@@ -313,6 +313,11 @@ do
n_month_full_run=$(( $(( 12 * $(( ${run_end_date_yyyymmdd::4} - ${run_start_date_yyyymmdd::4} )) )) + $(( ${run_end_date_yyyymmdd:4:2} - ${run_start_date_yyyymmdd:4:2} )) ))
n_month_full_run=$(( $(( 12 * $(( ${run_end_date_yyyymmdd::4} - ${run_start_date_yyyymmdd::4} )) )) + $(( ${run_end_date_yyyymmdd:4:2} - ${run_start_date_yyyymmdd:4:2} )) ))
+ if (( n_month_isfcpl == 0 )); then
+ echo "Error. With isfcpl == 1 (ice-shelf coupling activated), the restart length must be an integer number of months. Here rst_freq=\"${rst_freq}\" "
+ exit 2
+ fi
if (( $(( ${n_month_full_run} % ${n_month_isfcpl} )) != 0 )); then
if (( $(( ${n_month_full_run} % ${n_month_isfcpl} )) != 0 )); then
echo "n_month_full_run=${n_month_full_run} is not a multiple of n_month_isfcpl=${n_month_isfcpl}."
echo "n_month_full_run=${n_month_full_run} is not a multiple of n_month_isfcpl=${n_month_isfcpl}."
exit 2
exit 2