column_mode.tex 3.4 KB

  1. \section{Setup}
  2. The column mode of the the Planet Simulator is an integral part
  3. of the full Planet Simulator and not a stand alone model.
  4. The advantage of this approach is that all options and modules
  5. available in the full model are automatically included in
  6. the column mode and that no extra maintenance is necessary.
  7. Technically this is realized by switching off horizontal
  8. advection and diffusion which leaves us with an independent
  9. column for each grid point. The inclusion of additional options
  10. for boundary conditions allows for runs with synchronized columns.
  11. Running the Model at the lowest resolution (T1) with $8$
  12. synchronized columns is efficient enough to
  13. run very fast column integrations. Using a standard setup
  14. with $10$ atmospheric layers and a mixed layer ocean one
  15. can simulate more than $33500$ years per day on a single
  16. processor PC (3.3 GHZ CPU).
  17. To make full use of the computer power one can setup an ensemble of
  18. columns by specifying boundary conditions for every grid point
  19. separately.
  20. \subsection{Basic switches for column setup}
  21. We introduce the macro switch {\bf COLUMN} in the namelist {\it inp}
  22. which is part of the namelist $\mathrm{ \bf puma{\_}namelist}$.
  23. By setting {\bf COLUMN = 1} a default column mode is initialized by
  24. setting {\bf YMODE = "Column"}, {\bf KICK = 0}, {\bf NADV = 0}
  25. and {\bf NHORDIF = 0}. One can customize the column setup by keeping
  26. the default value {\bf COLUMN = 0} and by setting the other switches
  27. individually. For more details see the table {\it inp}
  28. in appendix \ref{Namelist}.
  29. \subsection{Boundary Conditions and forcing}
  30. For the T1 truncation the following lower boundary conditions are specified
  31. by external fields: The land sea mask
  32. ($\mathrm{N002\_surf\_0172.sra}$),
  33. the surface geopotential ($\mathrm{N002\_surf\_0129.sra}$)
  34. and the surface temperature ($\mathrm{N002\_surf\_0169.sra}$).
  35. The other fields are set by default within the model. Some can be
  36. set by namelist parameters (see description of standard model).
  37. The surface fluxes of heat and moisture in the
  38. column mode can be influenced by the switch {\bf ZUMIN}
  39. in the namelist {\it fluxpar} which sets the surface wind
  40. speed entering the bulk exchange scheme. The default value
  41. is set to 1 m/s.
  42. Keeping the standard settings the columns will be forced by the solar
  43. forcing corresponding to the grid point where the column is located.
  44. For the T1 truncation this mean that the columns are located approximately
  45. at gaussian latitudes $\pm 35.26^\circ$. The solar forcing corresponds
  46. to the default of the full model. A daily mean insolation is
  47. used with an annual cycle. The solar forcing is also influenced
  48. by the climatological ozon distribution which by default also has
  49. an annual cycle.
  50. \section{Graphical User Interface (GUI)}
  51. To visualize the time evolution of the column model a vertical Hovmoeller
  52. plot has been added to the GUI (picture type: ISOCOL).
  53. The sounding device can be also used to visualize the vertical profiles at
  54. an arbitrary grid point of the gaussian grid in the full model.
  55. By clicking the window the sounding goes from grid point to grid point
  56. in meridional direction. The longitude can be selected by the switch
  57. {\bf sellon}, which is a parameter of the {\bf inp} namelist in
  58. $\mathrm{\bf puma\_namelist}$.
  59. Using the template $\mathrm{GUI\_sounding.cfg}$ in folder
  60. {\bf plasim/dat} the GUI is configured for soundings.
  61. In this case {\bf sellon} can be modified in the control window.
  62. For more details see chapter \ref{chap_GUI}.