\begin{alltt} **************************************************** * PLANET SIMULATOR **************************************************** * NTRU = 21 NLEV = 10 NLON = 64 NLAT = 32 * **************************************************** ********************************** * Contents of * ********************************** * Code Array name File position * *--------------------------------* * 129 doro 81 * * 172 dls 24994 * * 172 yls 24994 * * 172 xls 24994 * * 173 dz0clim 49907 * * 174 dalbclim 74820 * * 209 dtclsoil 99733 * * 1730 dz0climo 124646 * * 210 xclicec 149559 * * 169 yclsst 448515 * * 169 xclsst 448515 * * 169 dtcl 448515 * * 212 dforest 747471 * * 229 dwmax 772384 * * 232 dglac 797297 * ********************************** ************************************* * Namelist INP from * ************************************* &INP KICK = 1, NWPD = 1, NCOEFF = 0, NDEL = 10*2, NDIAG = 320, NEXP = 0, NEXPER = 0, NKITS = 3, NRESTART= 0, NOUTPUT = 1, NSTEP = 0, NDEBUG = 0, NTSPD = 32, NEQSIG = 0, NPRINT = 0, NPRHOR = 0, NPACKSP = 1, NPACKGP = 1, NGUI = 0, NRAD = 1, NFLUX = 1, NTIME = 1, NPERPETUAL = 0, MARS = 0, N_START_YEAR = 1, N_START_MONTH = 1, N_RUN_YEARS = 1, N_RUN_MONTHS = 0, N_RUN_DAYS = -1, MPSTEP = 45, N_DAYS_PER_MONTH= 30, N_DAYS_PER_YEAR = 365, DTEP = 0.0000000E+00, DTNS = 0.0000000E+00, DTROP = 12000.00 , DTTRP = 2.000000 , TDISSD = 10*0.2000000 , TDISSZ = 10*1.100000 , TDISST = 10*5.600000 , TDISSQ = 10*5.600000 , TGR = 288.0000 , PSURF = 101100.0 , NDL = 10*0 , NHDIFF = 15 , RESTIM = 10*0.0000000E+00 , T0 = 10*250.0000 , TFRC = 20.00000,100.0000, 8*0.0000000E+00, NDIAGGP = 0, NDIAGSP = 0, NDIAGGP2D = 0, NDIAGGP3D = 0, NDIAGSP2D = 0, NDIAGSP3D = 0, NDIAGCF = 0, SIGH = 10*0.0000000E+00 / **************************************** * Namelist PLANET from * **************************************** &PLANET AKAP = 0.2860000 , ALR = 6.5000001E-03, GA = 9.810000 , GASCON = 287.0000 , PLARAD = 6371000. , PNU = 0.1000000 , WW = 7.2921241E-05, SOLAR_DAY = 86400.00, SIDERIAL_DAY = 86164.00, RA1 = 610.7800 , RA2 = 17.26939 , RA4 = 35.86000 , YPLANET = Earth / Solar day : 86400.00 [s] Siderial day : 86164.00 [s] Timesteps / day: 32 Timestep : 45 [min] Simulation time: 1 years NDEL = 2 Lateral dissipation at lowest level with diffusion coefficient = 2336677.94886015 m**2 e-folding time for smallest scale is 5.600000 days Robert time filter with parameter pnu = 0.1000000 ********************************* * Lv * Sigma Basic-T Height * ********************************* * 1 * 0.038 0.332 26.105 * * 2 * 0.119 0.332 15.724 * * 3 * 0.211 0.332 11.453 * * 4 * 0.317 0.332 8.446 * * 5 * 0.437 0.332 6.084 * * 6 * 0.567 0.332 4.169 * * 7 * 0.699 0.332 2.626 * * 8 * 0.823 0.332 1.428 * * 9 * 0.924 0.332 0.580 * * 10 * 0.983 0.332 0.124 * ********************************* ********************************************************************* * Lv * C 1 2 3 4 5 * ********************************************************************* * 1 * 1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 * * 2 * 0.67275268 0.32724732 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 * * 3 * 0.37012345 0.41071144 0.21916513 0.00000000 0.00000000 * * 4 * 0.24439082 0.27119088 0.31426233 0.17015594 0.00000000 * * 5 * 0.17660566 0.19597235 0.22709735 0.26168069 0.13864397 * * 6 * 0.13577564 0.15066490 0.17459400 0.20118192 0.22404753 * * 7 * 0.10985471 0.12190145 0.14126226 0.16277428 0.18127461 * * 8 * 0.09319025 0.10340956 0.11983341 0.13808216 0.15377606 * * 9 * 0.08294999 0.09204634 0.10666545 0.12290893 0.13687831 * * 10 * 0.07790844 0.08645194 0.10018253 0.11543875 0.12855910 * ********************************************************************* ************************** * Lv * Sigma Restor-T * ************************** * 1 * 0.038 210.062 * * 2 * 0.119 210.209 * * 3 * 0.211 214.963 * * 4 * 0.317 231.628 * * 5 * 0.437 246.132 * * 6 * 0.567 258.603 * * 7 * 0.699 269.131 * * 8 * 0.823 277.607 * * 9 * 0.924 283.763 * * 10 * 0.983 287.131 * ************************** white noise added ***************************************** * MISCMOD * ***************************************** * Namelist MISCPAR from * ***************************************** &MISCPAR NFIXER = 1, NUDGE = 0, TNUDGET = 10.00000 / ***************************************** * FLUXMOD * ***************************************** * Namelist FLUXPAR from * ***************************************** &FLUXPAR NVDIFF = 1, NSHFL = 1, NEVAP = 1, NSTRESS = 1, NTSA = 2, VDIFF_LAMM = 160.0000 , VDIFF_B = 5.000000 , VDIFF_C = 5.000000 , VDIFF_D = 5.000000 / **************************************** * RADMOD * **************************************** * Namelist RADPAR from * **************************************** &RADPAR NDCYCLE = 0, NO3 = 1, CO2 = 348.0000 , GSOL0 = 1365.000 , IYRBP = -50, NSWR = 1, NLWR = 1, NFIXORB = 1, NSOL = 1, NSWRCL = 1, NRSCAT = 1, RCL1 = 0.1500000,0.3000000, 0.6000000 , RCL2 = 0.1500000,0.3000000, 0.6000000 , ACL2 = 5.0000001E-02,0.1000000, 0.2000000 , CLGRAY = -1.000000 , TPOFMT = 1.000000 , ACLLWR = 0.1000000 , TSWR1 = 3.4400001E-02, TSWR2 = 4.8000000E-02, TSWR3 = 4.0000002E-03, OZONEFILE = ozone.dat , TH2OC = 3.9999999E-02, DAWN = 0.0000000E+00 / (orb_params) Use input orbital parameters: (orb_params) ---- Computed Orbital Parameters ----- (orb_params) Eccentricity = 1.6714999E-02 (orb_params) Obliquity (deg) = 23.44100 (orb_params) Obliquity (rad) = 0.4091226 (orb_params) Long of perh(deg) = 102.0000 (orb_params) Long of perh(rad) = 4.921828 (orb_params) Long at v.e.(rad) = -3.2612994E-02 (orb_params) --------------------------------------- rainmod version &RAINPAR KBETTA = 1, NPRL = 1, NPRC = 1, NDCA = 1, NCSURF = 1, NMOMENT = 0, RCRIT = 0.9617000,0.8809000,6*0.8500000,0.9240999,0.9833000, CLWCRIT1 = -0.1000000 , CLWCRIT2 = 0.0000000E+00 / surfmod version &SURFPAR NSURF = 1, NOROMAX = 21, OROSCALE = 1.000000 , INPUTFILE = surface_parameter / ***************************************** * LANDMOD * ***************************************** * Namelist LANDPAR from * ***************************************** &LANDPAR NLANDT = 1, NLANDW = 1, NBIOME = 0, ALBLAND = 0.2000000 , DZ0LAND = 2.000000 , DRHSLAND= 0.2500000, ALBSMIN = 0.4000000 , ALBSMAX = 0.8000000 , ALBSMINF= 0.3000000 , ALBSMAXF= 0.4000000 , ALBGMIN = 0.6000000 , ALBGMAX = 0.8000000 , DSMAX = 5.000000 , WSMAX = 0.5000000 , DRHSFULL= 0.4000000 , DZGLAC = -1.000000 , DZTOP = 0.2000000 , DSOILZ = 0.4000000,0.8000000,1.600000,3.200000,6.400000, STARTFILE = surface_parameter , RLUE = 8.0000001E-10, CO2CONV = 14.00000 , TAU_VEG = 10.00000 , TAU_SOIL= 42.00000 , FORGROW = 1.000000 , RLAIGROW = 0.5000000 , GS = 1.000000 , Z0_MAX = 2.000000 , RINIVEG = 0.0000000E+00, RINISOIL = 0.0000000E+00, RNBIOCATS= 0.0000000E+00, NCVEG = 1, NEWSURF = 0 / SET BIOME PARAMETER =================== *** array was not in start_data *** *** array was not in start_data *** *** array was not in start_data *** *** array was not in start_data *** *** array was not in start_data *** *** array was not in start_data *** Array {dtcl} expanded to 14 months *** array was not in surface file *** Land: 671 from 2048 = 33% Sea: 1377 from 2048 = 67% Executing subroutine seaini - Restart = 0 &SEAPAR ALBSEA = 6.8999998E-02, ALBICE = 0.7000000 , DZ0SEA = 1.5000000E-05, DZ0ICE = 1.0000000E-03, DRHSSEA = 1.000000 , DRHSICE = 1.000000 , NCPL_ATMOS_ICE = 1 / icemod version &ICEPAR NOUT = 32, NFLUKO = 0, NPERPETUAL_ICE = 0, NTSPD = 32, NPRINT = 0, NPRHOR = 0, NICE = 0, NSNOW = 1, NTSKIN = 