0,0,.. ,1 & Rayleigh friction timescale $\tau_F$ in days \\
  124. {\bf nselect } & integer & NTP1 & 1 & enable (1) or disable (0) zonal waves \\
  125. {\bf nspecsel } & integer & NCSP & 1 & enable (1) or disable (0) modes \\
  126. & & & & \\
  127. \hline
  128. \end{tabular}