CORAL - simulation manager for NEMO - is a collaborative job submission script manager for NEMO

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Coral - simulation manager for NEMO


Coral is a collaborative job submission script manager for the NEMO (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean) modeling framework Documentation. With Coral, you can use and re-use job submission scripts designed and tested by your colleagues. You can ammend them in an easy way, and generate a submission script tailored to your needs. Then, you can share your script with your colleages.


  • Run 'coral -h' to get a list of Coral commands, and 'coral <command> -h' to get help for a specific <command>
  • Please see the Documentation for common usages and change log.
  • Having trouble? Get help with Troubleshooting


Once Nemo and Coral are properly installed, you can create a working submission script in three commands:

  • coral init: initiate a set of configuration files (with working default values on the cluster) for the experiment features, data location, restart options, etc.
  • coral build: create a submission script from the configuration files
  • coral submit: submit the job, with options to run tests locally, ignore automatic job resubmission, restart from scratch, etc.

At each stage, you can act manually to adapt the workflow to your liking.

Once the job is submitted, you can simply run 'coral status' in the run directory to get an overview of what is happening. No need to look for job ids, or output files.


Clone the Coral repository (for instance in the EXTERNAL directory of your NEMO install) and update your shell startup script to source the '' file to add 'coral' to your PATH variable.


  • Thanks @dfr for initializing this project.



This project is under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.