1, NCPL_ICE_OCEAN = 1, TAUNC = 0.0000000E+00, XMIND = 0.1000000, NEWSURF = 0, ICEFILE = surface.txt , FLXFILE = ice_flux_correction / Array {xclsst} expanded to 14 months Array {xclicec} expanded to 14 months *** array was not in surface file *** ice cover {xclicec} converted from % to fraction ice thickness {xcliced} computed from ice cover ******************************************* * OCEANMOD * ******************************************* * Namelist OCEANPAR from * ******************************************* &OCEANPAR NDIAG = 480, NOUT = 32, NFLUKO = 0, NTSPD = 32, NOCEAN = 0, NPRINT = 0, NPRHOR = 0, NPERPETUAL_OCEAN = 0, TAUNC = 0.0000000E+00, DLAYER = 50.00000 , VDIFFK = 9.9999997E-05, NEWSURF = 0 / Array {yclsst} expanded to 14 months Surface pressure with no topography = 1011.00 [hPa] Mean of topographic height = 231.64 [m] Mean of surface pressure = 983.58 [hPa] ************************************************************ * This simulation is for Earth * ************************************************************ * Parameter Units Earth Mars * ************************************************************ * Mass [10^24 kg] 5.9736 0.6419 * * Volume [10^10 km3] 108.3210 16.3180 * * Equatorial radius [km] 6378.0000 3393.0000 * * Polar radius [km] 6356.0000 3373.0000 * * Mean radius [km] 6371.0000 3390.0000 * * Ellipticity 0.0034 0.0065 * * Mean density [kg/m3] 5520.0000 3933.0000 * * Surface gravity [m/s2] 9.8100 3.7400 * * Bond albedo 0.3850 0.1600 * * Solar irradiance [W/m2] 1365.0000 595.0000 * * Black-body temperature [K] 247.3000 216.6000 * * Topographic range [km] 20.0000 36.0000 * * Sidereal orbit period [days] 365.2560 686.9800 * * Sidereal rotation period [hrs] 23.9345 24.6229 * * Equatorial inclination [deg] 23.4400 23.9800 * * Perihelion [10^6 km] 147.1000 206.6000 * * Aphelion [10^6 km] 152.1000 249.2000 * * Orbit eccentricity 0.0167 0.0934 * ************************************************************ Completed month 12-0001 Completed month 12-0001 ********************************************* CPU usage in MISCSTEP (ROOT process only): All routines : 2.833282 s Fixer : 2.719276 s ********************************************* ********************************************* CPU usage in FLUXSTEP (ROOT process only): All routines : 53.70442 s All surface fluxes: 2.626275 s Vertical diffusion: 46.32839 s Transfere coeff : -0.8497211 s Sensible heat flux: -3.406728 s Evaporation : -2.934723 s Wind stress : -2.670729 s ********************************************* ****************************************** CPU usage in RADSTEP (ROOT process only): All routines : 286.7604 s Short wave : 117.2184 s Long wave : 143.7350 s ****************************************** ********************************************* CPU usage in RAINSTEP (ROOT process only): All routines : 107.4204 s Large scale p : 9.982278 s Convective p : 33.47531 s Cloud formation: 15.03532 s Dry convection : 12.71530 s ********************************************* ******************************************* * Run finished at step 23392 * ******************************************* **************************************************** total CPU usage (ROOT process only): 747.1870 s **************************************************** ice_namelist &ICEPAR NICE = 0 &END land_namelist &landpar &end ocean_namelist &OCEANPAR NOCEAN = 0 &END puma_namelist &INP MARS = 0 NOUTPUT = 1 NGUI = 0 N_START_YEAR= 1 N_DAYS_PER_YEAR= 365 N_RUN_YEARS= 1 MPSTEP = 45 NWPD = 1 NDIAG = 320 NPRINT = 0 NRESTART = 0 NTIME = 1 &END &PLANET &END &MISCPAR &END &FLUXPAR &END &RADPAR TSWR1 = 3.44E-2 NDCYCLE = 0 NFIXORB = 1 CO2 = 348.0000 DAWN = 0.0000 GSOL0 = 1365.0000 &END &RAINPAR &END &SURFPAR &END sea_namelist &seapar &end \end{alltt}