#6 Script to generate perturbations in NEMO restarts

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Hi @pbarriat and @smarchi,

I have added in Coral the feature to create copies of a given NEMO ocean restart file. Each copy is exactly the same as the original, except that sea surface temperatures has been perturbed with a white noise of standard deviation 0.0001 K.

Note that this perturbation only makes sense in coupled mode, I expect that in forced mode it will not have any effect.

The name of the script is gener_perturb_nemo_restart.bash and it is now in the master of Coral (main folder).


Hi @pbarriat and @smarchi, I have added in Coral the feature to create copies of a given NEMO ocean restart file. Each copy is exactly the same as the original, except that sea surface temperatures has been perturbed with a white noise of standard deviation 0.0001 K. *Note* that this perturbation only makes sense in coupled mode, I expect that in forced mode it will not have any effect. The name of the script is `gener_perturb_nemo_restart.bash` and it is now in the master of Coral (main folder). François
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