\chapter{Dynamic Vegetation}\label{dynveg} A simple terrestrial dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM), Simulator for Biospheric Aspects (SimBA), is used to obtain the following land surface variables for non-glaciated grid cells: surface albedo $A$, the roughness length $z_{0}$, a surface conductance factor for the latent heat flux $C_{w}$, and a "bucket" depth for the soil, $W_{max}$. These land surface variables depend on SimBA variables-- the latter of which ultimately depend on the following three (global) variables: soil moisture content ($W_{soil}$), snow depth ($z_{snow}$), and vegetative biomass ($BM$). Of these three variables, vegetative biomass has the greatest importance within SimBA. \section{Equations for SimBA Variables} Vegetative biomass ($BM$) depends on net primary productivity as given in SimBA's fundamental governing equation: \begin{equation} \label{eq:dBMdt} \frac{\partial BM}{\partial t} = NPP - \frac{BM}{\tau_{veg}} \end{equation} where $\tau_{veg}$ is the residence time of the vegetative carbon and equals 10 years, and $NPP$ (net primary productivity) is approximated as $0.5 * GPP$. The approximation $NPP = 0.5 * GPP$ is briefly justified in \cite{kleidon2006}, but some recent studies find that $NPP/GPP$ can deviate considerably from 0.5 (\cite{delucia2007}; \cite{zhang2009}). Nevertheless, the $NPP/GPP$ = constant parameterization is attractively simple, and it has been assumed by widely-used productivity models such as CASA and FOREST-BGC (\cite{delucia2007}). A scheme for heterotrophic respiration is currently included in the model as a diagnostic only. The gross primary production formulation is detailed in the next subsection. \subsection{Gross Primary Production} $GPP$ is calculated as the minimum of a water-limited rate and a light-limited rate. (That is, $GPP$ = $min(GPP_{light},GPP_{water}$.) This approach originates in a crop model (\cite{monteith1989}) which was later adapted for forest canopies (\cite{dewar1997}). \subsubsection{Light-limited Gross Primary Production} The light-limited rate, $GPP_{light}$ follows a light-use efficiency approach (e.g. see \cite{yuan2007}) as follows: \begin{equation} \label{eq:gppl} GPP_{light} = \epsilon_{luemax} * \beta(CO_{2}) * f(T_{sfc}) * fPAR * SW\downarrow \end{equation} where $\epsilon_{luemax}$ is a globally-constant maximum light use efficiency parameter = $3.4*10^{-10}$~kgC/J, $\beta(CO_{2})$ represents a logarithm-based "beta" factor effect on productivity for when $CO_2$ concentration deviates from the reference value of 360ppmv (see below), $f(T_{sfc})$ is a temperature limitation function (defined below) which lowers productivity for cold temperatures, $fPAR$ is the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation that is absorbed by green vegetation (see below), and $SW\downarrow$ is the downward flux of shortwave radiation at the surface (in $W/{m^2}$). In equation~\eqref{eq:gppl}, the first term on the right hand side, $\epsilon_{luemax}$, is the light use efficiency with respect to the absorbed total shortwave broadband radiation. The value of $3.4*10^{-10}$~kgC per J (of fPAR * $SW\downarrow$) is derived from the maximum light use efficiency value of the CASA model, 0.389 gC MJ$^{-1}$ of APAR [absorbed photosynthetically active radiation] (\cite{potter1993};\cite{field1995}) by using the commonly-used approximations GPP = 0.5*NPP and $SW\downarrow$ = 0.5 * PAR [photosynthetically active radiation] (at top of the canopy). (Both approximations are made in the CASA model (\cite{potter1993};\cite{field1995})). The equivalent $\epsilon_{luemax}$ value in SimBA would be $3.89*10^{-10}$~kgC/J, but this is lowered to $3.4*10^{-10}$~kgC/J to account for the lack of an optimum growing temperature in SimBA, since the lack of such an optimum causes light-limited productivity to be slightly overestimated for most regions. The second term in equation~\eqref{eq:gppl}, $\beta(CO_{2})$, is taken from (\cite{harvey1989}), but incorporates carbon compensation point as follows: \begin{equation} \label{eq:betafactor} \beta(CO_{2}) = 1 + \max{(0,BF * \ln{(\frac{CO_{2}-CO_{2,comp}}{CO_{2,ref}-CO_{2,comp}}}))} \end{equation} where BF = the carbon dioxide sensitivity or "beta" factor, $CO_{2,ref}$ = 360ppmv, and $CO_{2,comp}$ = the light compensation point (in ppmv) (set to zero by default). The third term in equation~\eqref{eq:gppl}, $f(T_{sfc})$, is as follows: \begin{equation} f(T_{sfc}) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & \mbox{if $T_{sfc} \leq 0\,^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$} \\ \frac{T_{sfc}}{T_{crit}} & \mbox{if $ 0 0$, to take into account the presence of sublimatable snow at the surface. \subsection{Surface Roughness} Surface roughness is taken as a non-linear combination of roughness due to orography and roughness due to vegetation. As mentioned earlier, surface roughness due to vegetation is a function of forest cover only. Hence, no increase in surface roughness occurs as biomass goes from 0 kg m$^{-2}$ to 1 kg m$^{-2}$ (the value at which forest cover commences). We denote surface roughness due to vegetation as z$_ {0,veg}$ and formulate it as follows: \begin{equation} z_{0,veg} = F * (z_{0,F}) + (1 - F) \, (z_{0,NF}) \end{equation} where ``F'' and ``NF'' denote ``forest cover'' and ``non-forest cover'', respectively; $z_{0,NF}$=0.05~m, the vegetative surface roughness in the absence of forest cover; and $z_{0,F}$=2~m, the vegetative surface roughness when fully-forested (i.e. when F = 1). Finally, surface roughness of a grid cell, z$_0$, is formulated as follows: \begin{equation} z_0 = \sqrt{{z_{0,veg}}^2 + {z_{0,oro}}^2} \end{equation} where z$_{0,oro}$ is the surface roughness due solely to orography.