#! /bin/bash 
# Coral - collaborative job submission script  manager for NEMO


CORAL_HOME="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" ; export CORAL_HOME
HOSTNAME="$(hostname -s)" ; export HOSTNAME
FQDN=$(hostname) ; export FQDN
USER_EMAIL=$(getent passwd "${USER}" | egrep -o '[a-zA-Z0-9_-.]*@[]*\.[a-z]+') ; export USER_EMAIL
MAINTAINER_EMAIL="damien.francois@uclouvain.be" ; export MAINTAINER_EMAIL

source "${CORAL_HOME}"/utils/tools.inc

init() {
doc "$@" <<EOT
init [<template name>] - Initialize current directory with files from template <template name>
     Templates contain configuration files, namelists, and xios configurations.
     By default, the template name is the machine short name (as given by hostname -s)

  local template_name=${1:-${HOSTNAME}}
  local template_path=${CORAL_HOME}/templates/${template_name}

  [[ ! -d ${template_path} ]] && die 1 "Error: Template '${template_name}' not found."
  [[ -f experiment.cfg ]]     && die 2 "Error: Directory not empty. Remove all *.cfg files."
  [[ -d namelists ]]          && die 2 "Error: Directory not empty. Remove directory namelists."
  [[ -d xios_config ]]        && die 2 "Error: Directory not empty. Remove directory xios_config."
  [[ -f ${output_script} ]]     && die 2 "Error: Directory not empty. Remove ${output_script}"

  echo -e "Importing '${template_name}' template in the current directory..."
  < "${template_path}"/../files.txt column -t -s\|

  cp    "${template_path}"/*cfg .
  cp -r "${template_path}"/xios_config .
  cp -r "${template_path}"/namelists .
  echo "${template_name}" > .coral_template

  echo -e "Done. Modify them to your needs and then run 'coral build' to build and"
  echo -e "review the submission script and 'coral submit' to submit the job."

build() {
doc "$@" <<EOT
build - Build submission script from the configuraiton files in the current directory.

  [[ -f experiment.cfg ]] || die 1 "Error: configuration files not found. Run 'coral init' first"

  echo -e "Generating job submission script '${output_script}'..."

  echo "#!/bin/bash" >${output_script} ; (
  set -e
  source experiment.cfg
  export exp_name
  export nem_config_name
  source programs.cfg
  export nem_numproc
  export xio_numproc
  export total_nb_cpu=$((nem_numproc + xio_numproc))
  export email=$USER_EMAIL
  submit_command=$(grep -q SBATCH job.cfg && echo sbatch || echo qsub) ; export submit_command
  echo -e  "\n#\n# Job options\n#"
  <job.cfg egrep -v "(^\#|^$)" | sed "s/SBATCH/#SBATCH/" | sed "s/PBS -/#PBS -/" | envsubst \$exp_name,\$email,\$total_nb_cpu
  echo -e  "\n#\n# Experiment options\n#"
  <experiment.cfg egrep -v "(^\#|^$)" 
  echo -e  "\n#\n# Data configuration\n#"
  <data.cfg cat
  echo -e  "\n#\n# Program configuration\n#"
  <programs.cfg egrep -v "(^\#|^$)" 
  echo -e  "\n#\n# Script logic\n#"
  <"${CORAL_HOME}"/templates/scripts/skeleton.sh egrep  -v '^[[:space:]]*\#'  | envsubst \$submit_command
  ) >>${output_script} 2>/dev/null \
    || die 3 "Error: Syntax error in configuration files. Please review them."

  echo -e "Done. Run 'coral submit' to submit the job, or submit it manually." 

submit() {
doc "$@" <<EOT
submit [<options>] - Submit the job based on the submission script present in the current directory.
options can include:
    * local: run the script locally rather than submitting it to the job scheduler
    * preponly: run only the part of the script that prepares the run (copies files, links data, etc.)
    * noresubmit: run only one job and prevent submission of continuation jobs.
    * fromscratch: restart computations from scratch ignoring checkpoint files. Use with care.
    * verbose: show everything during submission

  [[ -f ${output_script} ]] || die 1 "Error: submission script not found. Run 'coral build' first"

  echo Making script executable and submitting it...

  chmod +x ${output_script}

  set -e
  source experiment.cfg
  eval "$(grep run_dir job.cfg)"

  [[ "$@" == *fromscratch* ]] && rm -rf "${run_dir:?}"
  [[ "$@" == *local* ]] && { ./"${output_script}" "$@" ; exit 0; }

  which sbatch &> /dev/null  && {
     jobid="$(sbatch "${output_script}" "$@")"
     sleep 2
     jobid=${jobid##* }
     mkdir -p "${run_dir:?}"
     echo "${jobid}" >> "${run_dir}"/.coral_jobs ; 
     #squeue --start -j "${jobid}" # FIXME
     squeue -j "${jobid}"
     exit 0; 

  which qsub &> /dev/null && {
     #qsub "${output_script}" "$@" | tee -a "${run_dir}"/.coral_jobs;
     qsub -v PBS_OPTIONS="$@" "${output_script}" | tee -a coral_jobs;
     sleep 2
     jobid=`cat coral_jobs`
     rm -f coral_jobs
     mkdir -p "${run_dir:?}"
     echo "${jobid}" >> "${run_dir}"/.coral_jobs ;
     qstat -J "${jobid}"
     exit 0; 
  echo "Done."

