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+title: Version control with git for scientists
+author: P.Y. Barriat
+description: https://dev.to/nikolab/complete-list-of-github-markdown-emoji-markup-5aia
+backgroundImage: url('assets/back.png')
+_backgroundImage: url('assets/garde.png')
+footer: 05/05/2022 | Version control with Git
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+paginate: true
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+Version control with `git` for scientists <!--fit-->
+### PY Barriat & F. Massonnet
+##### May 05, 2022
+###### some parts inspired on slides from CISM
+# Discuss :speech_balloon:
+### How do you manage different file versions :question:
+### How do you work with collaborators on the same files :question:
+<!-- Notes for presenter. -->
+Discussion sur l'intérêt du versioning
+# Notions of code versioning
+## Track the history and evolution of the project
+think of it as a series of snapshots (**commits**) of your code
+### Benefits
+* possibility to go back in time :calendar:
+ > tracking bugs
+ > recovering from mistakes
+* Information about the modification :clipboard:
+ > who, when, why
+- team work :busts_in_silhouette:
+ * **Simultaneous** work on a project
+ > No need to send email to say "I'm working on that file" (dropbox organization)
+ * **Asynchronous** synchronisation
+ > Allow work Offline (opposite to overleaf project)
+ > Need conflict resolution
+### Different usage
+* local
+* client-server (Subversion)
+* distributed (Git)
+## Workflow
+**Testing new idea** (and easy way to throw them out) :construction:
+**Multiple version** of the code
+- Stable (1.x.y)
+- Debug (1.x.y+1)
+- Next "feature" release (1.x+1.0)
+- Next "huge" release (2.0.0)
+# Open-Source Code
+### Compare Repositories
+ "Git" : 73
+ "Mercurial" : 1
+ "Subversion (SVN)" : 22
+ "Bazaar" : 0
+ "CVS" : 1
+<!-- _footer: "https://www.openhub.net/repositories/compare" -->
+# What is `git` ?
+#### Version control system
+- Manage different versions of files
+- Collaborate with yourself
+- Collaborate with other people
+#### Why use `git`
+> *"Always remember your first collaborator is your future self, and your past self doesn't answer emails"*
+> Christie Balhai :wink:
+# `git` workflow
+Your local repository consists of **three areas** maintained by `git`
+- the first one is your **Working Directory** which holds the actual files
+- the second one is the **INDEX** which acts as a staging area
+- and finally the **HEAD** which points to the last commit you've made
+<!-- Notes for presenter. -->
+# Getting started with `git`
+**checkout** a remote repository
+>create a local working copy of a remote repository
+git clone https://gogs.elic.ucl.ac.be/TECLIM/Git_Training.git
+**add** & **commit**
+> you can propose changes (add it to the **INDEX**)
+git add <filename>
+> you can commit these changes (to the **HEAD**)
+git commit -m "Commit message"
+# commit
+`git` versioning is a succession of snapshot of your files at key time of their development
+each snapshot is called **commit** which is :
+- all the files at a given time
+- a unique name (SLHA1)
+- metadata
+ > who created, when, info
+- pointer to previous(es) commit(s)
+Your changes are now in the **HEAD** of your local working copy.
+>to send those changes to your remote repository
+git push
+>to update your local working directory to the newest commit, to fetch and merge remote changes
+git pull
+# `git` diff
+ participant Workspace
+ participant INDEX
+ %%Note right of Workspace: Text in note
+ Workspace-->INDEX: git diff
+ INDEX-->HEAD: git diff --cached
+ Workspace-->HEAD: git diff HEAD
+# `git` undo
+In case you did something wrong (which for sure never happens :wink:)
+ participant Workspace
+ participant INDEX
+ Note over Workspace,INDEX: wrong modification of a file <br/>in your workspace
+ INDEX->>Workspace: git checkout -- file
+ %%HEAD-->Workspace: .<br/>
+ Note over Workspace,HEAD: wrong modification of a file <br/>that you put in your index
+ HEAD->>INDEX: git reset HEAD file
+ INDEX->>Workspace: git checkout -- file
+# Windows users
+> How commonly do programmers use Git GUIs instead of the command line ?
+Use programs like `SourceTree` or `TortoiseGit`
+But, **to be familiar with Git**, try the command line
+> clone, push/pull, merge, rebase, log, tag, format-patch/am, bisect, blame, etc
+# Simple Git Exercices
+First, configure your environment (just once) :construction:
+> on your laptop, on your ELIC account, etc
+git config --global user.name "Your Name"
+git config --global user.email "foo@bar.be"
+git config --global color.ui auto
+git config --global core.editor "vim"
+git config --list
+Now, clone https://gogs.elic.ucl.ac.be/TECLIM/Git_Training.git
+> Theses are very simple exercices to learn to manipulate git.
