experiment.cfg 978 B

  1. # Experience name
  2. exp_name=EXP_REF
  3. # Simulation start and end date. Use any (reasonable) syntax you want.
  4. run_start_date="1958-01-01"
  5. run_duration="58 year"
  6. # Restart frequency. Use any (reasonable) number and time unit you want.
  7. # For runs without restart, leave this variable empty or set to 0
  8. rst_freq="1 year"
  9. # Number of restart legs to be run in one go
  10. run_num_legs=4
  11. # Including (1) ice shelf coupling or not (0)
  12. isfcpl=1
  13. # Ice shelf coupling is performed every n_res_isfcpl NEMO restart legs
  14. n_res_perisfcpl=1
  15. # Special restart
  16. special_restart=false
  17. special_restart_from=EXP0
  18. special_restart_date="1959-01-01"
  19. # Parameters
  20. nem_time_step_sec=3600
  21. lim_time_step_sec=21600
  22. nem_restart_offset=0
  23. nem_config_name=ORCA1_LIM3_REF
  24. # This file is used to store information about restarts
  25. info_file="nemo.info"
  26. # Paths
  27. start_dir=${PBS_O_WORKDIR-$PWD}
  28. run_dir="/SCRATCH/acad/limhr/$USER/nemo/run/${exp_name}"
  29. archive_dir="/SCRATCH/acad/limhr/$USER/nemo/archive/${exp_name}"