Преглед на файлове

Update 'project/functions/README.md'

Pierre-Yves Barriat преди 7 години
променени са 1 файла, в които са добавени 2 реда и са изтрити 2 реда
  1. 2 2

+ 2 - 2

@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ An example of a header of a Bash function is provided below:
 #### Exercise 6 – Perform function commit
-Now you have time to make changes in git_tutorial project, i.e. create 'greetings_catalan.sh' file and develop your function. After that, if we check the status of our project again, Git tells us that it’s noticed a new file. We can tell Git to track a file using git add.
+Now you have time to make changes in Git_Training project, i.e. create 'greetings_catalan.sh' file and develop your function. After that, if we check the status of our project again, Git tells us that it’s noticed a new file. We can tell Git to track a file using git add.
 git add .
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ git commit -m "message explaining what you have done. Fixes issue #issue_number"
 When we run `git commit`, Git takes everything we have told it to save by using `git add` and stores a copy permanently inside the special `.git` directory. This permanent copy is called a commit (or revision) and its short identifier is `f22b25e` (Your commit may have another identifier.)
-You can do as many commits as you wish while developing your function. If you reach a point at which any of the open issues gets solved, you can make your commit message end with `Fixes #issue_number` ([Exercise 4 – Open new issue in Git_Training project](http://www.climate.be:3000/TECLIM/Git_Training/_new/master/project/gogs_issues)).
+You can do as many commits as you wish while developing your function. If you reach a point at which any of the open issues gets solved, you can make your commit message end with `Fixes #issue_number` ([Exercise 4 – Open new issue in Git_Training project](http://www.climate.be:3000/TECLIM/Git_Training/src/master/project/gogs_issues)).
 If you don't specify the `-m` parameter a text editor will open automatically to allow you to write the commit message.