+> In each folder, simply run `./create.sh` and follow the guide :sunglasses:
+# `git` branches
+- a **branch** is pointer to a commit (represent an history)
+- a **branch** can point at other commit
+ > it can move !
+- a **branch** is a way to organize your work and working histories
+- since commit know which commits they are based on, **branch** represents a commit and what came before it
+- a branch is cheap, you can have multiple **branch** in the same repository and switch your working dir from one **branch** state to another
+# branches demo
+git commit
+git checkout -b newbranch
+git checkout newbranch
+git commit
+git commit
+git checkout master
+git commit
+git commit
+> default branch: **master**
+graph LR;
+ A[fffc93b] -->|commit| B(fc7f81f)
+ B -->|commit| D(6fd1a5a)
+ D -->|commit| E[newbranch <br/>187e6ab ]
+ B ---->|commit| Z(6ff4c2e)
+ Z -->|commit| Y[master <br/>c0f502f ]
+- create a new branch : `git checkout -b newbranch`
+- switch to a branch : `git checkout newbranch`
+- delete a branch : `git branch -d newbranch`
+- list all branches : `git branch`
+### branch is cheap : do it often :+1:
+> branch allow to have short/long term parallel development
+# merging branches
+the interest of branch is that you can **merge** them
+> include in one (branch) file the modification done somewhere else
+git merge bx
+git branch -d bx
+git commit
+graph LR;
+ A(fffc93b<br/>b_x) -->E[187e6ab<br/>b_x merged <br/>in b_y]
+ D[6fd1a5a<br/>b_y] -->E
+ E -->|commit| Y[c0f502f<br/>b_y ]
+# Difference between `git` & `GitHub` ?
+`git` is the version control system **service**
+>git runs local if you don't use GitHub
+`GitHub` is the hosting service : **website**
+>on which you can publish (push) your git repositories and collaborate with other people
+# `Github`
+- It provides a backup of your files
+- It gives you a visual interface for navigating your repos
+- It gives other people a way to navigate your repos
+- It makes repo collaboration easy (e.g., multiple people contributing to the same project)
+- It provides a lightweight issue tracking system
+# ... and `GitLab` vs `GitHub` vs others
+`GitLab` is an alternative to `GitHub`
+> `GitLab` is free for unlimited private projects. `GitHub` doesn't provide private projects for free
+And for **ELIC**, `Gogs` does the job: https://gogs.elic.ucl.ac.be/
+- shares the same features
+ > dashboard, file browser, issue tracking, groups support, webhooks, etc
+- easy to install, cross-platform friendly
+- uses little memory, uses little CPU power
+- ... and 100% free :smile:
+<!-- Notes for presenter. -->
+Les goûts et les couleurs
+# What is `git` good for ?
+#### Local
+> Backup, reproducibility
+#### Client-Server
+> Backup, reproducibility, collaboration
+<!-- Notes for presenter. -->
+Analogie à SVN
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+<!-- Notes for presenter. -->
+# `git` conflict :boom:
+### multiple version of files are great
+- not always easy to know how to merge them
+- conflict will happen (same line modify by both user)
+### conflict need to be resolved manually ! :fearful:
+- boring task
+- need to understand why a conflict is present !
+- **do not be afraid of conflict !** :muscle:
+ > Do not try to avoid them at all cost !
+- stay in sync as most as possible and keep line short
+#### Distributed
+> Backup, reproducibility, collaboration, transparency
+<!-- _footer: "" -->
+ participant Workspace
+ participant INDEX
+ participant HEAD
+ participant Remote Repository
+ Remote Repository->>HEAD: clone
+ HEAD->>Workspace: checkout
+ %%Note over Workspace,Remote Repository: "clone" = clone + checkout
+ Workspace->>INDEX: add
+ INDEX->>HEAD: commit
+ Remote Repository->>HEAD: fetch
+ HEAD->>Workspace: merge
+ Remote Repository->>Workspace: pull
+ %%Note over Workspace,Remote Repository: pull = fetch + merge
+ HEAD->>Remote Repository: push
+<!-- _footer: "Summary of operations" -->
+<!-- Notes for presenter. -->
+"clone" = clone + checkout
+pull = fetch + merge
+# Conclusion
+- **versioning** is crucial both for small/large project :exclamation:
+- avoid dropbox for paper / project :confounded:
+- do meaningful commit
+- do meaningful message
+- `git` more complicated but the standard :smiley:
+# Version control with Git for scientists :chart_with_upwards_trend: