#7 No restart on zenobe with nemo_dev and coral

otvorené 5 rokov pred užívateľom sterlin · 1 komentárov

Coral doesn't submit the next leg in zenobe. This is linked to the skeleton and bug fix 296953dcf4. Undoing the bug fix works

Coral doesn't submit the next leg in zenobe. This is linked to the skeleton and bug fix 296953dcf4. Undoing the bug fix works
Pierre-Yves Barriat okomentoval 5 rokov pred

Hi @sterlin,

Indeed, it was a mistake following a bugfix for lemaitre3.

Now it's fixed: 021071e243

Hi @sterlin, Indeed, it was a mistake following a bugfix for lemaitre3. Now it's fixed: https://gogs.elic.ucl.ac.be/TECLIM/Coral/commit/021071e243d9d0d15f4e8472a73842b3fc1ad4e6
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