FAQ 3.6 KB

  1. There's now a forum for users of PUMA and Planet Simulator.
  2. Feel free to post questions and comments there.
  3. "http://www.mi.uni-hamburg.de/Forum.5807.0.html"
  4. ===========================================================
  5. Q: The configure script tells that the command "make" was not found
  6. or FORTRAN or other important things are missing.
  7. A: Some Linux distributions do not install developer packages
  8. in the default configuration. If your Linux software manager
  9. offers developer packages, choose and install them.
  10. You'll need at least (examples in parenthesis):
  11. 1. C-compiler (gcc)
  12. 2. C++ compiler (c++)
  13. 3. FORTRAN-90 compiler (gfortran)
  14. 4. make (make or gmake)
  15. 5. X11 include files (xorg-X11-devel)
  16. 6. tcsh
  17. Optional you may install "OpenMPI" or "mpich 2.0" which are
  18. necessary to run the models on multiple cores or CPU's,
  19. e.g. to use both cores of a Core2Duo or AMD Opteron.
  20. Q: After running "make" in the Most directory I get a lot of error
  21. messages from the C compiler. The first messages is:
  22. X11R6/Xlib.h: directory or file not found
  23. A: The X11 include files, normally located in "/usr/include/X11R6"
  24. are missing. You have to install the development X11 package.
  25. Some Linux distributions install only X11 applications by
  26. default. E.g. in SuSE Linux you must install the package
  27. "xorg-X11-devel".
  28. Q: After clicking "Save & Run" in the Most window the error message
  29. "command not found" appears.
  30. A: Make sure, that the current directory "." is in your PATH.
  31. C shell users insert the line: set path=( . $path )
  32. into the file ".cshrc" in the home directory.
  33. Bourne shell users insert the line: export PATH=.:$PATH;
  34. into the file ".profile" in the home directory.
  35. Q: The model crashes with the message:
  36. "invalid reference to variable in NAMELIST input ..."
  37. A: You use a variable name in the namelist file, that is not
  38. defined in the model. If you use old namelists containing
  39. the variable "NRESTART", look at the file "RECENT_CHANGES".
  40. Otherwise check for a typo.
  41. Q: I made some changes in the source code and rerun the model
  42. but the changes had no effect.
  43. A: You must edit the files in the ../src/ directories of
  44. puma or plasim to make permanent changes.
  45. The sources in the ../bld directories are copied at the
  46. time of building from the corresponding ../src directories.
  47. The Most program maintains a cache of executables in the
  48. directories ../bin. You must submit the command
  49. "cleanpuma" or "cleanplasim" in the Most15 directory.
  50. This will clear the cache, delete all files in the
  51. ../bld and ../run directories. After that Most will
  52. create new binaries based on the contents of ../src.
  53. Q: Wat can I do with the orography in MoST?
  54. A: These fields are prepared for a graphical preprocessor, which is
  55. currently under development. There is only one working test case
  56. so far. If you use PUMA with 32 latitudes, you may mark a
  57. rectangular arey with the mouse in the orography picture.
  58. Then enter a value in the anomaly field in units of [gpm]
  59. and click on preprocess. A new orography will be computed and
  60. used in the following PUMA run. You'll not see any changes
  61. after preprocessing (not yet implemented), but a following
  62. GUI run should show your modifications clearly.
  63. Q: How can I compile the postprocessor
  64. A: Change to directory Most15/preprocessor.
  65. Type "make -f make_suse" and hit Return.
  66. The makefile in that directory will call the "C++" compiler
  67. with the correct options and create the executable "burn5.x".
  68. You'll need the "netcdf" library installed on your system.
  69. Netcdf is available for free on
  70. "http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/index.html"