123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172 |
- %\renewcommand{\bc}{\begin{center}}
- %\renewcommand{\ec}{\end{center}}
- A set of surface data is provided to serve as input for PlaSim in 3 resolutions: T21, T31 and T42.
- The file names begin with Nxxx, where xxx gives the number of latitudes of the respective resolution.
- The "mm" indicates monthly mean values (further explanation see below):\\[3.ex]
- \begin{bf}T21:\end{bf}\\
- \vspace{-3.8ex}
- \begin{tabbing}
- N032\_surf\_0173.sraxx \= abbr.xx \= fract.xx \= mmxx \= Fractional vegetation \kill
- \begin{bf}file name\end{bf} \> \begin{bf}abbr.\end{bf}\>\begin{bf}unit\end{bf} \> \> \begin{bf}variable name\end{bf}\\[0.8ex]
- N032\_surf\_0129.sra \> sg \> $m^{2}/s^{2}$ \> \> surface geopotential orography \\
- N032\_surf\_0169.sra \> tsa \> K \> mm \> surface temperature accumulated \\
- N032\_surf\_0172.sra \> lsm \> fract. \> \> land sea mask \\
- N032\_surf\_0173.sra \> z0 \> m \> \> roughness length \\
- N032\_surf\_0174.sra \> alb \> fract. \> mm \> albedo (surface background albedo) \\
- N032\_surf\_0199.sra \> vegc \> fract. \> mm \> fractional vegetation \\
- N032\_surf\_0200.sra \> lai \> \> mm \> leaf area index \\
- N032\_surf\_0210.sra \> sic \> \% \> mm \> sea ice cover \\
- N032\_surf\_0212.sra \> vegf \> fract. \> \> forest ratio \\
- N032\_surf\_0229.sra \> mrfc \> m \> \> maximum soil water holding (field) capacity \\
- N032\_surf\_0232.sra \> glac \> fract. \> \> glacier fraction \\
- N032\_surf\_1730.sra \> z0t \> m \> \> roughness length due to topography \\
- N032\_surf\_1731.sra \> z0v \> m \> \> roughness length due to vegetation and land use\\
- N032\_surf\_1740.sra \> albs \> fract. \> \> bare soil albedo \\
- N032\_surf\_1741.sra \> albv \> fract. \> \> albedo due to vegetation \\
- \end{tabbing}
- \vspace{-1.6ex}
- \noindent \begin{bf}T31:\end{bf}\\
- file names begin with: N048 \\
- \noindent \begin{bf}T42:\end{bf}\\
- file names begin with: N064 \\
- \vspace{3.ex}
- The format of the files is "service ascii". They are opened as {\small FORMATTED} files and can be read as:
- \begin{tabbing}
- xxxxxxx \= integer \=::x\=field(nlon,nlat) \kill
- \> integer \>::\>ih (8)\\
- \> real \>::\>field (nlon,nlat)\\[0.8ex]
- xxxxxxx \= open(filenr,file='N....sra',form='{\small FORMATTED}') \kill
- \> open(filenr,file='N....sra',form='{\small FORMATTED}') \\
- xxxxxxx \= read(filenr,)x \= field \kill
- \> read(filenr,*) \> ih \\
- \> read(filenr,*) \> field \\
- \end{tabbing}
- As the files contain formatted data, any text editor could be used to view or change the data as well.\\
- The data of tsa (code 169), alb (code 174), vegc (code 199), lai (code 200) and sic (code 210) are stored as
- 14 monthly mean fields (indicated by the "mm" in the table above):
- Jan to Dec are months 1 to 12 with Dec duplicated as month 0 and Jan duplicated as month 13.\\
- All other files contain one yearly mean field.\\
- \section{Source}
- The data are obtained from four different sources:
- \subsection{codes: 174, 199, 200, 212, 229, 232, 1731}
- These data are obtained from the LSP dataset of the U.S. Geological Survey,
- which is based on a 1km global distribution of major ecosystem types.\\
- They are part of a dataset provided by Stefan Hagemann, MPI Hamburg in T21, T31 and T42 resolution.
- A detailed description can be found in two MPI scientific reports\\ \cite{hagemann1999} and \cite{hagemann2002}.\\
- The values refer to the land part of the grid box.
- \subsection{codes: 173, 1730 \hspace{1.ex} and 129, 172}
- The data of the "roughness length due to topography" and therefore the total roughness length as well are not
- included in the above mentioned dataset. $z0_t$ (code 1730) was calculated by MPI Hamburg (and provided by Uwe Schulzweida)
- as ECHAM input from the GTOPO30 dataset of the U.S. Geological Survey (\url{http://eros.usgs.gov}), which is regularly spaced
- at 30-arc seconds (app. 1km). The method is described in \cite{tibaldi1981}.\\
- $z0$ (code 173) is calculated using:
- \begin{equation}
- {z0} = \sqrt{z0_t^{2} + z0_v^{2}}
- \label{r0_eq}
- \end{equation}
- according to \cite{hagemann1999}.\\
- The surface geopotential ($= g *$ Topography [m]) and the land sea mask are also derived from the GTOPO30 dataset.
