@@ -16,3 +16,75 @@ plasim/doc for the Planet Simulator
Then have a look at the README file for configuration and setup.
+## Installation
+### coriolis
+cd /cofast/$USER
+git clone https://gogs.elic.ucl.ac.be/TECLIM/PlaSim.git
+cd PlaSim
+## Quick run
+cd /cofast/$USER/PlaSim
+- Select model "Planet Simulator"
+- Select modules "ML Ocean" and "Sea Ice"
+- Edit number of cores (eg 16)
+- Switch GUI off
+- Switch Output on
+- Switch "Double Precision" on
+- Edit number of years to run
+- Click on `Save & Exit`
+See the corresponding example below:
+Now, launch the model:
+cd plasim/run
+> You can leave the `screen` process with
+Ctrl+a d
+> You can monitor the model process with
+cat plasim_diag | grep Completed
+Results are:
+209M MOST.001
+4,1M MOST_REST.001
+249K MOST_DIAG.001
+5,3M MOST_OCE.001.nc
+ 14M MOST_ICE.001.nc
+ 69M ice_output
+209M MOST.002
+ 29M ocean_output
+4,1M MOST_REST.002
+245K MOST_DIAG.002
+5,2M MOST_OCE.002.nc
+ 15M MOST_ICE.002.nc
+4,1M plasim_restart