# Function leap days calculates the number of leap days (29th of Februrary) in # a time intervall between two dates. # # Usage leap_days START_DATE END_DATE #TODO: simplify this function leap_days() { local ld=0 local frstYYYY=$(date -ud "$1" +%Y) local lastYYYY=$(date -ud "$2" +%Y) set +e # Check first year for leap day between start and end date $(date -ud "${frstYYYY}-02-29" > /dev/null 2>&1) \ && (( $(date -ud "$1" +%s) < $(date -ud "${frstYYYY}-03-01" +%s) )) \ && (( $(date -ud "$2" +%s) > $(date -ud "${lastYYYY}-02-28" +%s) )) \ && (( ld++ )) # Check intermediate years for leap day for (( y=(( ${frstYYYY}+1 )); y<=(( ${lastYYYY}-1 )); y++ )) do $(date -ud "$y-02-29" > /dev/null 2>&1) && (( ld++ )) done # Check last year (if different from first year) for leap day between start # and end date (( $lastYYYY > $frstYYYY )) \ && $(date -ud "${lastYYYY}-02-29" > /dev/null 2>&1) \ && (( $(date -ud "$1" +%s) < $(date -ud "${frstYYYY}-03-01" +%s) )) \ && (( $(date -ud "$2" +%s) > $(date -ud "${lastYYYY}-02-28" +%s) )) \ && (( ld++ )) set -e echo "$ld" } [[ $@ == *verbose* ]] && set -x module load "${module_list:?}" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:}"${extralibs_list}" # # Create run directory # Copy executables # Copy XIOS XML files into run directory # Copy namelist files into run directory # if [ ! -d ${run_dir:?} ] then mkdir -p ${run_dir} if $special_restart then rsync -av --delete ${run_dir}/../${special_restart_from}/ --exclude log --exclude output --exclude restart --exclude="${special_restart_from}_*" --exclude="ocean*" --exclude="restart_*" --exclude="debug.*" --exclude="output.*" ${run_dir} cp -f ${nem_exe_file} ${run_dir} cp -f ${xio_exe_file} ${run_dir} special_year=${special_restart_date:0:4} sed -i "/$special_year/q" ${run_dir}/${info_file} . ${run_dir}/${info_file} special_restart_leg=$(printf %03d $((leg_number+1))) # PUT HERE THE INSTRUCTIONS TO COPY THE restart files cd ${run_dir}/../../archive/${special_restart_from}/restart/${special_restart_leg} for f in *.nc; do nf=${exp_name}${f:4} cp $f ${run_dir}/$nf done cd - cd ${run_dir} for f in ${exp_name}_????????_restart_???_????.nc; do nf=${f:14} ln -s $f $nf done cd - fi fi cd ${start_dir} cp -u xios_config/*xml "${run_dir}" cp -u namelists/* "${run_dir}" cd "${run_dir}" cp -u "${nem_exe_file:?}" . cp -u "${xio_exe_file:?}" . # Write fake file for previous fresh water budget adjustment (nn_fwb==2 in namelist) [[ ! -f EMPave_old.dat ]] && echo " 0 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00" > EMPave_old.dat #TODO: Enquiry about this # # Link data files into run directory # Attention: no space in filenames allowed! # (No protection against word splitting by design) # for file in "${ic_files[@]}"; do [[ ! -e ${file#*> } ]] && ln -sf $(sed 's/ *=> */ /' <<< "${ini_data_dir}/${ic_subdir}/${nem_grid}/$file") done for file in "${forcing_files[@]}"; do [[ ! -e ${file#*> } || "$file" == \** ]] && ln -sf $(sed 's/ *=> */ /' <<< "${ini_data_dir}/${forcing_subdir}/${nem_forcing_set}/$file") done for file in "${shared_files[@]}"; do [[ ! -e ${file#*> } ]] && ln -sf $(sed 's/ *=> */ /' <<< "${shared_dir}/$file") done # # Normalize date formats # run_start_date=$(date -uR -d "${run_start_date}") run_end_date="${run_start_date} + ${run_duration:?}" run_end_date=$(date -uR -d "${run_end_date}") run_start_epoch=$(date -u -d"${run_start_date}" +%s) run_end_epoch=$(date -u -d"${run_end_date}" +%s) for (( ; run_num_legs>0 ; run_num_legs-- )) do # # Initialize variables (using restart file if it exists) # Variables ending in '_date' are in RFC2822 # Variables ending in '_epoch' are in nb of seconds since 1970-01-01 # [[ -r "${info_file:?}" ]] && source "${info_file:?}" leg_start_date=${leg_end_date:-$run_start_date} leg_number=$((${leg_number:=0}+1)) leg_start_epoch=$(date -u -d "${leg_start_date}" +%s) leg_end_epoch=$(date -u -d "${leg_start_date:?} + ${rst_freq:=$run_duration}" +%s) leg_end_date=$(date -uR -d@"${leg_end_epoch}") leg_length_sec=$(( leg_end_epoch - leg_start_epoch )) leg_start_sec=$(( leg_start_epoch - run_start_epoch )) leg_end_sec=$(( leg_end_epoch - run_start_epoch )) leg_start_date_yyyymmdd=$(date -u -d "${leg_start_date}" +%Y%m%d) # FIXME appears unused # Correct for leap days because NEMO standalone uses no-leap calendar leg_length_sec=$(( leg_length_sec - $(leap_days "${leg_start_date}" "${leg_end_date}")*24*3600 )) leg_start_sec=$(( leg_start_sec - $(leap_days "${run_start_date}" "${leg_start_date}")*24*3600 )) leg_end_sec=$(( leg_end_sec - $(leap_days "${run_start_date}" "${leg_end_date}")*24*3600 )) (( leg_number > 1 )) && leg_is_restart=true || leg_is_restart=false # # Compute leg end-date and trim if necessary # (( leg_end_epoch > run_end_epoch )) && leg_end_date=${run_end_epoch} # # Check whether there is some work left to do # if (( leg_start_epoch >= run_end_epoch )) then echo "Leg start date equal to or after end of simulation." echo "Nothing left to do. Cleaning and exiting." for (( n=0 ; n namelist_cfg # # Link the restart files # ns=$(printf %08d $(( leg_start_sec / nem_time_step_sec - nem_restart_offset ))) if ((leg_start_sec > 0 )); then for (( n=0 ; n/dev/null # # Check whether there is some work left to do in a further job # [[ $@ == *noresubmit* ]] && exit 0 if (( leg_end_epoch < run_end_epoch )) ; then echo "Leg end earlier than end of simulation." echo "Submitting another job." #[[ $@ == *local* ]] && exec $0 $@ || scontrol requeue $SLURM_JOB_ID #TODO: factorize this if [ "$@" == *local* ] ; then exec "$0" "$@" elif [ "${submit_command}" == *sbatch* ] ; then "${submit_command}" "$0" "$@" | awk '{print $4}' >> "${run_dir}"/.coral_jobs else "${submit_command}" -v PBS_OPTIONS="$@" "$0" | tee -a coral_jobs sleep 2 jobid=`cat coral_jobs` rm -f coral_jobs jobid=${jobid%.*} echo "${jobid}" >> "${run_dir}"/.coral_jobs fi else echo "Nothing left to do. Cleaning and exiting." # FIXME Factorize this (we have two exit points) for (( n=0 ; n