- An area-true interpolation to the Gaussian grid is used.
- \subsection{codes: 1740, 1741, 174}
- The data were provided by Diana Rechid, MPI Hamburg, as global fields with $0.5^\circ$ resolution.
- A description on the method is available at \cite{rechid2009} and \cite{rechid2008}. The values
- refer to the land part of the grid box. They base on MODIS satellite data of the years 2001-2004
- and do not represent land use change.\\
- The soil albedo and the vegetation albedo are given as one yearly field. The albedo (code 174) is
- calculated from those two parts and from the monthly mean values of lai (code 200) to get a
- yearly cycle.
- \subsection{codes: 169, 210}
- The sea ice cover and the surface temperature are calculated from the AMIP-II boundary condition dataset
- (\url{http://www-pcmdi.llnl.gov/projects/amip}) as multi year monthly mean values over the whole time period (1870-2006).
- The surface temperature is given in AMIP-II as sea surface temperature which is also defined for
- land points in order to enable land sea mask modifications without changing the SST field.
- The data were provided by Karl Taylor, PCMDI, on Gaussian grid in resolutions T21, T31 and T42.
- \section{Modification}
- The fields described above (except codes 129, 172, 169 and 210) are composed of useful values on land points
- and missing values or
- dummy values on sea points. The land sea mask of the data does not match the (currently) used
- land sea mask of PlaSim exactly, and probably the PlaSim land sea mask will be changed slightly for
- some simulations. To avoid the problem that some land points might not get proper values of surface data,
- we decided to extend the land point values to the sea points.\\
- This is done as follows:
- \noindent All gridpoints with: \\
- \vspace{-4.ex}
- \begin{tabbing}
- xxxxxxxx \= {\it value} .lt. 0.0001 {\small .AND.} lsm .le. 0.005 \kill
- \> {\it value} .lt. 0.0001 {\small .AND.} lsm .le. 0.005 \\
- \end{tabbing}
- \vspace{-4.ex}
- are considered as changeable sea points.\\
- \noindent The {\it value} is replaced by the {\it value} of the left and/or right neighboring point.
- Therefore the neighboring point has to meet the requirements: \\
- \vspace{-4.ex}
- \begin{tabbing}
- xxxxxxxx \= {\it value} .ge. 0.0001 {\small .OR.} lsm .gt. 0.005 \kill
- \> {\it value} .ge. 0.0001 {\small .OR.} lsm .gt. 0.005 \\
- \end{tabbing}
- \vspace{-4.ex}
- If only one neighboring point fulfills this condition, the value is taken,\\
- if both neighboring points fulfill this condition, the average of their values is taken, \\
- if no neighboring point fulfills this condition, the value stays unchanged until the next iteration.\\
- ATTENTION: For this reason the resulting fields have to be modified by the used
- land sea mask to mask out the values on sea points!!!\\
- \noindent {\bf Additions / Exceptions:}\\
- \vspace{-4.ex}
- \begin{tabbing}
- 1. \= lower limit for z0 (code 173) and z0t (code 1730) is set to 0.0001m\kill
- 1. \> lower limit for z0 (code 173) and z0t (code 1730) is set to 0.0001m\\
- 2. \> lower limit for "Maximum soil water holding (field) capacity" (code 229) is set to 0.001m, \\
- \> units are set to [m] (from [mm]).\\
- 3. \> threshold value (for gridpoints to change, see above) for z0 (code 173) and \\
- \> albedo (codes 1740,1741,174) is set to 0.5 instead of 0.005\\
- 4. \> only for T31-fields: for vegc (code 199) and lai (code 200), the threshold value \\
- \> for lsm is set to 0.5 instead of 0.005\\
- \end{tabbing}
- \section{Examples}
- As an example the fields in T21 resolution are shown. For sg, tsa, lsm and sic the whole fields are plotted,
- for all other fields only gridpoints with lsm $> 0.005$, which are considered as land points.\\
- \noindent For alb, vegc, lai, tsa and sic the fields of January and July are shown.
- \vspace{2.ex}
- \begin{figure}[ht] \bc
- \includegraphics{silke/surface_fields_for_UG_Edi}
- \ec \end{figure}
- \begin{figure} [ht] \bc
- \includegraphics{silke/surface_fields_for_UG_6pic_z0}
- \ec \end{figure}
- \begin{figure}[ht] \bc
- \includegraphics{silke/surface_fields_for_UG_6pic_alb}
- \ec \end{figure}
- % to place the following figure on top of next page instead of centered:
- \clearpage
- \vspace{100.ex}
- % only to activate the vspace command
- \begin{tabbing}
- xxx \= xxx \kill
- \end{tabbing}
- \begin{figure}[ht]
- \includegraphics{silke/surface_fields_for_UG_2pic}
- \end{figure}