save() {
doc "$@" <<EOT
save [<name>] - Save configuration files in the current template or create a new template if <name> is given.
     The new template can consequently be used with 'coral init <name>' in another directory'

  local target
  local current_template
  local template
  local target


  [[ -z ${template} ]]        && die 1 "Error: No template name defined."
  [[ -f experiment.cfg ]]     || die 1 "Error: No configuration files found."
  [[ -d namelists ]]          || die 1 "Error: namelist directory not found."
  [[ -d xios_config ]]        || die 1 "Error: xios_config directory not found."

  echo "Saving template ${1-$current_template} to ${target}..."

  mkdir -p "${target}"
  rsync -q -va -- *.cfg namelists xios_config "${target}"
  echo "${template}" > .coral_template

  echo Done.

share() {
doc "$@" <<EOT
share [<name>] - Make template files for template '<name>' world readable and display
     instructions on how to import the template.'

  local curr
  local target
  local current_template

  [[ -f .coral_template ]] || die 1 "No coral template found in current directory."


  [[ -d ${target} ]] || save "${template}"

  echo "Making sure the template is world readable..."

  chmod o+rx "${target}"

  export curr=${target}
  while curr="$(dirname "${curr}")" ; do 
    chmod o+x "${curr}"
    [[ "${curr}" == "$HOME" || "${curr}" == / ]] && break ; 

  echo -e "Done. Other users can now use template '${template}' by issuing \n    coral import $target"

import() {
doc "$@" <<EOT
import <path> - Import template located at <path> into the local coral installation.

  [[ -n $1 ]] || die 1 "Usage: $(basename "$0") import <path>"

  local template_name

  template_name=$(basename "$1")

  echo "Importing template in $1..."

  rsync -q -va "$1" "$CORAL_HOME"/templates

  echo "Done. You can test it with 'coral init ${template_name}'"

publish() {
doc "$@" <<EOT
publish [<template>] - Submits template to the central repository manager for inclusion
        in the main coral repository.

  [[ -f .coral_template ]]        || die 1 "Error: No template name defined."

  local current_template


  export template=${1-$current_template}
  export target=$CORAL_HOME/templates/${template}

  [[ -d $target ]] || save "${template}"

  echo "Commiting template to local Hg repository and contacting repository master..."

  cd "$CORAL_HOME" && (
  hg status | grep -q "^?.*$template" && hg -q add "${target}"
  hg status | grep -q "$template"  && hg -q commit "${target}" -m"Commit template ${template}"   )
  <"${CORAL_HOME}"/templates/scripts/repomaster.txt envsubst \$HOSTNAME,\$FQDN,\$USER,\$CORAL_HOME |\
    mail  -s "Coral template publish request" $MAINTAINER_EMAIL

  echo "Email to $MAINTAINER_EMAIL sent."

status() {
doc "$@" <<EOT
status - Displays the current status of the simulation.

  [[ -f .coral_jobs ]] || die 2 "Error: no job information found in current directory. Make sure you run 'coral status' in the run directory."

  local jobid

  jobid=$(tail -1 .coral_jobs)

  [[ -f nemo.info ]] && {
    tail -4 nemo.info

  which squeue &> /dev/null  &&  squeue -j "${jobid}" &>/dev/null && {
    echo "Current job:"
    squeue -j "${jobid}"
  [[ -f time.step ]] && {
    echo "Current timestep: (hit CTRL-C to stop)"
  (while [ -f time.step ] ;do echo -en "$(cat time.step)" ; sleep 1 ; echo -en "\e[0K\r" ; done)

update() {
doc "$@" <<EOT
update - undocumented. Do not use.

  ( cd "${CORAL_HOME}" && hg pull --update ; )

list() {
doc "$@" <<EOT
list - List all templates available in local coral install

  ls -l "${CORAL_HOME}"/templates | grep -v files.txt | grep -v scripts

help() {
  cat <<RTFM
Usage: $0 <command> [<arguments>], where command is one of:
  init  - Initialize template in current directory. Default template is the machine name.
  build - Build submission script from template in current directory.
  submit - Submit job from submission script in current directory.
  status - Displays the current status of the simulation.
  save - Save modifications to template in current directory
  share  - Share template with other users on the same machine
  import - Import template from other user on the same machine
  publish - Submit template for inclusing in central coral repository
  list - List all available templates
Use 'coral <command> -h' for more information about a specific command.

completion() { #FIXME 
_coral ()   #  By convention, the function name
{                 #+ starts with an underscore.

    _get_comp_words_by_ref cur prev words cword

    COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "init commit submit build edit share save import publish update list status" -- $cur) )

complete -F _coral coral

if [[ ! "$1" =~ ^(init|commit|submit|build|edit|share|save|import|publish|update|list|status|completion)$ ]]; then
  help >&2
  exit 1